AIA North Carolina is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020 Design and Chapter Awards.

The AIA North Carolina Design and Chapter Awards, held on Friday, October 23rd in an online event, is a statewide awards competition recognizing design that exceeds benchmarks for outstanding architectural design, structural composition, and application of design theory.

Over 100 projects were submitted to this year's program and 21 were awarded.
2020 Chapter Awards
2020 Emerging Professional Award Recipient:
Vershae Hite, AIA

Associate AIA members, as well as any architect residing and licensed to practice
architecture in North Carolina, whose initial date of licensure in any US jurisdiction is less than 10 years and not more than 15 years after graduation from an accredited school of architecture, and who is a member in good standing with AIA North Carolina, is eligible for the North Carolina Emerging Professional Award.
2020 Gail A. Lindsey Award Recipient:
Dr. Traci R. Rider

The Gail A. Lindsey Award is an honor bestowed to individuals or organizations in North Carolina that have worked in the architectural or an allied profession with the passion and commitment that is exemplary of Gail A. Lindsey. Advancing a cause; tirelessly working to improve the surrounding environment; performing work efforts with grace; and lifting the performance of all with whom one engages, are all qualities demonstrated by the award recipient(s). Like Gail, the annual award winner should be individuals or organizations that anyone would be proud to have worked with and/or called their colleague(s). Although the recipient(s) may have affected change in the area of environmental sustainability, the essential criteria is excellence in the chosen area of work related to architecture or an allied profession.
2020 Firm Award Recipient:

North Carolina architectural firms practicing under the leadership of either a single AIA North Carolina member principal or several AIA North Carolina member principals are eligible for the Firm Award. In addition, firms that have been reorganized and whose name has been changed or modified are also eligible, as long as the firm has been in operation
in North Carolina for a period of at least 10 years. Although firms that are headquartered in other states or firms that perform the majority of their work in other states or countries are eligible, the firm’s work and impact within the state of North Carolina shall be of primary consideration.
2020 Deitrick Service Medal Recipient:
Chris Brasier, FAIA

A current or deceased member of AIA North Carolina is eligible to receive the Deitrick Service Medal. The selection will be made from one of the following categories:

Service to the Community
This category recognizes the work of architects who serve as elected officials, public administrators or institutional leaders and establish and contribute to the development of laws, regulations and policies that promote excellence in architecture.

Service to the Chapter
This category recognizes the work of architects that, by their skill, professionalism, dedication, ability and commitment, have consistently advanced the common goals of AIA North Carolina.

Service to the Profession
This category recognizes the work of architects who have had a significant.
2020 F. Carter Williams Gold Medal Award Recipient:
Darrel J. Williams, Sr., FAIA

This is the highest honor presented by the Chapter to a member of AIA North Carolina. It is awarded to an individual in recognition of a distinguished career or extraordinary accomplishments as an architect. The award is named in memory of Raleigh architect F. Carter Williams, FAIA.
2020 Steven D. Schuster
Legacy Award Recipient:
David E. Gall, AIA

The Steven D. Schuster Legacy Award is given in recognition of an individual, group, corporation, institution, church or government entity’s, long standing commitment and contributions to architecture, for their support of the community of North Carolina architects and for their influence on North Carolina architecture. The award will be given from time to time as qualified candidates are brought to the attention of the North Carolina Awards Committee.