AISJ launches TAMCC
The Alabama Movement for Child Care™ (TAMCC)

Dear AISJ Family & Friends:

The impact of COVID-19 on our child care industry has been devastating. Many child care providers, staff, and families were deeply impacted when faced with the possibility of not having consistent, reliable, safe child care, at the onset of the pandemic. At one point, only 12% of child care centers in Alabama were operating, and while today 85% of facilities are open, the added truth is that enrollment is on a downward spiral because centers are operating at only 66% enrollment capacity.

In Alabama, the licensed capacity for child care centers for 2020 started out at 99,732 before COVID-19. Since COVID, the capacity dropped to 62,339 in late January, and as of October 2020, the number is 43,459. Similarly for licensed family and group child care homes, the capacity started at 5,187, by January it was 3,843, and in October that number was down further to 3,238. Collectively, for both licensed centers and homes, the numbers are 104,919 (prior to COVID), 81,741 in January, and 69,500 in October.
"I love teaching children, I love helping families, but we, as directors, don't have no one fighting for us...we feel left out and alone...we don't have the support like we should. Children should be protected, taught, loved...what happens to the children?"
-Rita Green, Hansel & Gretal Day Care Center
Even before COVID-19, the state of the child care industry in Alabama was, at best, fragile, and in underserved communities it was on life support. Today, however, we are in a state of crisis. If Alabama's economy is to fully recover, we MUST save child care. The Alabama Institute for Social Justice (AISJ) is launching The Alabama Movement for Child Care™ (TAMCC) in an effort to address lingering and growing issues resulting in child care becoming less and less accessible and affordable.

As overwhelming as the situation is, we CAN create a child care system that is stronger and more stable.

TAMCC seeks to do three things:
1) Make child care a public good
2) Improve workforce development
3) Remove market rate restrictions

JOIN US! Follow TAMCC on Facebook at
to stay in the loop and help us advocate for our providers, children, and families.

Together, WE can!
This is the official TAMCCTM logo, which represents child care providers, parents, advocates, and families working in solidarity towards our North Star, which is a child care system that works for all.