Remembering 9/11
It’s hard to believe 20 years have passed since the morning of September 11, 2001. It was such an emotional, powerful day, that lives on for many of us.
It’s not a familiar story to many, but a number of the first responders were Mohawk (Kanien’kehaka, People of the flint) ironworkers who dropped everything to help lend a hand at Ground Zero. These volunteers, many related to the ironworkers who’d helped build some of New York’s most impressive structures, including the World Trade Center, used their knowledge of steel to help clear the debris. Many of these volunteers later succumbed to illnesses related to the clean up at Ground Zero.
I know we all have powerful personal stories about 9/11 and I encourage you all to take time to reflect and remember, and to honor all the lives affected by the attacks and their aftermath.