AIA Michigan Monday Minutes

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI     

Executive Director


Champion the profession. Nurture our chapters. Build Michigan better.
August 24, 2015
Happy Monday!
Cathy Headshot
It's hard to believe Summer is almost over! I hope everyone enjoys the last week of August.

Check out the Highlights Video from the Mid Summer Conference here

Registration for the 26th Annual Design Retreat is now open! Click here to register.

The Annual Meeting and Leadership Retreat will be October 15-16. Click here for more information!

Earn 12 HSW Credits by attending the S EER TRAINING - When Disaster Strikes Lecture on September 11 & 12 . More Information

Have a great week and remember to  contact me  anytime with your ideas or if you would like to join a committee! 

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI
AIA Michigan Executive Director 
Weekly Highlights
Message from AIA Associates: #WEARE | #AssocAIA

During the past year our profession has examined the path and experience of those working in architecture and eligible for licensure. Titling and IDP are two very "hot topics". The National Associates Committee has commenced on a campaign highlighting the Associate's identity. Please look for our hash tags "#WEARE" and "#AssocAIA" on twitter and Facebook...
read more

Participate in the 2015 Project Management Survey! Receive 35% OFF ANY Zweig Group Survey.  Participate here

Michigan State University is conducting an international survey to analyze the cultures of each built environment profession, click here to take the survey!
Upcoming Events

AIA Huron Valley: Hard Hat Tour - Residence Inn, September 9, Register Here

Innovate Michigan! Summit 2015, September 10

AGC of Michigan: Supervisory Training Program - Leadership and Motivation, September 11, 

SEER Training - When Disaster Strikes Lecture, September 11-12, More Information

AIA Michigan ARE Seminar: Programming Planning & Practice, September 12, Register Here

AIA Toledo ARE Seminar: Programming Planning & Practice, September 12, Register Here

CREW Detroit Impact Awards, September 16 

AGC of Michigan: Supervisory Training Program, September 18, More Information 

AIA Michigan 26th Annual Design Retreat,
September 18 - 20, Information coming soon!

Anticipatory Urbanisms Lecture by Michael Maltzan, September 23

AGC of Michigan: Supervisory Training Program,September 25, More Information

AIA Detroit TAP/DEBUG Committee Meeting,
October 1, RSVP Here

Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy's Annual Conference, September 30 - October 4

21st Annual MHPN Fall Benefit, October 3

AIA Michigan ARE Seminar: Site Planning and Design,
October 10, More Information

REINVENTION Symposium, October 12-13

Leadership Retreat, October 15-17

SMPS / AIA Become a MARKITECT Lecture,
November 5, Information coming soon!

2015 Society of Architectural Historians Awards Gala,
November 6, More Information

AIA Michigan ARE Seminar: Schematic Design Vignette, November 7,  More Information

AAF's National Summit on School Design
November 6-8  More Information

2016 Legislative Day, March 16

Strategic Plan 2014 -2020

As the architectural profession moves through the first decade of the twenty-first century, it becomes increasingly obvious that the pace of change continues to accelerate . . .

In This Issue
Job Postings!

Have you checked the Job Board lately? New positions and resumes are added every week along with scholarship opportunities and design competitions!

If you have questions or are interested in placing an opening or resume, email 
Recent Postings:

University of Michigan has an opportunity for an Electrical Engineer Senior is available with Facilities Planning and Development.

Jeffrey A Scott Architects is seeking candidates for an Assistant Project Manager/ Project Architect position.

Quinn Evans Architects has an immediate opening for a full-time Administrative Assistant / Marketing Coordinator in their AA office.

PBK is in search of a Specifications Manager in Houston, TX. 

Concept Design is seeking a Project Architect (5-10 years experience) as well as a Junior Architect (3-5 years experience).

TowerPinkster is a firm of architects and engineers committed to design integrity, quality, and environmental responsibility. They are seeking an Architectural Project Coordinator.
Contact the Staff

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI:

Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship


Evelyn Dougherty, Hon. Aff. AIAMI:

Events and Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents,

Continuing Education, Membership 


Public Policy Director: Public Awareness, Government Affairs and Fund Development