courses offering unique learning opportunities for all, delivered by highly renowned 

Moor Hall Farmhouse 
Bettws-y-crwyn,  Newcastle on Clun
Shropshire, SY7 8PH 
01547 510664

I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas

Ours was a bit quieter this year with just the immediate family, but more folk arrive tomorrow for 4 days which will be fun.

Meanwhile I thought I should let you know that Amanda Clayton will be returning, by popular demand, for a second time in 2020. SO PLEASE LOOK at these other dates and if you missed out on the first course, do get booking sooner rather than later to avoid disappointment.

Do also get in touch with me if one of my on-going courses appeal but you just want a little more information or assurance. I feel certain that there must be people out there who are tempted with the drawing workshops, but either feel that they cannot draw or are a little nervous about drawing. If this sounds like you then maybe you should give it a go. Click  HERE for further information and course booking or drop me an Email

I have also popped in a few other courses with spaces so have a look at those as well.  

AMANDA CLAYTON                 
2/3/4 September      
Piecing Patching and Pockets           

Using neutrals with an emphasis on extreme contrasts of cloth qualities we will work through both traditional and contemporary ways to join, layer, inlay, trap and patch.

Book this course  HERE

MATTHEW HARRIS                 
12/13/14 Jun
Upside down and back to front        

Working with individual imagery explore through a series of exercises and processes ways to generate and develop visual information. The new images created will serve as the starting point for development and interpretation through drawing.

Book this course  HERE

ALICE FOX       (PLEASE NOTE NEW DATES)                   
2/3/4 September           
Land Marks                                      

Explore different ways to record your experience of the landscape around Moor Hall through mark making, rust printing, mono-printing and botanical contact printing . Develop these as samples and artists books, forming a personal record of your experience.

Book this course  HERE

1/2 Feb, 29/1 Feb/Mar, 28/29 Mar (Weekends)
Moor Art 2
£210 for 6 sessions

Art courses offering insight into innovative art projects, exploring many ways of using techniques/media, through drawing and painting. Critique of work, artist research and lively discussion are essential parts of each session.  Course is suitable for all levels of ability and for those working in different art disciplines. If you feel concerned about committing to the full course try and get along to the first session to see if you like us and what we are doing. Individual session costs £50, but will be adjusted if you wish to stay for the full course.

Image by Sheelagh Stephens
Image by Sheelagh Stephens

Book this course  HERE

3 Feb, 2 Mar, 30 Mar
£105 for 3 sessions

This on-going course is for serious textile students wishing to pursue their own pathway through investigation, development and the sharing of ideas.
Appropriate activities will be offered as required and some thoughtful challenges will be set and encouraged.

Book this course HERE

29/30 Jan, 11/12 March, 6/7 May
Colour Investigations
£330 for 6 sessions

Extend your knowledge of textiles through dyed, stitched and printed textile techniques. Investigate aspects of colour, design and pattern on both paper and fabric. This is a brilliant course for building confidence, in a friendly and sharing environment.

This course is currently FULL. Please register your interest by emailing as we may be able to accommodate one more.

With all the challenges that lie ahead of us I think the best advise is to be creative in whatever way you can, as being creative is the most fulfilling and uplifting of all activities, whether, singing, drawing, acting, making music or whatever. 

Take care of one another and I  hope that 2020 is a really good year for you all. 

Best wishes 