AIA Michigan Monday Minutes 

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI     

Executive Director


Champion the profession. Nurture our chapters. Build Michigan better.
May 11, 2015
Happy Monday!
Cathy Headshot
Happy Monday!

This week is AIA National Convention. I hope I see you in Atlanta!

Have a great week and remember to contact me anytime with your ideas or if you would like to join a committee!

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI
AIA Michigan Executive Director 
Weekly Highlights

Get reimbursed for your ARE exams! Apply for the Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship . The deadline for submissions is May 26, 2015 .
Apply  here .

Notes from Lansing

The State's Annual Joint Meeting of the Architects', Engineers' and Surveyors' Boards took place last week on May 6. Included was a brief overview of the ongoing "Reinventing Performance in Michigan" initiatives. According to the State's Website, "After four years of transforming state government, Michigan has become a leader in implementing positive changes for business. Prior to the Reinventing Performance in Michigan (RPM) process, state government had too many delays, duplicative forms and impractical regulations and practices." (The attached Press Release shows progress regarding Design Licensure improvements.) As a part of these initiatives, additional internal reorganization will create a new Bureau of Professional Licensing, through which we architects will process our licenses. More information should be forthcoming this summer...Read more here.


James Timberlake, FAIA to Lead an International Design Workshop in Volterra, Italy. Read more here.


LARA- As a reminder, new administrative rules took effect October 10, 2013 requiring architects to complete continuing education as a condition for license renewal.

Read more here.

Upcoming Events

CREW Detroit Redevelopment Opportunities , May 12
MIPlace Placemaking Strategy Development
Next Workshop: May 13, Grand Rapids

Michigan Historic Preservation Network, May 13 -16
More Information

AIA 2015 Convention: Atlanta, May 14-16

AIAMI 2015 Honor Awards CelebrationJune 5

More Information


Metanoia Fellowship Opportunity

Application Due: June 15

More Information

CAM/HBA Fifth annual Mid-Year Economic Forecast and State of the Industry Luncheon, June 18

MAF/Dumke Golf Outing, June 22


CREW Detroit Impact Awards, September 16 

Strategic Plan 2014 -2020

As the architectural profession moves through the first decade of the twenty-first century, it becomes increasingly obvious that the pace of change continues to accelerate . . .

In This Issue
Job Postings!

Have you checked the Job Board lately? New positions and resumes are added every week along with scholarship opportunities and design competitions!


If you have questions or are interested in placing an opening or resume, email 


Recent Postings:


Krieger Klatt Architects seeks Residential Architectural Designer


Concept Design seeks full-time Project Architect.


The Collaborative seeks Interior Designer.


Scott Architects seeks Project Architect.

Contact the Staff

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI:

Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship


Evelyn Dougherty, Hon. Aff. AIAMI:

Events and Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents,

Continuing Education, Membership 


Public Policy Director:  Public Awareness, Government Affairs and Fund Development