In This Issue
State Policy Update
Important Dates

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February 16, 2018 

State Policy Update
First Funnel
The first funnel is today, Friday, February 16th, and is one of a few deadlines set in place to keep the legislative process moving. By this date, bills must be passed out of committee from their respective chamber (Ex. Senate files must be passed out of their Senate committee and House files must be passed out of their House committee) in order to continue in the legislative process. 

If bills are not passed out, they are considered "dead" and cannot be debated or voted on. Exceptions to this rule are Appropriations bills, Ways and Means bills, government oversight bills, and bills from leadership.
House File 2071 Eliminates the state accreditation process for community colleges. Instead community colleges will be accredited by the higher learning commission. Did not pass out of Education Committee.

House File 2076 Prevents employers and employment agencies from inquiring about an applicant's criminal history until after an initial interview.
Did not pass out of Labor Committee.  
House File 2153 Establishes an Iowa national service corps program. Did not pass out of Veterans Affairs Committee.  

House File 2189 Adds registered apprenticeship programs to the list of eligible training programs for individuals claiming unemployment insurance benefits. Did not pass out of Labor Committee.

House File 2321 Relates to the duties of the department of workforce development regarding criminal history checks and certain  state unemployment insurance law matters. Placed on Debate calendar.

Senate File 2110  Adds clarity to the definition of misconduct as it relates to an individual's eligibility for unemployment benefits. Did not pass out of the Senate Labor and Business Relations Committee.

Senate File 2133  Establishes a family leave and medical leave insurance program.
Did not pass out of Senate Labor and Business Relations Committee.

Senate File 2272 Relates to community college accreditation. Placed on Debate calendar.  
Important Dates
February 16       First Funnel 
Final date for House bills to be passed out of House committees, and Senate bills out of Senate committees.

March 16           Second Funnel
Final date for Senate bills to be passed out of House committees and House bills to be passed out of Senate committees.

April 17              Target Adjournment Date
100th calendar day of the session and the date per-diem expenses will end.

This update is a bi-weekly publication intended to share information and resources regarding legislative activities, events, and bills related to workforce issues in Iowa. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Michelle Rich at