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Ag Partnerships on Nov 16

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Episode 2 of SSF's Implications for the Future Series:

Sixty Minutes with Richard Heinberg

On human survival

November 29, 2021

1:00 to 2:00 PM ET

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In the Second Episode in the series Richard Heinberg, Senior Fellow and Energy Analyst at the Post Carbon Institute, joins Ed in a discussion about the urgent need to transition to not just a different energy regime but a different basis for human habitation on the planet. The conversation features Richard's new book, Power: Limits and Prospects for Human Survival.

Richard is a renowned author and expert on transitioning away from fossil fuels, a significant factor in our climate crisis. In Power, Richard looks deeply at the core of humanity's problems and warns that we must tamp down the overuse and abuse of power. By power, he means more than energy. One species among millions has become powerful enough to threaten mass extinction and disrupt the Earth's climate.

Are we prepared to do whatever is necessary to prevent environmental and economic collapse? Join us on November 29th to engage in a conversation with Richard Heinberg on finding the power to save the planet.

The Security and Sustainability Forum's new webinar series, Implications for the Future, examines the implications of actions taken now on the planet's future health and human well-being. Each 60-minute session hosts a global leader in a one-on-one session with SSF Executive Director Edward Saltzberg.

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Next SSF Webinar

Doubling Down on Data: Giving You the Edge in Agriculture

Tuesday, November 16, 1:15- 2:45 pm EST

Alert Colleagues. Register and get the recording link.

Learn about the Agriculture Climate Partnership, which is transitioning U.S. agriculture to become net negative for CHG emissions. Also, farmer and open-source ag data sharing founder, Dorn Cox, joins the panel.

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Farming, technology, and research experts will examine the role of data and data interoperability to improve farm profitability and reduce the impact of agriculture on global warming and the planet's health. 

While agriculture contributes negatively to GHG emission, it also presents the potential to sequester carbon, manage water and other process inputs and help remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Making climate-smart decisions competitive along the ag supply chain requires access to data that define and quantify their financial benefits to the farmer and mechanisms for better consumer price signals.


The farm community closely holds information about farming practices for privacy, competitiveness, and operations management. However, third parties have developed effective mechanisms and collaboration platforms for data sharing in the ag industry. 

Panelists will examine integrating these platforms and ground-truthing the analyses and models, getting agreement among farmers on the privacy and use of the data, and offering more comprehensive farmer services and climate benefits. ASU LightWorks sponsors the session.

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Meet the Panel

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Sally Rockey

Executive Director

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR)

Dr. Sally Rockey is the inaugural Executive Director of the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research. FFAR leads public-private partnerships to support bold science in agriculture. Its research, co-created with the agriculture community, fills critical research gaps. FFAR also invests in the future scientific workforce. Before FFAR, Ms. Rockey was a leader in federal research, overseeing the operations of the extramural research programs in both agriculture and biomedicine.


Debbie Reed

Executive Director

Ecological Services Market Consortium

Ms. Reed has led ESMC since 2019. EMSC is a member-based organization launching a national-scale ecosystem services market program for agriculture to recognize and reward farmers and ranchers for their environmental services to society. Her role in leading the ESMC builds on decades of experience in agriculture climate change mitigation and sustainability efforts at the national and international levels.

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W. Banks Baker

Manager, Animal Welfare and Agriculture: Supply Chain Sustainability


Mr. Baker leads McDonald’s agriculture technology efforts. He focuses on monitoring and measurably improving animal health and welfare while increasing production efficiencies and gathering, tracking, and validating the progress of sustainability commitments. In addition, he creates and implements comprehensive protein sustainability strategies, including outcome-based corporate supply chain animal health and welfare programs.

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Mark Manfredo


ASU’s Morrison School of Agribusiness at the W. P. Carey School of Business

Prof. Manfredo's research focuses on commodity price analysis and agribusiness risk management, with particular emphasis on futures and options markets and price forecasting. His work has appeared in leading applied economics and agribusiness journals. Professor Manfredo served as the Director of the Morrison School of Agribusiness and as an Associate Dean for the ASU W. P. Carey School of Business.  

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Dorn Cox



Dorn is a founding member of the Farm Hack community, the executive director for GreenStart, and a farmer working a 250-acre a multigenerational family farm. His participatory research focuses on collaborative open source research and development for regenerative agricultural systems. Dorn is the team lead for The Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management (OpenTEAM. This is a collaborative community of farmers, scientists and researchers, engineers, farm service providers, and food companies that are committed to improving soil health and advancing agriculture’s ability to become a solution to climate change.

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Other SSF and Partner Events

Limits to Growth

What a 50-Year-Old Model that forecasted Global Collapse Tells Us About Avoiding It Today

ASU Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Webinar

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST


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Edward R. Saltzberg, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Security and Sustainability Forum 

The Security and Sustainability Forum, Check out the archive of free webinar recordings.

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