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OSHA Vaccine Mandate Update

Are your inbox, social media, and news feeds full of information about the Supreme Court’s ruling on the proposed vaccine mandate? Ours are! Below is a brief summary of important points. 

What happened (legally speaking):

The Supreme Court reapplied the temporary injunction blocking the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) from enforcing the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that would have required all employers, with 100 or more employees, to implement one of two types of vaccination requirement policies.

The Sixth Circuit Court will resume assessment of the legal challenges. This means additional decisions will be made and those could result in additional Supreme Court involvement.

All of this means stay tuned, the final words have not been spoken.

What should you do now?

Most importantly, follow your state specific requirements. A list of links to various states and oversight entities can be found on our website.  

As always if you have questions about this or other HR related topics give us a call.


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