January 21, 2022
American Manufacturing Communities Collaborative
Greetings all!

1. Join this Monday's AMCC National Call and Learn About Capital Access: That's right, we will have The Century Foundation's Andy Stettner and Michelle Burris join The Urban Manufacturing Alliance's Audra Ladd talking about one of the Big 6 areas of a thriving manufacturing ecosystem, capital access. More specifically, how to build an equitable manufacturing capital ecosystem and where the State Small Business Credit Initiative fits in. Don't miss it!

2. BBB Presentations: Similar to Dr. Tulinda Larsen's prior presentation on UT's BBB plan as one of the 60 BBB finalists' plans listed here, we are planning to have other regions do the same. If you are affiliated with or know someone a part of a BBB finalist region that can share more about their effort, please let me know!

3. A Reminder on the EDA Good Jobs Challenge: Applications are due February 10 as described on the EDA webpage.

4. Forming America's Advanced Manufacturing Strategic Plan: Related to last week's ITIF call for a Strategic Industrial Policy, here is AMCC's input submitted to the White Office of Science and Technology Policy as to lessons learned that can inform America's Advanced Manufacturing Strategic Plan.

5. Manufacturing Community Metrics Project Underway: And to help inform the way on that and manufacturing community progress in every region, we need better evidence leaders can use to operationalize interventions that are more likely to produce good jobs and sustainable development. That is why we are convening a meeting on January 26 with NIST and what we hope are many other key public data providing agencies and players to discuss how we build an open source roadmap for providing manufacturing community leaders with a set of useful indicators and metrics they can use right away and improve upon over time. There is a lot to this idea that you can read about more in this early 2 page description of the project, an effort described in the AMCC Strategic Plan.
That's it for now.

Matt Bogoshian
Executive Director