Message from the AIS SIGED President Vasso Stylianou
Connect More, Achieve More!
A big welcome to all current and prospective SIGED members!
SIGED is a community that promotes excellence in information systems education, practice, and research. Our common interest is found in studying developments in IS and IT education and, as of the last few years, the role of IT in society in general and education in particular. SIGED aims to provide a forum where interdisciplinary researchers and educators in information systems can exchange ideas, techniques, and applications. This objective is realized through various activities and publications.
This year we would like to direct our efforts toward establishing better avenues of communication in our community. Our motto will be “Connect More, Achieve More!”. We believe that a lot more can be achieved by our orchestrated efforts at an individual, community, and even society level.
We want to celebrate the first issue of our SIGED Community|Newsletter. Through this newly formatted newsletter (using Constant Contact), the board will inform the community about achievements and upcoming events. Members are also welcome to post relevant announcements to the newsletter.
We understand that community building goes beyond reading about each other; we want to see and hear from you too. That's why we are excited to announce the upcoming SIGED Community|Connect events. These interactive gatherings will occur twice a year, promoting networking and collaboration among SIGED members. Stay tuned for more details!
To also educate ourselves, we are planning SIGED Community|Workshops. The first one will serve to connect us with the editors of CAIS to hear from them about opportunities to publish in the CAIS Education Track. Watch for this event coming soon.
Of course, we should not forget about the main event we organize yearly, the International Conference on IS Education & Research. ICISER 2023 will be a hybrid pre-ICIS event in Hyderabad, India, from 9-10 December. The organization is underway, and the first call for papers is out already. We would like to call for your submissions!
Please check out our renewed (introduced last year) website, and do not forget our email, for your input and suggestions.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the ICISER Conference Committee and all of the SIGED Board members for their dedication and hard work toward achieving our short-term and well-term goals.
I would also like to thank all of you for being part of the SIG Education community. We are certain that we can improve together and would like to encourage everyone to “Connect More, Achieve More!”.
Be healthy! Be Happy!
Vasso Stylianou
President SIGED