Travel Alert


Beware of Fake American Airlines E-mail Phishing Scam:  January 2013



The FBI has warned that new malware is making the rounds, embedded within faux emails from American Airlines claiming to send order confirmations.


Another e-mail phishing scam has been reported. This legitimate-looking e-mail purports to be an American Airlines order confirmation email. The email features the AA logo and an HTML skin with a button to click. The email doesn't look exactly like official American Airlines emails, lacking the professional formatting of real American Airlines emails.


The malicious links in this phishing email will lead you to a host with an embedded Javascript that will download a malicious payload onto your computer.  A ZIP file with the innocuous name of will extract to a very dangerous executible file (AA_Electronic_Ticket.exe), which installs a trojan virus on your computer.


Question: How can I tell the difference between a legitimate e-mail notice and a fake one?

Answer: You can identify most fake e-mail by the spelling and grammatical errors, but fraudsters are getting more sophisticated all the time, as we see with this latest scam. Here's what you can do:


1. Pass your cursor over the link to reveal the actual URL (but don't click on it). And check it carefully; a link that looks legitimate can have a small difference that causes you to go to a bad site.


2. Don't open any unexpected e-mail attachments, or hyperlinks in e-mail or IMs. If you are unsure about the e-mail, but think it might be legitimate, contact the business or person who sent it through regular channels before opening the attachment.



Malicious e-mail has one objective: to steal your personal information. Be cautious whenever receiving an unexpected e-mail.


If you have questions about phishing scams or suspect you received such an e-mail, please contact your Traveline Representative.  





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