The staff is looking forward to seeing everyone at Design Retreat! There are only 3 DAYS left to register.
Click here to register.
The AIAMI Presidents and Board met on September 9th to discuss Realignment in Lansing. Click here
to review the information from AIA National.
The Annual Meeting and CES Seminars will be October 16.
Click here for more information!
Be on the lookout for the Annual Meeting Bylaws ballot that will be sent out later this week in the mail and online. You may also vote in person on October 16th. If you are a Chapter Leader attending the AIA Michigan Leadership Retreat you must return the registration form that was emailed to you. If you would like to attend please contact for a registration form.
Have a great week and remember to
contact me
anytime with your ideas or if you would like to join a committee!
Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI
AIA Michigan Executive Director
Government Affairs Committee: Note to Firms offering Architect Services
The following important language is from the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs regarding Professional Licensing for Architects in Michigan. It is relatively new and can be found on the State's Website, and
we encourage all Michigan Architects to follow through
immediately as noted:
Firms Offering Architect Services
In order to obtain approval from the Department under MCL 339.2010(2) please send an email to that contains the following:
* Name of the firm seeking approval
* Address of the firm
* Name of the person submitting the request
* A certification stating the following:
"2/3 of the principals of <<YOUR FIRM NAME>> are licensed under Article 20 of the Occupational Code and the conduct of the firm and its principals complies with the law and rules promulgated by the Department."
Weekly Highlights
Register for the BC & RC Learning Seminar on Wednesday, September 16! Registration closes tomorrow night.
Click here to register
CREW Detroit Impact Awards
, September 16
AGC of Michigan: Supervisory Training Program,
Detroit Design Home Awards, Extended Deadline is October 1, 2015!
More Information
The Michigan Architectural Foundation Rae Dumke Children's Book Collection "Build Imagination"
will be launched in conjunction with the Children's Block Party at the Baldwin Library, at 300 W. Merrill, Birmingham, on Saturday, September 26, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Upcoming Events
Anticipatory Urbanisms Lecture by Michael Maltzan, September 23
More Information
AIA Detroit Celebration of Architecture, September 24
AIA Detroit TAP/DEBUG Committee Meeting,
Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy's Annual Conference, September 30 - October 4
21st Annual MHPN Fall Benefit, October 3
AIA Michigan ARE Seminar: Site Planning and Design,
REINVENTION Symposium, October 12-13
Annual Meeting, October 16
AIA Leadership Institute in Cleveland, OH, October 23
SMPS / AIA Become a MARKITECT Lecture,
November 5, Information coming soon!
2015 Society of Architectural Historians Awards Gala,
AIA Michigan ARE Seminar: Schematic Design Vignette, November 7,
More Information
AAF's National Summit on School Design,
2016 Legislative Day, March 16
Strategic Plan 2014 -2020
As the architectural profession moves through the first decade of the twenty-first century, it becomes increasingly obvious that the pace of change continues to accelerate . . .
Job Postings!
Have you checked the
Job Board lately? New positions and resumes are added every week along with scholarship opportunities and design competitions!
If you have questions or are interested in placing an opening or resume, email
Recent Postings:
Street Works Design is seeking an
Urban Designer to join their Detroit office.
Contact the Staff
Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI:
Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship
Evelyn Dougherty, Hon. Aff. AIAMI:
Events and Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents,
Continuing Education, Membership
Public Policy Director:
Public Awareness, Government Affairs and Fund Development