The Rupert Report
From the Desk of AIANTA's CEO
October 11, 2021
Turquoise and Denim
AIANTA Highlights for the Coming Week
Indigenous People's Day
It is a short week for AIANTA as we are recognizing Indigenous People’s Day this Monday. Indigenous Peoples Day reimagines Columbus Day and changes a narrative about colonialism into an opportunity to discuss historical truths about the genocide and oppression of indigenous peoples in America and to celebrate indigenous resistance. Let us honor all of our Indigenous brothers and sisters today and celebrate their ingenuity, fortitude and accomplishments.
Announcing AITC "The Heart Speaks" Keynote Speaker: Patuk Glenn
Patuk Glenn is the Executive Director of the Arctic Slope Community Foundation (ASCF). Over the years Patuk has worked to help promote and preserve Inupiat way of life in various capacities. In early 2020, at the realization of the life-changing global pandemic, Patuk began creating cultural, educational and generally fun video productions for TikTok. Seemingly overnight the videos went viral. One video in particular, a short one-minute video created about her family’s ice cellar used to store subsistence foods such as bowhead whale, caribou, and seal was featured on national media sites that created a following of more than 125,000 fans. Patuk uses her influence to uplift Inupiaq culture, and teach the world about the beauty and challenges of life in the Arctic.

New Cultural Tourism and Tribal Enterprises Certificate Program
Classes Beginning January 2022
San Diego State University has partnered with AIANTA to offer an online Certificate in Cultural Tourism and Tribal Enterprises (“CTTE”).
The for-credit certificate, to be offered through SDSU Global Campus and developed by the L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management and the Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming, will allow professionals to explore the fundamentals of tribal tourism planning. The online program brings together academic and industry experts who will showcase tools for tribal tourism planners to develop tribally-specific strategies to sustain a balance between tribal cultural environments, economic development, tourism promotion and recreational use.

Excellence in Tourism Industry Awards Gala & Silent Auction
The annual American Indian Tourism Conference concludes with an evening gala, the 10th annual Excellence in Tourism Industry Awards Gala and Silent Auction, which celebrates leading Indigenous visitor destinations and hospitality professionals.

This year's gala will be outdoors (promoting social distancing) and the theme is Turquoise and Denim. We-Ko-Pa has also arranged a few surprises for guests, so be ready for some fun!

*AITC registrations include admission to gala.
Table sponsorships are available for $1,200 (8 tickets) and individual tickets are for sale at $150 per ticket and is open to the public (conference attendance not required.)

AITC Golf Tournament Singles
Do you want to play in the AITC golf tournament but don't have a team? No problem, you can sign up as an individual player and our golf professional at We-Ko-Pa Golf Club will match you with other players.

(See you later, Northern Paiute)

Sherry L. Rupert, Chief Executive Officer
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association
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