The Rupert Report
From the Desk of AIANTA's CEO
December 13, 2021
AIANTA Staff Holiday Photo 2021
AIANTA Highlights for the Coming Week
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Support AIANTA this holiday season while you shop. After you designate AIANTA as your preferred charitable organization through AmazonSmile, Amazon will contribute .5 percent of all purchases to help support AIANTA programming.

​Information Session & Indigenous Marketing Spotlight: GW & AIANTA Professional Certificate in Cultural Heritage Tourism
Tuesday, December 14; 10 a.m. MST
Join us for a 30-minute information session on the Professional Certificate in Cultural Heritage Tourism offered by the George Washington University International Institute of Tourism Studies (GW) in partnership with AIANTA. This 7-week online program provides tourism entrepreneurs and community leaders with the tools to identify and develop tourism assets.

During this information session, GW Program Manager, Anna Barrera, will provide an overview of program content, structure and time commitment. Session participants will have the opportunity to hear from one of the program instructors, Talia Salem, who teaches the Tourism Marketing course. Ms. Salem will provide a case study showcasing how an Indigenous tourism department pivoted their marketing efforts during the pandemic as well as a preview of the Tourism Marketing course topics and learning objectives. There will be an opportunity for Q&A following the presentation.

Renew Your Membership
Join AIANTA by January 31, 2022, and receive one of AIANTA’s proprietary Apache Dancer thumb drives.
If you are already a member, you may renew your membership for 2022 by January 31, 2022 to receive the thumb drive. If you are a new member who has joined within the past 12 months, we can prorate your renewal for the remainder of 2022.
SDSU Certificate in Cultural Tourism & Tribal Enterprises
January 10 – March 13, 2022 (Level 1)
March 14-May 8, 2022 (Level 2)
AIANTA is partnering with San Diego State University (SDSU) to offer the online Certificate in Cultural Tourism and Tribal Enterprises (“CTTE”). The for-credit certificate, to be offered through SDSU Global Campus and developed by the L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management program, will allow professionals to explore the fundamentals of tribal tourism planning.

America250 Alaska Federation of Natives Convention
Please join the America250 Foundation this Monday and Tuesday, December 13th and 14th, during the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention! This year’s convention is fully online and America250 is hosting a coffee chat and listening session with the Tribal public and private sector. America250 is tasked with making America’s 250th anniversary in 2026 an unforgettable experience for all. 

Time: 2:10pm to 2:40pm MST, (4:10pm EST)
Zoom: Meeting ID: 925 1640 3172
Description: America250 is charged with leading the largest and most inclusive anniversary observance in U.S. history and making an unforgettable experience for all Americans. So how do we plan to get this done? Join our staff as we share our story and what we are doing to reach all sectors of America, including Alaska Native communities. Speakers include America250’s Tribal Partnerships Senior Manager Andrei Jacobs (Yup’ik & Inupiaq), Senior Vice-President Kyle Anderson, and Director or Tribal and National Partnerships Jamie Lee Marks. 
Time: 12:30pm to 1:00pm MST (2:30pm EST)
Zoom: Meeting ID: 980 6277 4889
Description: The 250th birthday of the United States is coming up before you know it. How will you and other Native nations respond to America’s birthday on July 4, 2026? Come share your thoughts with America250 on what is an appropriate Tribal response. Is it a commemoration? Let us know. Joining in the listening session are America250’s President & CEO Joe Daniels, Senior Vice-President Kyle Anderson, Senior Manager of Tribal Partnerships Andrei Jacobs (Yup’ik, Inupiaq) and Director of Tribal and Partnerships Jamie Lee Marks,
(See you later, Northern Paiute)

Sherry L. Rupert, Chief Executive Officer
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association
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