We look forward to seeing all of our students on Monday, August 7, 2023.
Milton currently has more students than we expected for the 2023-2024 school year. Please understand that we are working to accommodate the needs of all of our students. Schedules will be adjusted over the weekend. That means your schedule may change. Please review your schedule in Infinite Campus Sunday night and again Monday morning to have the most up to date information.
Common Issues and How To Resolve:
1) I have a hole in my FALL course schedule.
a. If you have a hole in your schedule for the FALL semester, proceed by visiting your counselor during the period you have a hole.
b. Counselors are not meeting for SPRING holes at this time. Our first priority is ensuring students have a place to go on the first day of school.
2) I want to drop a course as part of the Senior Reduced Courseload.
a. Senior Reduced Courseload forms will be available for pickup in the counseling suites 1340/1360 and in the front office.. All Senior Reduced Courseload forms are due to your assigned counselor by Friday, August 18.
3) I need to complete a Personal Fitness Waiver to remove Personal Fitness from my schedule.
a. Be sure you are using your FCS device and login, then follow the instructions linked here: https://popwellt.wixsite.com/miltoneagles/personal-fitness-waiver
4) I want to request a schedule change.
a. We will have a schedule change request period from August 7-August 18.
b. The form will be PAPER with limited parameters and available for pickup in the counseling suites 1340/1360 or the front office on Monday, August 7.
c. Friendly reminder that we DO NOT accept schedule change requests via phone, email, or walk-in. Submit a paper request form beginning the first day of school.