President's Message:
Greetings. As we deal with the hustle and bustle of schools starting in the next week or so and hope that our comfortable routines will snap back into place soon, please note that the next few months will be very busy for AIA Michigan; anything but routine.
Construction on our Midtown Office space will start in in the next week, with the goal of being completed by November 1st. During our annual meeting we will offer a tour of the building for anyone who wants to see it.
Important upcoming meetings
We would like to ask that members attend the State Board of Architects meeting on September 9th at 1:00 pm at (Ottawa Building, Conference Room 4, 611 W. Ottawa St., Lansing, MI). At this meeting we will be asking the board to align the rules for Michigan IDP to match NCARB streamlining changes adopted last quarter. We will also be asking that the board take more action regarding unlicensed practice in the future. We have sent the state board letters supporting these positions and now have to have a show of solidarity at their meeting so they can see that the membership is in support. Much like legislative day, this is an event that needs you to show up for it to be effective.
Following the State Board of Architects meeting on September 9th at 3:00 pm at (Lansing Community College, Room W157 at 5708 Cornerstone Drive in Lansing) the AIA Michigan board will be having a 'presidents meeting'. We have invited all of the chapter presidents to attend this meeting to discuss our realignment efforts and goals. This meeting is not limited to our chapter presidents, anyone interested to participate may attend and we would encourage all of you to take advantage of this discussion. Of particular interest may be that the meeting will begin with a webinar discussion with AIA National to address questions you might have for them. So this will be a great opportunity to get questions answered. We will then move on to discuss our work on realignment through the end of the year. It is our desire to get participation from every chapter.
October 16th is AIA Michigan's Annual Meeting to be held at the Book Cadillac Hotel in Detroit from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. We will be voting on at least two bylaws changes. The first deals with changing the size of the AIA MI Board from 24 to 16 members. The second will allow sections at the state level. Both votes are targeting to streamlining governance, and complying with National driven initiatives.
"The Times They Are a-Changin" was written by Bob Dylan 52 years ago in 1963. In the time leading up to being President, I asked people what they thought would increase member value, and the majority wanted change. We have the opportunity to make changes for the betterment of our Society and Profession. I encourage you all to participate in these important discussions and to look forward when making these important decisions.
Important Links:
Invitation from the AIA Michigan Center for Emerging Professional Resources (CEPR)
Jeff Ferweda, AIA
AIA Michigan President
Executive Director's Message:
This newsletter will replace this week's Monday Minutes! Check our website for new job postings and events to register for!
Monthly Recap:
Message from AIA Associates: #WEARE | #AssocAIA
During the past year our profession has examined the path and experience of those working in architecture and eligible for licensure. Titling and IDP are two very "hot topics". The National Associates Committee has commenced on a campaign highlighting the Associate's identity. Please look for our hash tags "#WEARE" and "#AssocAIA" on twitter and Facebook...
read more
View the highlights from this year's
Mid Summer Conference!
Click Here
NCARB Accepts Over a Dozen Schools for "Integrated Path" to Licensure; Students Can Complete Internship and Take License Exams Before Graduation,
Press Release
- The Journal of the National Institute of Building Sciences, August 2015 publication highlighted The Building Enclosure Council - Greater Detroit.
- SMPS Michigan Taps Harley Ellis Devereaux Staff for Key Leadership Positions, Press Release
- Congratulations to Lawrence Technological University and University of Detroit Mercy for getting accepted for the NCARB Integrated Path Initiative! Press Release
- Amy Deines, Associate AIA named Interim Dean at the College of Architecture and Design at Lawrence Technological University. Announcement
New Members!
Welcome to our new members who joined, rejoined or transferred to
AIA Michigan in August:
Grace Ahn, AIA
Scott M. Bowers, AIA
Leann N. Dreher, AIA
Matthew O. Fromboluti, AIA
Christine R. Jappaya, Assoc. AIA Michael Jen, AIA Jie Liu, Assoc. AIA Sadashiv S. Mallya, Assoc. AIA Charles E. McCrary, Assoc. AIA Joseph S. Shadik, Assoc. AIA Lamberto Smigliani, AIA
Welcome to AIA Michigan and we look forward to meeting you at future events!!
Contact the Staff
Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship
Events and Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents,
Continuing Education, Membership
Public Policy Director:
Public Awareness, Government Affairs and Fund Development
Upcoming Events:
It Takes a Village to Raise a Partner FREE CEU Presentation, September 2
AIA Huron Valley: Hard Hat Tour - Residence Inn, September 9
Innovate Michigan! Summit 2015, September 10
AGC of Michigan: Supervisory Training Program - Leadership and Motivation, September 11
SEER Training - When Disaster S
trikes Lecture,
September 11-12,
More Information
AIA Michigan ARE Seminar: Programming Planning & Practice,
September 12,
More Information
AIA Toledo ARE Seminar: Programming Planning & Practice,
September 12,
CREW Detroit Impact Awards,
September 16
BC&RC Learning Seminar: Mixed Occupancies & Fire Separations,
September 16th
AGC of Michigan: Supervisory Training Program,
September 18
AIAMI 26th Annual Design Retreat
, September 18-20,
Anticipatory Urbanisms Lecture by Michael Maltzan,
September 23
More Information
AIA Detroit TAP Committee - Next Meeting,
October 1
Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy's Annual Conference,
September 30 - October 4
More Information
21st Annual MHPN Fall Benefit,
October 3
AIA Michigan ARE Seminar: Site Planning and Design
, October 10
October 12-13
AIA Michigan Annual Meeting,
October 16
SMPS / AIA Become a MARKITECT Lecture
, November 5, More Information coming soon!
2015 Society of Architectural Historians Awards Gala,
November 6,
AIA Michigan ARE Seminar: Schematic Design Vignette, November 7,
More Information
2016 Legislative Day,
March 16
Information coming soon!