COVID-19 Update
As federal, state, and local governments take new actions daily to fight he COVID-19 pandemic, we want you to know that the AMLJIA is here to help. The AMLJIA staff is still hard at work for the membership, and our office remains open for essential functions. Rest assured that your calls and emails will always be answered, and business at the AMLJIA will continue uninterrupted.

We know that you have questions about how to protect yourselves and your communities, as well as how recent regulations may affect your entity. We've tried to address many of these questions below. If you need additional information or assistance, please call 1-800-337-3682 or email
Know your enemy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides up to date information, from how to prepare in case COVID-19 spreads in your community to symptoms and testing to caring for someone who is sick. Be sure to check the information and resources for schools, workplaces and community locations .

Stop the spread.   Use this  poster   throughout your facilities to remind employees how to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19.

S oap versus hand sanitizer.   Can't find any hand sanitizer on the store shelves? Use soap! When it comes to killing germs, soap and water wins hands down. The CDC explains why washing with soap and water is most effective . In situations where you don't have access to soap and water, make sure you use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Maintain vacant facilities. Protect buildings that will be vacant for a period of time, such as school closures, by conducting regular inspections  inside and out. During freezing weather, check daily to prevent freeze ups.

Adopt a telecommuting policy.  Prepare for the possibility that employees may need to work from home where feasible. Do you have a policy to address telecommuting that addresses schedules, duties and responsibilities, equipment, data security, and safety? Call the AMLJIA for assistance.

Implement new legislation. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act
(FFCRA) will go into effect April 2, 2020. This law requires employers to provide emergency leave under certain conditions. 

AMLJIA Safety Savings can help. Each AMLJIA member has a Safety Savings account that can be used to purchase safety supplies. Call or email to check your entity's account balance.
Alaskans are resilient and resourceful, and we will get through this together. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the AMLJIA at 800-337-3682.