Spring 2022 ArchiTypes

President's Message

AIA Ohio’s Mission is to advocate for the profession of architecture, and that has been much of our focus for the first quarter of this year.  

Our Government Advocacy workgroup, led by Immediate Past President Karen Planet, has been diligently working to expand AIA Ohio’s government advocacy approach. In early February, we hosted an “Advocacy Listening Session” Zoom meeting open to all members of AIA Ohio, to hear what issues were most important to them that would guide our legislative agenda.  

Link to President's Message

Government Affairs Update
AIA Ohio Government Affairs

The Ohio General Assembly is working actively to conclude its work by June 30, 2022, when the members will return to their districts to campaign for re-election in November. Still open is the drawing of legislative districts, rejected as unconstitutional three times (and soon likely a fourth time) by the Ohio Supreme Court.


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2022 Early Professional Friendly Firms

Congratulations to Ohio’s Early Professional Friendly Firms!

Earlier this year, AIA Ohio announced the newly created Early Professional Friendly Firm Program. The goal of this program is to celebrate firms who offer exceptional support and opportunities for their early professionals. Additionally, the program seeks to foster a dialogue within firms across the state with the objective of creating new policies and practices that promote innovation, development, and progressive workplaces for the future members of the design profession.

This year, there were two designations possible for a firm to receive. The Early Professional Firm Friendly Designation and the Early Professional Firm Friendly Plus+ Designation. 

  • EP Firm Friendly Designation is earned by receiving a passing score of 70% (55 points) or above on the EP Firm Friendly questionnaire
  • EP Firm Friendly Plus+ Designation is earned by receiving a score of 80% (63 points) or above

View 2022 EP Friendly Firms Here

Plan Now To Attend these AIA Ohio Programs

Technology Summit

July 28-29 | Dayton

Design Symposium

September 22-23 | Cleveland

Member Recognition Event

November 3 | Columbus

Click here for more inforamtion

Helping To Create a Pathway to the Profession

For many years, the AIA Ohio Foundation focused principally on funding scholarships for students in Ohio’s architectural programs. These scholarships varied in size, depending on the resources available to the Foundation at the time. A little over five years ago, the Foundation looked for ways to connect with more students than those five, six, or seven scholarship recipients. We needed a better tool to use in our outreach efforts. With the development of our AIAS chapter grants, we found the tool we needed to connect and help members of the AIAS community. Unfortunately, this effort had to be suspended with the start of the pandemic. Now, after nearly two years, the Foundation has started this program again.  

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AIA Ohio Honor Awards

June 30 Deadline Approaching

There are five AIA Ohio Honor Awards which recognize Ohio’s best and brightest architects and firms. Nominations can come from individuals or from local components. The five awards are: AIA Ohio Gold Medal Award, AIA Ohio Gold Medal Firm Award, AIA Ohio Public Service Award, AIA Ohio Mentor Award, and AIA Ohio Emerging Professionals Award. Submissions can be made via the online portal, here.  

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AIA Ohio Design Awards

The AIA Ohio Design Awards Program is Open for Submissions!

The AIA Ohio Design Awards Program seeks to focus attention on quality design, high performance design and AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence. The Framework for Design Excellence represents the defining principles of good design in the 21st century. Click here to begin: www.aiaohio.org/design-awards/The deadline for submitting projects is July 1.

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The Ohio Architects' PAC

Since the last newsletter, we have been making great strides for the AIA Ohio PAC. We now have 100% participation from the AIA Ohio Board, the AIA Ohio PAC Committee, AIA Youngstown, AIA Toledo and AIA Akron! Thanks to all who have contributed to date. If you have not made a contribution, or would like to make another one for this year, please visit www.aiaohio.org/aia-ohio-advocacy-and-the-aia-ohio-pac/

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AIA Cincinnati Update

Two AIA Cincinnati Members Elevated to the College of Fellows

AIA Cincinnati congratulates Robert Busch, FAIA, drawing dept and Douglas J. Gallow, Jr., FAIA, Lifespan Design Studio on being elevated to the American Institute of Architects’ prestigious College of Fellows, AIA’s highest membership honor, for their exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society.

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AIA Cleveland Upcoming Events

Design Cruise Line

June 3, 2022

Sandfest 2022

August 6, 2022

Click here for more information

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