April 22, 2024

In This Communication:

AMA Survey on Change Healthcare Cyber-Attack

Deadline to Respond to Survey is Wednesday, April 24

As you are aware, Change Healthcare, a clearinghouse subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, experienced a cyber-attack in February. The related system outages have resulted in massive disruptions to electronic transactions across the health care system.


Because it is critical that the American Medical Association (AMA) keep up to speed on the current problems that physicians are experiencing, the AMA has developed another brief survey that MSD is sharing with our members. The AMA has used the results of previous surveys to inform their policy discussions with UnitedHealth Group, the Biden Administration, and Congress and MSD thanks you for your collaboration and support.


The deadline to complete this survey is Wednesday, April 24. We apologize for the short turnaround time, but the AMA would like to have the results in time to inform their comments to the Senate Finance Committee, which is scheduled to have a hearing on this issue on April 30.  

The information contained herein is solely informational, planned in accordance for a diverse membership audience. This communication reflects news and announcements that have been made available to MSD and is not intended to exclude other pertinent material. The content published is proposed to represent facts of interest and provide awareness to the members. MSD reserves the right to determine what information is relevant to its membership.

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