November 19, 2020

Please check our current newsletter for additional information about these and other events, or call AJ's main office for information. 

Do you have good news to share? We sure can use it! Let us know and we'll include it in the weekly email.

IMPORTANT: If part of this column is cut off (for instance, only half of the Service Schedule is showing), it is because your email application can't display an email of this size. Scroll to the bottom of the email and click on "Show entire message."

Please note: Due to coronavirus, the synagogue building will be closed until further notice. Until then, all services will be held virtually through Zoom. See below for the links. (All of the COVID-19-related information in this weekly email is here.)

***The November/December 2020 Newsletter is now online (the September/October 2020 Newsletter is too, of course).
NEW! An RSVP Page on the AJ Website
Kleinlife Montgomery County Update
Camp Scholarships are Here!
A Letter from Camp Ramah About Information Sessions
A New Video for Children from Hazzan Glantz
Next Grandparents' Group Meeting
Kabbalat Shabbat with Strings Attached
Kehillah Event: Contending with Difference
Healing Service with Hazzan Glantz
Save the Date! AJ Israel Day
Hanukkah Palooza ***Postponed***
Kehillah Event: Learn to Make Moroccan Hanukkah Donuts
Save the Date! Inside the College Admissions' Room
Learn with Professor Reena Friedman
Kehillah Event: Spend Hanukkah in Israel (Virtually)
Save the Date! Hanukkah Event: Last Light
USY Masks for Sale
Let Us Help You Celebrate!
Needed! Homemade Masks for Einstein Patients
Are You Suffering From Loneliness?
Kosher Meals from Betty the Caterer
Kosher Foods from KMF Food Distribution
NEW! An RSVP Page on the AJ Website
We have created a new page on the AJ website where you can RSVP for any upcoming AJ event! You can get to it by clicking on RSVP in the row of links at the top of our website. The RSVP page has links for every event that requires registration. Clicking on the event name will take you to the registration form and clicking on the accompanying graphic will take you to the calendar page for the event so you can see event details. Here is the direct link to the page:
KleinLife: Montgomery County Update
Programs for Seniors at AJ 
Kleinlife: Montgomery County suspended onsite activities in March 2020. As of October 2020, they have begun to offer programs via Zoom! You can see the calendar offering learning sessions, yoga, and more here.

Grab & Go Meals! Kleinlife is now offering Grab & Go frozen meals once a week from AJ. You MUST RESERVE at least a week ahead of time for 5 frozen kosher meals, which will be put into your car in our drive-by on Thursdays at noon. Call 215.635.5244 for more details.
Camp Scholarships are Here!
Like graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallow, kids and camp go great together! The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia can help families access a Jewish camp experience. First-time campers can get a "taste" of camp through the One Happy Camper program. Families can get "s'more" support through our Need-Based Scholarships for Overnight and Day Camp. Need-Based Scholarships can cover up to 30% of the cost of camp.
Application Deadlines:
One Happy Camper: Rolling 
Need-Based Overnight Scholarship: January 31, 2021
Need-Based Day Camp Scholarship: March 7, 2021

You can get more information here.
A Letter From Camp Ramah About Information Sessions
Dear Families, 
We are excited to announce that Camp Ramah in the Poconos will be hosting two online Information Sessions to share more with you all about our Day Camp and Overnight Camp programs! Meet the Directors of both Day Camp and Overnight Camp, take a virtual tour of our beautiful campuses, learn about the incredible community we have created and about how we are preparing for this summer.
There is an information session scheduled for Wednesday, December 9 at 8:00 PM (EST). To register, click hereWe look forward to seeing you there! 
You can download a flyer here. Please feel free to email me at with any questions.
Sincerely always,
Rachel Dobbs Schwartz
Director, Camp Ramah in the Poconos
(215) 885-8556  x7233
A New Video for Children from Hazzan Glantz!
Hazzan Glantz's latest shabbat video is up on YouTube for you, your children, grandchildren -- really anyone -- to watch and enjoy at your leisure. It includes a lot of singing and a story told with help from Hazzan's handy friends: Gomer the Gefilte Fish and Louie the Lox. 

Upcoming AJ Events
GPNext Grandparents' Group Meeting with Speaker Rav Shai
Thursday, November 19 at 7:45 PM (via Zoom) (Tonight!)
Rav Shai will be our guest and will speak on "What's Love Got to Do With It? Respecting and Revering Your Parents and the Differences Between Respect and Revere." This program will be interesting to everyone. All are invited. If you would like Rav Shai to answer questions related to this topic at the Grandparents' Group session, but prefer that your identity remain unknown to the group, please send them to Rav Shai prior to November 19 ( To register, please send an email to Rachel at or call the office at 215.635.6611. 7:45 PM
StringsKabbalat Shabbat with Strings Attached 
Friday, November 20 at 6:15 PM (via Zoom)
As we move towards Thanksgiving in the aftermath of one of the most contentious elections in American history, the age-old minefield of politics at the Thanksgiving table has never been more alive. Bennett Decker will present two models from our rabbinic sages for navigating conflict. What does Moshe and Aharon, Leverite marriage, and the Aleinu have to do with Thanksgiving shouting matches?
Bennett Decker (he/him) is a recent graduate of Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he studied Political Science and Talmud. He grew up in Elkins Park and was a student at Perelman Jewish Day School and Cheltenham High School. He currently works at T'ruah.

You can download a flyer here. Register at
Questions? Send them to
Kehillah Event:
Contending with Difference at the Thanksgiving Table 
Sunday, November 22 at 7:30 PM (via Zoom)
As we move towards Thanksgiving in the aftermath of one of the most contentious elections in American history, the age-old minefield of politics at the Thanksgiving table has never been more alive. Bennett Decker will present two models from our rabbinic sages for navigating conflict. What does Moshe and Aharon, Leverite marriage, and the Aleinu have to do with Thanksgiving shouting matches?
Bennett Decker (he/him) is a recent graduate of Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he studied Political Science and Talmud. He grew up in Elkins Park and was a student at Perelman Jewish Day School and Cheltenham High School. He currently works at T'ruah.

You can download a flyer here. Register at
Questions? Send them to
HealingHealing Service with Hazzan Glantz
Tuesday, November 24 (via Zoom)
Hazzan Glantz will be offering a healing service in November and December, from 6:15 PM to 6:45 PM. November's theme is "Todah -- Thanksgiving...Really?" 

Zoom info:
By computer:
By phone: Please dial 929.436.2866 or 301.715.8592. 
Meeting ID#: 965 1325 9245
IsraelSave the Date! AJ Israel Day on Shabbat Morning
Saturday, November 28 at 9:30 AM (via Zoom)
To commemorate the League of Nation's vote on November 29, 1947, AJ will be honoring our members with family in Israel. If you have a parent, sibling, or child living in Israel, be in touch with Rachel Palitto, our Program Director, so we can all celebrate the sacrifice and contribution your family is making to realize the ancient prophecy:

Thus says the LORD: Yet again there shall be heard in this place, in the cities of Judah, and in the courtyards of Jerusalem, the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride.

You can reach Rachel by calling the AJ office at 215.635.6611 or by emailing her at
PaloozaHanukkah Palooza ***Postponed***
As much as we were looking forward to bringing this fun, family event to you, the increased numbers of COVID-19 cases in our area have led us to postpone this event so that we can keep our community safe. We haven't set a new date yet but as soon as we do, we'll let you know. 
Save the Date! Kehillah Event: Learn to Make Moroccan Hanukkah Donuts with an Israeli Baker
Wednesday, December 2 at 12:00 PM (via Zoom)
You are invited to Haim's kitchen to make Sfenj (Moroccan Hanukkah Donuts)! And learn about life in Netivot through a delicious Hanukkah experience. Haim Demri started his culinary journey at Tadmor Cooking School and grew his skills in prestigious restaurants and luxury bakeries in the U.S., Canada, France, and Israel. In 2010, he opened a boutique bakery called "Nihohot Haim" (Fragrances of Life) where he prepares new and modern desserts in Netivot, Israel, his hometown. Netivot is Philadelphia's partnership city. Register at Questions? Send an email to
Save the Date! Inside the College Admissions' Room
Saturday, December 5 following Minhah-Ma'ariv-Havdalah (via Zoom)
What if you could talk with someone who would give you a peek behind the curtain at the college admissions process? Well, here is your chance! Join Missy Green Present, Chief Enrollment Officer at The Jewish Theological Seminary, and learn what it takes to get into your first-choice school. You'll have a one-on-one opportunity to ask an expert how you can make your skills, achievements, and potential shine through on your college applications, in interviews, and during school visits. Learn how to make your entire admissions' process easier and more enjoyable with this insider overview. 

Students and parents are both welcome to attend. Feel free to invite friends and family who may be interested in this topic! Minhah-Ma'ariv-Havdalah begins at 4:20 PM, with the College Admissions program following at about 5:00 PM.

As chief enrollment officer at JTS, Missy oversees all enrollment strategy, leading the admissions department in the recruitment of students, management of prospective student events, and relationships with key partners. She advises the senior administration on all enrollment-related matters for the five schools, including List College and the dual-degree programs with Barnard College and Columbia University. Most recently, Missy increased new student enrollment by 25% during the COVID-19 pandemic, and since 2013 has expanded institutional partnerships, enhanced recruitment marketing, and implemented a new technology solution that manages the full spectrum of the JTS admissions process. Under her leadership, the enrollment operation was awarded a commendation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Prior to joining JTS in 2009, Missy held various human resource positions at Hillel's Schusterman International Center in Washington, DC. She holds a BA from the George Washington University, was a 'lifer' at Abington Friends School, and has been a member of AJ since she was six years old! 
LillianLearn with Professor Reena Sigman Friedman: 
"Lillian Wald: An Inspiration for Our 
Sunday, December 6 at 10:00 AM (via Zoom)
On Sunday morning, December 6, the AJ Adult Education Committee will sponsor a Zoom event with local historian Professor Reena Sigman Friedman on the topic of "Lillian Wald: An Inspiration for Our Times." An early twentieth-century Jewish pioneer in American nursing and public health, Lillian Wald became a New York-based leader in caring for victims of the 1918 influenza pandemic. She was also a prominent humanitarian and activist for the rights of women and minorities. She campaigned for suffrage, was a supporter of racial integration and was involved in the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Ms. Wald lived a remarkable life, and her commitments to social justice and public health resonate strongly with the challenges of our own time.
Known to many at AJ and in our local community, Professor Friedman is Adjunct Professor of Jewish History at Gratz College and  Associate Professor of Modern Jewish History at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. An expert in American Jewish history, Professor Friedman has a particular interest in the history of Jewish Philadelphia. She has authored several prominent works, including "These Are Our Children: Jewish Orphanages in the United States, 1880-1925," has served as a consultant for a curriculum program of the Feinstein Center for American Jewish History at Temple University and is a member of the Education Committee of the National Museum of American Jewish History.
Please join us for what will be a fascinating exploration of the life and work of Lillian Wald, truly "an inspiration for our times." You can register here.

Save the Date! Kehillah Event: Spend Hanukkah in Israel (Virtually)
Thursday, December 10 at 7:30 PM (via Zoom)
Celebrate Hanukkah with a virtual adventure! Our tour begins with a visit to the archaeological excavations of an ancient temple in Tel Dan. Then fly with us to Jerusalem to visit the Kotel, site of the Second Temple, where the story of the Maccabees unfolds. Learn about the miracle of the oil and how olive oil connects what happened thousands of years ago to the celebration of Hanukkah today. Our guided experience will be led by the captivating Israeli tour guide Gadi Ben-Dov, who lives in the modern city of Modi'in, where the Maccabees lived! Questions? Send an email to oldyorkroad@kehillah.jewishphilly.orgClick here to register.
LightSave the Date! Hanukkah Event: Last Light
Thursday, December 17 at 6:30 PM in the AJ parking lot
Come together with our community as we join for the last lighting of the Hanukkiah. It promises to be a meaningful ending to the Festival of Lights. We'll sing Hanukkah songs, answer some Hanukkah trivia questions, participate in the Dreidel Drop, and light the candles. It will be held in the AJ parking lot from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Masks and social distancing required. Please register by December 10 at Attendance is limited so RSVP as soon as possible! There will be an in-person minyan at 7:05 PM following the lighting. If you cannot join us in person, you can attend via Zoom (no registration required). Questions? Contact Merril Stup at 215.782.3735 or
USY Masks
National USY has a limited amount of 2-ply cotton masks with the USY logo. They are $15 for one, and $10 for each additional mask shipped to the same address. Postage is included. Click here to order. All proceeds go to the USY Tikkun Olam Fund. Questions? Email
Let Hazzan Glantz Help You Celebrate!
Do you know someone who is having a birthday and could use help celebrating? If so, contact Hazzan Glantz at and he'll record a birthday song for your child or relative!
Community and Other Events You May Be Interested In

Now through November 21: Gershman Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival. This annual film festival is inviting movie lovers everywhere to celebrate a raft of exciting new Jewish cinema as it celebrates its 40th anniversary. You can download a flyer here, or go to

Thursday, November 19: 24th Annual Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Lecture in Judaic Studies, "Tracing the History of a Toxic Present: Antisemitism and Resurgent Ethnonationalism." The alt-right has expanded from shadowy internet activity to visibility on the national stage within the past two decades. Racist, sexist, and homophobic beliefs that were previously unspeakable have become commonplace, normalized, and accepted, and groups like the Proud Boys openly seek an ethnically "cleansed" America. In this free online lecture, presented by Penn's Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, History Department, and Jewish Studies Program, Dr. Alexandra Minna Stern will explore the resurgence of antisemitism within this wider context of new white nationalism. 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM. Register here.

Sunday, November 22 to Tuesday, November 24: Hillel College Fair. Explore Jewish life on more than 150 campuses in the U.S. and Canada at Hillel's first-ever virtual college fair November 22 to 24! Meet with current students and Hillel staff from schools that you're considering, and ask the questions that matter most to you. In addition to individual sessions with students and staff representing more than 150 colleges and universities, the Hillel College Fair also offers: kickoff event with Jewish high school students from around the world; access to more than 500 scholarships just for Jewish students; Q&A with a college admissions counselor; and a closing panel about Greek life with fraternity and sorority members. The Hillel College Fair is a completely online event, and is free to attend for students, their parents/guardians, and anyone who wants to learn about Jewish college life. Sign up now so you don't miss out! 
COVID-19-Related Changes and Announcements
Needed! Homemade Masks for Einstein Patients
The City of Philadelphia has a significant number of new COVID-19 cases & hospitalizations continue to rise. Inner city neighborhoods are being hit harder by this highly communicable disease. Masks help stop the spread. Einstein is in need of hand-crafted masks to give to our patients to help keep others safe and preserve medical grade masks for staff. Can you help? You can download the instructions here. Your support would be much appreciated!
Are You Suffering From Loneliness?
The social distancing required to defeat the coronavirus has upended our lives. We have been separated from family, friends, and coworkers. If you are experiencing loneliness or know of someone who is, please let us know how we can help. You can reach Rav Shai at 215.992.4112 or, or Hazzan Glantz at 215.439.5033 or
Kosher Meals from Betty the Caterer
Betty the Caterer is offering kosher meals for pickup at MBIEE. They are offering weekend meals called "Weekend in a Box" and you can find the flyer here. The November 12 through November 19 menu is here. The Thanksgiving menu is here. You can find out more about Betty the Caterer here. Stay informed about their services and money-saving specials on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Kosher Foods Available Through KMF Food Distribution
KMF Food Distribution is a locally owned family business with over 35 years of experience in Kosher food service distribution. Our commitment to customer service and high-quality products have allowed us to be a reliable source for Kosher consumers nationwide. COVID-19 has effected our community in numerous ways including severe interruptions in our food supply. As a result, we are offering poultry, beef, lamb, veal, deli, fish, cheese, Heat N' Serve, and other traditional items.

In partnering with Congregation Adath Jeshurun, KMF Food Distribution
would like to offer a special group delivery order. Orders placed by
Sunday will be delivered to Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El on Wednesday
between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM. The minimum order has been reduced to $100.

You can download a general flyer here, and an order form here. Please mention this ad when ordering! Order forms can also be found on their website at

KMF Food Distribution: 615 Deer Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Phone: (856) 444-0143 - Email:

All events below will be held via Zoom, except where noted.

Grandparents' Group Meeting. Rav Shai will be our guest and will speak on "What's Love Got to Do With It? Respecting and Revering Your Parents and the Differences Between Respect and Revere." This program will be interesting to everyone. All are invited. If you would like Rav Shai to answer questions related to this topic at the Grandparents' Group session, but prefer that your identity remain unknown to the group, please send them to Rav Shai prior to November 19 ( 7:45 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat with Strings Attached. (via Zoom) Unplug from a busy week with an acoustic Shabbat service led by Hazzan Howard Glantz with familiar tunes that will put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. For all ages, from babies to bubbies. Zoom in with your friends for this relaxed, casual, and enjoyable service! Please plan to join us! Zoom info: By computer:; By phone: Please dial 929.436.2866 or 301.715.8592; Meeting ID: 970 5403 7610 (Password required) Next Strings Attached: December 11. 6:15 PM
Healing Service with Hazzan Glantz. (via Zoom) Hazzan Glantz will be offering a healing service in November and December, from 6:15 PM to 6:45 PM. November's theme is "Todah - Thanksgiving...Really?"
Adult Ed. Class: 6 Ws of Judaism, with Rav Shai. Semester 1, Class 5 of 12.
Thanksgiving. Morning service at 9:00 AM. Synagogue offices closed.
AJ Offices Closed for Thanksgiving. Morning service at 9:00 AM.
AJ Israel Day. To commemorate the League of Nation's vote on November 29, 1947, AJ will be honoring our members with family in Israel. If you have a parent, sibling, or child living in Israel, be in touch with Rachel Palitto, our Program Director, so we can all celebrate the sacrifice and contribution your family is making to realize the ancient prophecy: Thus says the LORD: Yet again there shall be heard in this place, in the cities of Judah, and in the courtyards of Jerusalem, the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride. You can reach Rachel by calling the AJ office at 215.635.6611 or by emailing her at
11/29   ***POSTPONED!***
Hanukkah Palooza. From carnival games, to crafts, to shopping and snacks, friends and family of all ages will enjoy the AJ Hanukkah Palooza! Join us on Sunday, November 29 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM to prepare with for the Hanukkah season with food and fun. The event will be held outside. Masks and social distancing required. 

All events below will be held via Zoom, except where noted.

Adult Ed. Class: 6 Ws of Judaism, with Rav Shai. Semester 1, Class 6 of 12.
Kehillah Hanukkah Bakery Event. You are invited to Haim's kitchen to make Sfenj (Moroccan Hanukkah Donuts)! And learn about life in Netivot through a delicious Hanukkah experience. Haim Demri started his culinary journey at Tadmor Cooking School and grew his skills in prestigious restaurants and luxury bakeries in the U.S., Canada, France, and Israel. In 2010, he opened a boutique bakery called "Nihohot Haim" (Fragrances of Life) where he prepares new and modern desserts in Netivot, Israel, his hometown. Netivot is Philadelphia's partnership city. Register at Questions? Send an email to 12:00 PM
Adult Ed: The Life and Work of Lillian Wald. American Jewish historian Dr. Reena Friedman, will offer a program on the life and work of Lillian Wald, a public health pioneer who launched the field of public health nursing and assumed a leadership role in caring for victims of the 1918 flu epidemic in New York. She was also committed to racial justice, among many other causes. Via Zoom, at 10:00 AM.
Robyn Orodenker Book Club. The Third Daughter, by Talia Garner. Please read the book before the meeting! 7:30 PM. Sponsored by AJWA Sisterhood.
Adult Ed. Class: 6 Ws of Judaism, with Rav Shai. Semester 1, Class 7 of 12. Class resumes on January 5, 2021.
Erev Hanukkah. Light first candle tonight.
Kehillah Event: Hanukkah in Israel. Celebrate Hanukkah with a virtual adventure! Our tour begins with a visit to the archaeological excavations of an ancient temple in Tel Dan. Then fly with us to Jerusalem to visit the Kotel, site of the Second Temple, where the story of the Maccabees unfolds. Learn about the miracle of the oil and how olive oil connects what happened thousands of years ago to the celebration of Hanukkah today. Our guided experience will be led by the captivating Israeli tour guide Gadi Ben-Dov, who lives in the modern city of Modi'in, where the Maccabees lived! After the tour, join us in lighting your Hanukkiyah! Questions? Send an email to Click here to register ( 7:30 PM
Hanukkah, Day I. Morning Service, 7:10 AM.
Kabbalat Shabbat with Strings Attached. (via Zoom) Unplug from a busy week with an acoustic Shabbat service led by Hazzan Howard Glantz with familiar tunes that will put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. For all ages, from babies to bubbies. Zoom in with your friends for this relaxed, casual, and enjoyable service! Please plan to join us! Zoom info: By computer:; By phone: Please dial 929.436.2866 or 301.715.8592; Meeting ID: 970 5403 7610 (Password required) Next Strings Attached: December 29. 6:15 PM
Rav Shai Book Launch. In this new volume, Coherent Judaism: Constructive Theology, Creation, and Halakhah, Rav Shai seeks to reconcile traditional tenets of observance with modern concepts inherent in a post-Darwinian, post-Holocaust world. Those attending are eligible to purchase a copy signed by the author and, as an added delight, the event will be followed immediately by a virtual community Hanukkah candle lighting. 
Hanukkah, Day IV. Morning Service, 7:10 AM.
Hanukkah, Day V. Morning Service, 7:10 AM.
Hanukkah, Day VI, and Rosh Hodesh Tevet. Morning Service, 7:00 AM.
Hanukkah, Day VII. Morning Service, 7:10 AM.
Hanukkah Event: Last Light. Come together with our community as we join for the last lighting of the Hanukkiah. It promises to be a meaningful ending to the Festival of Lights. We'll sing Hanukkah songs, answer some Hanukkah trivia questions, participate in the Dreidel Drop, and light the candles. From 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM in the AJ parking lot. Masks and social distancing required. Please register by December 10 at Attendance is limited so RSVP as soon as possible! There will be an in-person minyan at 7:05 PM following the lighting. If you cannot join us in person, you can attend via Zoom (no registration required).
Hanukkah, Day VIII. Morning Service, 7:10 AM.
AJWA Sisterhood: "Frank Gehry and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain." This presentation will focus on an internationally acclaimed Jewish American architect -- Frank Owen Gehry -- and his architecture, with art historian Arlene Spector. At 11:00 AM.
Board of Directors Meeting. Via Zoom. Beginning with evening minyan, at 7:00 PM.
Healing Service with Hazzan Glantz. (via Zoom) Hazzan Glantz will be offering a healing service in December, at 6:15 PM. December's theme is "Hanukkah -- Rededication yes, but to what?"
Christmas Day. Morning Service, 9:00 AM.

In Case You Missed It... 

Below are some stories that were in previous weekly emails. We still think they are important enough to include for those who missed them or didn't need the info at the time they were originally published!
Update Regarding the AJ Website
Some congregants have inquired about the words "Log In" that appear in the upper right corner. The ability to log in to the website is a feature that is not activated, and can only be used by the site administrator at this time. The congregation will be advised if this feature is activated in the future.
Looking for a Volunteer Opportunity?
Looking for a way to make a difference during these challenging times?
Are your kids looking for meaningful activities this summer?
Here is a great opportunity to fill an important need!

Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel is working with the Montgomery County Anti-Hunger Network, (MAHN) to help distribute needed food to families experiencing food insecurity due to the economic ramifications from COVID19. The food pick-up will be held on Wednesdays between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM. It is a community effort with volunteers being asked to help with:
  • Traffic management: Directing cars to proper lines for food pick up and exit routes
  • Safety: Holding signs that would describe things like mask wearing, keeping windows open, and directing people to open their trunks for food pick-up
  • Unloading pallets from the truck
  • Placing boxes in the trunks of cars 
  • Collecting zip code information
This will happen weekly rain or shine. Sign up here:
Masks and gloves will be provided for the volunteers.
Learn and Live in Israel -- Programs for High School Students and Recent Grads

From Ramah:

With the great uncertainty surrounding the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year, many families are considering alternatives to traditional high school and college programs. Ramah is delighted to share news about two exciting Israel experiences for high school students and 2020 high school graduates. Both programs are based in Jerusalem.
  • Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim (TRY) is a transformational high school semester in Israel for students entering grades 10-12! TRY offers both a fall and spring semester. Click here for more info.
  • Nativ, the Conservative Movement's leadership training gap-year program, is offering a new Ramah Hadracha Leadership Track. Click here for more info.
Eradicating Domestic Abuse is a Jewish Responsibility.

15-20% of all Jewish households experience some form of abuse or violence and Jewish survivors stay in abusive relationships twice as long as the national average. If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of a loved one, please contact us at to talk with one of our intake volunteers. 

Dinah is a comprehensive legal services center providing low-cost and pro bono legal representation to survivors of domestic abuse in the Jewish Community of Greater Philadelphia. By partnering with existing Jewish social service providers, Dinah combats intimate partner violence through advocacy, education and representation. Visit for more information.
Lunch and Learn Noontime Torah Now Being Held at AJ   
CANCELED until further notice.
Feed your soul at Noontime Torah!

The Rabbinical Assembly-Mid-Atlantic Region invites you to join us weekly at noon for the study of Torah on Tuesdays at AJ from noon to 1:00 PM. A Rabbi and other like-minded individuals await you to engage in exciting discussion and thoughtful analysis of the weekly Torah portion or other stimulating topic. Each class is self-contained so you can plug in at any given week, in any given location. 


Join Us and Grow!

Bring your dairy or pareve lunch and a Bible, drinks will be provided. All are welcome. Classes are not held on major Jewish holidays. For more information, call at any of the locations for details or the main coordinating office of Rabbi Gary Charlestein (610.239.6003).

You can also attend Noontime Torah in Center City at the Offices of Cozen & O'Conner on Tuesdays from noon to 1:00 PM, or in Plymouth Meeting/Norristown at the Offices of Premier Dental Products on Wednesdays from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. Download a flyer for more info.

Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
Like us on Facebook
Weekly Service Schedule
November 20, 21, 2020
5 Kislev 5781

Light Shabbat Candles
4:22 PM 

Friday Evening
Kabbalat Shabbat with
Strings Attached
6:15 PM

Saturday Morning
Morning Service 
9:30 AM

Bat Mitzvah of
Miriam Bluestine,
Daughter of
Eric and Marissa Bluestine 

Saturday Evening
4:20 PM

November 26, 2020
10 Kislev 5781

Thursday Morning
Morning Service
9:00 AM 

*  *  *

Through the Zoom platform, congregants can attend services virtually.

Congregants should see the separate email for the October password for Friday evening, Saturday morning, and Saturday evening services.

We have three links
for AJ's services.

For Friday evening and Saturday morning services:
By computer:
By phone:
Please dial 929.436.2866 or 301.715.8592.
Meeting ID: 970 5403 7610
(Password required)

For Saturday evening services:
By computer:
By phone:
Please dial 929.436.2866 or 301.715.8592. 
Meeting ID#: 933131679
(Password required)

For all other services (Sunday through Friday morning and Sunday through Thursday evening services):
By computer:
By phone:
Please dial 929.436.2866 or 301.715.8592. 
Meeting ID#: 109428724

Sunday through Thursday
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
Monday and Thursday:
7:20 AM
Tuesday, Wednesday
and Friday:
7:30 AM
If you'd like to

make a donation to AJ, you can make a donation online, on our website.


Alternatively, you can

click here to download a donation form.

Ongoing Programs
Breathe...Relax...and...Renew your mind, body and spirit!

Friday Mornings
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
***Yoga is canceled until further notice***

Contact Esther at
267.240.1842 or
zymesther@gmail .com

$12 per class
Yoga is taught by Esther Goldberg, Certified Yoga Instructor, Certified Zumba Instructor, and Massage Therapist.

Want to make a difference?
Cook For A Friend is a unique program that prepares meals for those in need. CFAF meets at least one weekday evening and one weekday morning each month. Join us in making a difference!

Questions? Contact Sandy Basickes at 215.782.8586 (evening sessions) or Sue Lawson at 215.680.7112
(daytime sessions).

If you are interested in learning about creating Judaic hand crafts, come be a part of Stitchers. We are primarily stitchers, practitioners of the needle arts. No special experience is necessary. New learners are welcome. The Stitchers would love to have you come join us on Wednesday mornings in the AJ Library from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon. For more information, contact Karen Moses at 215.676.8542 or (please include AJ Stitchers in the subject line).

Mah Jongg is canceled until further notice.

This guided discussion group is held on designated Monday nights at 7:45 PM. Reading of the book is requested! Attend one or more sessions! The 2020-2021 Book List will be coming out later this summer.

Looking for a weekly mah jongg game? Want to make new friends? Join the best game in town!

We meet on Wednesdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon in the AJ library. Don't know how to play? We'll teach you!

**Mah Jongg is canceled
until further notice.**

For more information,
contact Judy Szekely
at 215.635.8812 or
Laurel House Shelter Needs Your Donations!
 Laurel House provides shelter and domestic violence services for abused women and their children. Download the Laurel House Wish Lists at the Laurel House website to see the specific items that are needed. Or you can provide a gift card from one of the stores below:

 Wal-Mart   *   Target   *   Amazon   *    Shop Rite   *   Wawa

All items should be NEW. NO gift-wrapped items, please.

Please give any gift card donations to Amy Devine-Stretch in the AJ office for safekeeping. Other items can be brought to AJ and put in the Braemer Foyer coat closet. can purchase gift cards online at store websites and have them mailed directly to Laurel House at: P.O. Box 764, Norristown, PA 19401, 610.277.1860. If the web site will not accept a P.O. Box number, you can send them to 605 Swede Street, Norristown, PA 19401.

AJ Caring Community
We all experience times of need. For many of us, family and friends step in to provide support. For others, those resources are less present, less apparent and asking for help can be embarrassing and complicated. This is where the AJ Caring Community Committee (AJCCC) comes in with varying levels of support, anything from a phone call to a meal.

Should you know of someone who has such a need or if you find  yourself in a difficult situation please get in touch with us. You can leave a message with Beryl (215.635.6611) in the office, or with Rav Shai at or Naomi Atkins, the chair of the AJCCC at  

Your AJ family is here to help you.
College Connection
We Would Like to Connect with Your College Student!
Surprise your college student with a taste of home! College students enrolled in the AJ College Connection Program will receive the monthly AJ News and enjoy holiday packages sent to school. Children of member families only. Please send the following information to Sandra Goldberg at or call the synagogue office at 215.635.6611: Student Name, School Address, Student Email Address, Parent Email Address and Expected Year of Graduation. This program is enthusiastically sponsored by AJWA Sisterhood.
Lost and Found
If you think you may have
left an item at the synagogue, please call the office
at 215.635.6611 and
we'll let you know if it's
in our Lost and Found