Fall 2022 ArchiTypes

President's Message

As the calendar turns to Fall, my term as AIA Ohio President draws to a close. It has been a pleasure serving AIA Ohio members because of the dedicated group of architects that serve with me on the Board. I am constantly impressed and appreciative of the countless hours these individuals invest in advancing the organization for the benefit of our members and the profession. Over the past nine months, we have begun our work on defining the strategies and implementing the tactics of a three-year Strategic Plan.

Link to President's Message

Government Affairs Update
AIA Ohio Government Affairs

Campaigning toward the General Election set for Tuesday, November 8, 2022 is in full swing. It is likely that the Republican incumbent officeholders will be re-elected, including Governor Mike DeWine.

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AIA Ohio Design Symposium

On Sept. 23, AIA Ohio came to Cleveland to hold the AIA Ohio Design Symposium. The day included three different tracks of tours: Historic, Mixed-use, and Visual & Performing Arts. Over 50 members visited three architecturally significant sites in Cleveland’s University Circle district. The groups met up at the Cleveland Clinic Samson Pavilion for lunch and a tour. The day wrapped up with the AIA Ohio 2022 Design Awards Program, where 18 projects received five honorable mention awards, nine merit awards and four honor awards, plus the AIA Ohio Impact Award. Three additional projects received the highest amount of votes in the AIA Ohio People’s Choice Awards. You can see the winning projects here: https://www.aiaohio.org/design-awards/.

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While many members associate the AIA Ohio Foundation with scholarships, the charter of the organization defines a much broader role within the design community. From education and research to awards and prizes along with scholarships and the support of scholarly work, the Foundation was founded as an entity that touched every part of the profession. With a long history of scholarship support, the Foundation has, in recent years, looked for ways the organization can reach a wider range of individuals and organizations. Through the Foundation grant program and the AIAS chapter grants, the Foundation attempts to meet the needs of members at all stages of their careers.

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2023 Slate of Officers

For election at the 2022 AIA Ohio Annual Meeting

November 17, 2022 | Via Zoom Meetings


John Orsini, AIA

Member of AIA since 1991

BSHM Architects, Inc.



John Meegan, AIA

Member of AIA since 1994

Gutknecht Construction



Charlie Setterfield, AIA

Member of AIA since 2007

Sinclair Community College


Eric Pros, AIA, MBA
Member of AIA Ohio since 2011
DS Architecture

Read more on the 2023 Slate of Officers

AIA Ohio Bylaws Amendments

AIA Ohio Bylaws – 2022 Proposed Amendments 7.28 

AIA Ohio Bylaws Amendments Explanation

AIA Ohio Past Presidents

AIA Ohio Past Presidents at the AIA Ohio Reception in Chicago at A22. Seen here, left to right: Chas Schreckenberger, FAIA; Doug Steidl, FAIA; Elizabeth Corbin Murphy, FAIA; Bruce Sekanick, FAIA; Karen Planet, AIA; John Rogers, FAIA; Terry Welker, FAIA; and John Senhauser, FAIA 

AIA Cincinnati Update

AIA Cincinnati is celebrating Architecture Month (October) with an Instagram series featuring member projects and several programs. 

Capturing the beauty of a building, or its details, can be challenging. Learn strategies for taking share-worthy photos of buildings during a one-hour Architecture Photo Safari on October 8, 2022.

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Thank You to Our 2022 Sponsors