The Rupert Report
From the Desk of AIANTA's CEO
July 5, 2021
Meek’s Bay Resort in California at Lake Tahoe, managed by the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California.
AIANTA Highlights for the Coming Week
Celebrating the 4th of July
I hope you all had a beautiful and safe holiday weekend. The Fourth of July is the day Americans commemorate the Declaration of Independence in the United States. However, it is also important to acknowledge that Native people have been here long before colonization, and that some of the most famous language from the Declaration, "that all men are created equal" was not at all inclusive to Native Americans. While we all deserve this day of rest and recuperation, I encourage everyone to reflect on the complicated history of this day of “celebration.” For great insights read the Do American Indians Celebrate the 4th of July article in the Smithsonian Magazine.

Last Chance: Tourism & Hospitality Scholarship
Deadline: July 8, 2021
At AIANTA, education is the very heartbeat of our work.

That includes developing a sustainable hospitality industry by helping educate future tourism leaders. AIANTA strongly encourages Indigenous students to connect with their cultural legacy, while also building their careers in the hospitality industry.

AIANTA is proud to offer the Tourism and Hospitality Scholarship, which provides American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students with financial assistance towards a degree or certificate in hospitality, tourism, recreation, culinary arts or related fields.

Developing Regional Alliances for Cooperative Marketing Webinar
July 13, 2021; 10 a.m. MDT
A strategic approach to destination marketing includes bringing together partners under one collaborative umbrella to ensure a wider reach for all stakeholders. How can a tribe work collectively to promote tourism within their state or region? Join Suzette Brewer, Executive Director of Native American Tourism of Wisconsin (NATOW), Jason Morsette of the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara (MHA) Nation and Charlene Virgilio, of Four Directions Development Corporation (in partnership with the Maine Department of Economic Development) as they share the benefits of developing a regional marketing program.

Meet us at RES!
July 19-21 Las Vegas, NV
AIANTA is going to RES and we would love to connect.

Hear me speak at the "Possibilities: Grow & Transition Your Career with Purpose" panel discussion at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 20, in the Jubilee Ballroom 2.

And don't miss my presentation on AIANTA's "Case Studies in Tribal Agritourism" at 3:45 p.m. on Tuesday, July 20, in the Jubilee Ballroom 1.

We will be located at booth #132 in the Paris Hotel Convention Center. Please drop by or make an appointment to meet with me!

Town Hall Summary
If you missed our recent Town Hall on the upgrade of, you can view the discussion online. We are excited by the feedback we received and we will continue to reach out as we plan upgrades to the site. If you’d like to participate on our site redesign steering committee, please contact Jacqueline Robledo, AIANTA Content & Social Media Coordinator at

(See you later, Northern Paiute)

Sherry L. Rupert, Chief Executive Officer
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association
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