AIA Michigan Monday Minutes 

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI

Executive Director

May 5, 2014 
Edition 5.1
Cathy Headshot 
Happy Monday!


And Happy May! This week is West Michigan Design Week and the AIA Grand Rapids chapter has played an important role in organizing high-quality tours and speakers for a whole week of design celebration. There are a variety of events occurring each day from today through Friday, such as the director's tour of "Michigan Modern", numerous tours of buildings, basilicas and everything in between, a student project exhibition and even a TEDxGrandRapids event. Be sure to check the official website for event details!


I look forward to seeing you all at the AIA Michigan Design Awards celebration! This year the awards ceremony and reception will be held on June 7, 2014 at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum. Stay tuned for more announcements in your inbox!


And don't forget to save the date for the annual Mid Summer Conference! Join us August 7-9th!

Mid Summer StheD 2014   

Have a great week and remember to contact me anytime with your ideas or if you would like to join a committee!


Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI
AIA Michigan Executive Director  
In This Issue
Happy 20th Anniversary, Evelyn!
Free IDP Webinar: May 13th!
Continuing Education Opportunity of the Week: Owen-Ames-Kimball Lunch Tour
Green Health Summit: Save the Date!
2014 Dumke Golf Open: Register Today!
BCRC Building Codes Seminar!
MHPN Annual Conference: Register Today!
Volterra: Earn Continuing Education on Vacation in Italy!
Happy 20th Anniversary, Evelyn!
Evelyn headshot

Congratulations to Evelyn Dougherty for 20 years of dedication to the AIA Michigan and the MAF! Evelyn started her AIA Michigan career as a co-op student in high school and now is the Events and Operations Director. Though she gains more responsibilities each year, she is still the cheery voice that answers your calls. Evelyn is the embodiment of "service with a smile" and brightens the day of members and customers alike! 


Thank you for 20 great years of service, Evelyn! AIA Michigan is very lucky to have you as part of the team! 


If you would like to send Evelyn your congratulations, please email


Free IDP Webinar: May 13th: 12-1pm
IDP Webinar 2014

Let's get personal; when was the last time you had to go through the intern process?  Was Bush [41] still in office or was it Bush [43]?


According to Michigan's Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 1992 was the first year all new applicants needed a "NCARB blue cover council record".  How might IDP (Intern Development Program) have changed since then?  Well, quite a bit.


For those more senior in our profession, you may not have had to go through the Intern Development Process.  For those of us post 1992, it has changed so much, even since I started a record in 2007.


Join us for a 1 hour webinar to put us on the right track when it comes to IDP.  Our presentation will cover the basics of reporting, what an employer needs to know, and of course, how to get through it all unscathed by "gotcha" rules.  We will even cover NCARB resources available FREE online.


Please register for us to send resources ahead of time.


Any other IDP questions?

Please contact Matt Guinta, Associate AIA:

Continuing Education Opportunity of the Week: Owen-Ames-Kimball Lunch Tour
Owen-Ames-Kimball Lunchtime Building Tour
  • 11:45am - 1:00pm
  • 300 Ionia NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

This architectural tour of Owen-Ames-Kimball's corporate headquarters led by architect Greg Metz, AIA will show us how a fresh design can put a whole new spin on an existing building. As a commitment to downtown Grand Rapids, OAK chose to stay in the city center by renovating their headquarters in 2011 with complete interior demolition and reconfiguration of the building. Architects-one CEU credit for the tour is pending. More information and photos available here.


Meet in lobby
Tickets are free, but registration is required.

Attendance is limited so register today!

Green Health Summit: Save the Date!
AIA Michigan 
Green Health Summit

"Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice"

Building design partnerships across the state

September 8, 2014

The First day of Stair Week 2014



The Christman Company

Lansing, MI

Keynote speakers include:  

  • Governor Rick Snyder (invited)
  • Dr. Richard Jackson, MD - Host of PBS Healthy Communities documentary; Chair, Department of Public Health UCLA
  • Bill Roschen, FAIA, LEED AP - Past President, Los Angeles Planning Commission; Chair, AIA Design and Health Leadership Group
  • Margaret Newman, FAIA, LEED AP - Executive Director, Municipal Art Society of New York
More information will be available in the coming months! Contact with questions.
2014 Dumke Golf Open: Register Today!
MAF Dumke open mini logo
Please join the MAF and fellow AIA members on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at Stonebridge Golf Club in Ann Arbor, MI for the 4th Annual Dumke Golf Open! To register, visit the MAF website.
BCRC Building Codes Seminar!

AIA Detroit BC&RC presents: The New 2012 Michigan Building Code (MBC): An Overview and Look into the Significant Changes from 2009. The 2012 Michigan Building Code is on the way, come and learn about the changes on Thursday, May 15, 2014 from 9:00am-4:00pm (Lunch is included!)!


Continuing Education - 6 hours of HSW Learning Units!


Seminar Description:

Michigan will use a new building code; don't be caught designing to an outdated code! The Bureau of Construction Codes current expected adoption date is September 26, 2014.The new requirements in the 2012 MBC are extensive; over 160 changes covering nine different chapters, but not limited to, safety glazing, means of egress, and fire sprinkler systems. The significant differences between the current 2009 edition of the MBC and the new 2012 version will be presented by Mr. Jay Woodward of the International Code Council at the San Marino Club in Troy, Michigan. Attendees will receive free ICC workbooks detailing the changes in the new code; lunch is included. At the seminar mid-break, Mr. Ben Tiseo of the Michigan Government Affairs Committee will explain the new Michigan requirement for mandatory continuing education.


8:30am - 9:00am - Registration, Check-in

9:00am - 4:00pm - Seminar (with break for included lunch)

Location:  San Marino Club in Troy, (

Cost: $100.00 AIA Members - $150.00 Non-AIA Members - $100.00 SEMBOIA Members - $75.00 for AIA Emerging Professional Committee Members, AIA Associate Members, Students and retired professionals.


Michigan Historic Preservation Network (MHPN) Annual Conference- Register Today!
MHPN logo
The MHPN's 34th Annual Conference - "Michigan Places Matter: Discovering how your community's cultural resources can make placemaking unique" is coming up on May 15-17, 2014! 

AIA Michigan and several of our members firms proudly sponsor this event, the state's largest and most comprehensive preservation conference, because the quality speakers, vital content and networking opportunities are beneficial to the architectural profession and to our communities across the state. 

For more information, please read the extensive conference brochure and be sure to register before May 7th!


Volterra: Earn CEU's on Vacation in Italy!
Volterra The University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture and the Volterra Detroit Foundation are pleased to announce a Fall program in the historic Etruscan city of Volterra, Italy to earn 24 AIA HSW units.  
The program begins on September 27 and ends October 5, 2014.  You will stay at the newly renovated Volterra International Residential College and tour Florence and Siena as part of the program.  A flat fee includes rooms, meals, transportation and course and tour fees.  Spouses, partners, family and friends are welcome to join you in this exciting adventure.  Space is limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, so sign up now!  
For complete information visit our web site at or contact Prof. Stephen Vogel, FAIA at or Prof. Wladek Fuchs, Tour Leader, at  
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Thank you to our Monday Minutes Sponsor! 

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Sponsorship Available! 

Let us help you sell your product or service! Advertise with AIA Michigan and see your ad in next week's Monday Minutes!

Email for more information

AIA Michigan Job Board 

Have you checked the Job Board lately? New positions and resumes are added every week along with scholarship opportunities and design competitions!


If you have questions or are interested in placing an opening or resume, email

Upcoming Events 


- May 13, 2014: IDP Webinar 


- May 15-17, 2014: MHPN Annual Preservation Conference, Jackson


- May 22, 2014: Dumke Golf Open, Ann Arbor


- June 7, 2014: AIAMI Design Honor Awards, Broad Art Museum, East Lansing


Visit Our Calendar
Contact AIAMI Staff

Cathy Mosley: Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship


Evelyn Dougherty: Events and Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents,  Continuing Education,  Membership


Christine Zylla Lovstrom: Communications Director: Social Media, Calendar Updates,  Announcements, Press Releases, Emerging Professionals


Dennis King, FAIA: Public Policy Director: Public Awareness, Government Affairs and Fund Development.