June 26, 2023

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Alabama Reapportionment Committee announces dates for public hearings, deadlines for submitting maps

Public hearing set on Alabama's new congressional district map

The lawmakers who will draw Alabama’s new congressional district map will hold their first meeting and public hearing on Tuesday.

The reapportionment committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. at the State House in Montgomery. All the committee’s meetings will be livestreamed here. On the select location tab, select Room 200.

The deadline to submit proposed maps to the committee is July 7 at 5 p.m. The committee has scheduled another meeting for July 13 at 1:30.

A three-judge federal district court issued an order Tuesday giving the Legislature until July 21 to create a new congressional map. That was the date requested by attorneys representing the state. Attorneys representing the Black voters and the organizations who sued to challenge the map agreed with the date. The new map will be used in Alabama’s 2024 congressional elections.

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New Episode Alert!

They Better Get These Lines Right EP 5 video

They Better Get These Lines Right! Ep. 5: It's Go Time!!

Alabama's getting new a Congressional map and that means public hearings, a special session, and more! With a deadline of July 21st, it's more important than ever to get up to speed on what's going on and how you can get involved. 

Watch Here!

Marking a Decade under Shelby v Holder

Blame the Supreme Court for America's decade of disenfranchisement

This is what gutting the Voting Rights Act looks like.

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Battered by the Storm, 10 Years Since Shelby County in North Carolina

If the immediate hours and months after Shelby County v. Holder (2013) brought a litany of suppressive measures, what happened in the decade since? In North Carolina, Republicans have spent the last 10 years making it harder to vote.

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New report refutes a central argument in Shelby v. Holder decision

A new report by the Brennan Center For Justice at NYU Law titled “10 Years After SCOTUS Gutted Voting Rights Act, Alabama Turnout Gap Is Worse” demonstrates that the turnout gap between Black and white voters tripled from 2012-2022.

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Redistricting in the News

Supreme Court says Louisiana congressional map must be redrawn to add another majority-Black district

The Supreme Court said Monday that Louisiana's congressional map must be redrawn to add a second majority-Black district.

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Two Weeks Later, Allen v. Milligan Has Impacted These States

Two weeks ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court dropped a major voting rights win. In Allen v. Milligan, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote a majority opinion striking down Alabama’s congressional map for violating Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). In doing so, the Court affirmed the current application of Section 2, a portion of the landmark law that bans voting rules or electoral schemes that dilute the voting strength of minority voters.

While voting rights advocates braced for the worst — a weakening of a crucial, highly litigated section of the VRA — that blow never came. The opinion, released on June 8, 2023, sends a powerful signal for the continued application of Section 2 despite cynical attempts by the state of Alabama to have the court “rewrite the law.” 

The consequences were immediate: Within hours and days, previously stalled cases across the country started moving again. Here’s what has happened in the two weeks since the decision.

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What Trial Testimony Tells Us About South Carolina Racial Gerrymandering

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a South Carolina racial gerrymandering case next term. Trial testimony reveals intentional weakening of Black voting strength, an opaque redistricting process and a culture of unresponsiveness.

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Supreme Court's Alabama voting map ruling offers hope to North Carolina | Opinion

In 2013, Republicans newly in control of the General Assembly waited until the U.S. Supreme Court gutted a key section of the Voting Rights Act before passing sweeping legislation aimed at limiting the power of Black voters. Ten years later, a decision by an even more conservative Supreme Court may slow the rush by North Carolina Republicans to tilt elections in their favor.

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Upcoming Events

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Fair Representation in Redistricting

Virtual Policy Learning Sessions

Fair Representation in Redistricting (FRR) invites you to the launch of their virtual policy learning sessions throughout June. Register for these interactive discussions which will explore structural policy reforms that make redistricting more responsive and accountable to communities of color. Click on the links below to register and learn more.

June 27, 2023, 12:00-1:30PM ET

Proportional Representation: Can alternative voting systems help achieve fairness and power-building goals for communities of color?

Explore how to evaluate alternative voting systems from a racial equity perspective. What is proportional representation? Can alternatives to winner-take-all elections or single-member districts help achieve greater fairness and racial equity, both in electoral outcomes and redistricting? Hear directly from leaders of a coalition representing communities of color who successfully reformed the electoral system in Portland, Oregon last year and feature a discussion with experts on analyzing alternative voting policy proposals. 

Register for June 27th

Extended Trailer:

"The People's Voice Documentary Redistricting Through A Community Lens"

Alabama Values set out on a journey to capture the fight for voting rights and fair maps across the South. The People's Voice have taken the fight to the Supreme Court. This documentary will follow along with advocates, policymakers, and community as they fight for fair maps in Alabama, Louisiana, and North Carolina. The South Got Something To Say!

Will you be attending the reapportionment public hearing on Tuesday, June 27th?
Yes, I will be testifying
Yes, but I don't plan to testify
Watching, but not attending in person

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