Gary Poe is (in his words) “truly oil field trash (pun intended) and very proud of it.” Although born in Longview, his family followed the oil boom to Snyder, where he grew up in a company oil camp. Today Gary lives on 40 acres in rural Scurry County and provides very effective leadership for the Scurry County Ramp Project.
Since October 2010, when Gary started leading builds in Scurry County, volunteers have built about 168 ramps, including 14 last year. Gary was part of a crew from Colonial Hill Baptist Church who built a 50-foot ramp with John Laine. The team needed a leader, and Gary, who was newly retired, stepped up. He liked to build things, liked to work, and loved people—so it was definitely a good fit.
Gary also serves as the main team leader. He and his wife, Sammie, conduct site surveys and order materials. Modules are built in his barn/shop, where tools are also stored. He is looking for a second team leader, but seems to have plenty of volunteers to show up on build days. Lumber and hardware costs remain a primary challenge.
Like many West Texans, Gary did electrical work for numerous oil companies, finally settling at ExxonMobil for 32 years. His job took him to Russia for five years to help start up their offshore program. He also spent 16 years in Midland with Mobil Pipeline Co. before being transferred back to Snyder.

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