AKG Newsworthy NOLA
2022 #15
Saturday, October 29, 2022

This month we celebrate our ancestors in ritual all over the globe.  Halloween began as a Celtic Festival where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.  In Latin and Hispanic Cultures, Dia De Los Muertos is a two day holiday that reunites the living and dead. Families create altars to honor their departed family members. Altars are decorated with marigolds, photos, their

favorite foods & drinks.

A few years ago we hosted our first Jacobo Roa show, where we celebrated with a Dia de Los Muertos altar...

In New Orleans, a second line parade is another celebration of life. The first line (dirge) includes the brass band, along with members of the family being honored. The casket is front of the line.  The second line refers to everyone else: fellow revelers or mourners. The tradition of second lining has its roots in Western Africa brought here  to preserve the culture. Jazz music is of course a major element, demonstrating a unique blend of spontaneity and unification, making it a truly memorable celebration of life and death.

Jazz Funeral Secondline, Uncle Lionel Baptiste, July 20, 2014, Treme

Ancestor’s Day is celebrated every year on the full moon of the tenth month. This year Ullambana Festival was held from October 13 to October 20 culminating in a day paying respects to ancestors up to seven generations back.

Ullambana Festival Altar, New Orleans

It is a time to pay respect to those departed and celebrate their lives as each individual chooses to remember their ancestors.

We owe everything we are to them.





Dia de Los Muertos

Toro, 63"x55", acrylic/canvas

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Truth by Repetition


The truth effect, repetition, fake news, cognitive illusions, misinformation,.

Conspiracy theories people see, read, and hear many different facts and statements each day (news, social media, conversations), which they can believe or doubt. Apparently, people use repetition as a cue to make this judgment, thus, believing repeated statements more compared with non repeated statements, a phenomenon known as the illusory truth effect, or a TRUTH BY REPETITION effect.

(bron Unkelbabach 2019)

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Angela King

Gallery Director

Gallery number: 504-524-8211

Mobile: 504-427-9746

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