Young Canada Works Applications 101:
Building HO and BCH Applications
This half-day workshop will be a quick overview of how to effectively write a Young Canada Works Application for the Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations (Summer Jobs) and Young Canada Works in Building Careers in Heritage programs. You’ll get a quick run-down of both programs and a quick intro on signing up for an account, before getting into the nitty-gritty of how to build a strong application.
January 10, 2020
Dalnavert Museum
Genevieve Wong - Program Officer, YCW
There are no fees for this workshop, but participants are asked to register as there are only 30 spots available. Contact the AMM office
if you'd like to attend.
There are only a few seats left.
Collections Management
Certificate Program in Museum Practice
Collections Management is an introductory course that gives participants the tools to properly manage a heritage collection. The course also outlines the legal and professional responsibilities with regards to records management for a museum collection. Having your artifacts properly catalogued and accounted for reduces time spent looking for things and reduces the amount of handling delicate artifacts and possible exposure to harmful chemicals.
Friday, January 31, 2020
New Iceland Heritage Museum (Gimli)
Nancy Anderson and Andrea Reichert
Collections Management is a prerequisite for the Specialized Course, Deaccessioning. However, if you’ve taken it before you do not have to take it again.
Specialized Course
Are your storage areas full from 30 years of collecting? Do you have too many widgets but you’d really like to find a whimsy? Has the mandate of your museum evolved or been refined over the years? If so, Deaccessioning is the course for you. The course is designed to complement the Collections Management course, which is also a prerequisite.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
New Iceland Heritage Museum (Gimli)
Nancy Anderson and Andrea Reichert
Museums & the Community
Certificate Program in Museum Practice
It has been an age-old and ongoing challenge for museums to evolve and compete for the attention of visitors and residents alike. More than ever before, museums must find a way to be relevant in a society focused on technology and entertainment. Museums must actively seek out and work with a broad network of community partners in order to appeal to new audiences and to ensure the long-term sustainability of the collections and stories they preserve.
March 20 & 21, 2020
(Please note date change!)
Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum (Brandon)
Jo Bunka and Loretta Dyck, Winnipegosis Museum
Certificate Program in Museum Practice
More information regarding our Program, including a calendar, course descriptions and fees, is available on our
New for 2020 is a discounted Student rate
Nominations for Annual Historical Award
Lt.-Gov. Janice Filmon is encouraging the public to nominate a worthy Manitoban who has provided prolonged and meritorious service in the preservation and promotion of Manitoba history for an award, presented in consultation with the Manitoba Historical Society.
“As Manitoba 150 celebrations take centre stage throughout our cities and towns, we will all be reminded of our province’s storied past and the many people and events that helped chart our course to the present and our promising future.” said Lt-Gov. Filmon.
Young Canada Works
The Young Canada Works (YCW) Program is now accepting applications for the 2020 - 21 program cycle, funding innovative employment opportunities for students and young graduates. They encourage museums interested in developing young museum professionals to apply.
YCW in Heritage Organizations (summer students) - January 15, 2020
YCW at Building Careers in Heritage (interns) - March 1, 2020
Budget Consultations Announced
Manitoba Finance has announced more public engagement meetings to give Manitobans a say in shaping the 2020-21 provincial budget.
The province has launched a Build a Budget feature at
that gives Manitobans the opportunity to create a provincial budget focused on their priorities. The province welcomes suggestions on how government spending and revenue should be prioritized, as well as suggested efficiencies and ideas for innovative ways to save money while ensuring services are available. The
also offers an online survey.
to read more and see where and when the consultations will be held.
Heritage Funding Increase
More than Triple the Funds Will Be Available For Heritage Conservation: Cox
As part of its 100-Day Action Plan, the Manitoba government has created the Heritage Resources Conservation Grant, which will more than triple funding to support heritage projects, Sport, Culture and Heritage Minister Cathy Cox announced today (December 13, 2019).
Grant deadline January 15, 2020
Green Team Grants
Urban and Hometown Green Team grant applications are now available for organizations to hire youth between the ages of 15 and 29 for summer jobs in Manitoba, Municipal Relations Minister Rochelle Squires announced today (December 6, 2019).
Grant deadline January 22, 2020
Province Supporting Veterans
$2-Million Fund Accepting Applications,
VLT Revenue Increased: Pallister
The province has taken a number of steps to ensure the long-term viability of Manitoba legions and applications are now available for the new Military Memorial Conservation grant program, Premier Brian Pallister announced today (November 7, 2019).
“Our veterans have served our country proudly and we owe it to them to show gratitude,” said Pallister. “We will do that by working with legions to ensure the groups that know them best are able to remain viable, as well as helping other groups maintain the many memorials and tributes to veterans all across Manitoba.”
Building Sustainable Communities
The Manitoba government will be providing more than $6 million in grants to support an additional 203 projects for municipalities, non-profit and community-led organizations across the province, Municipal Relations Minister Rochelle Squires announced today (November 12, 2019).
“Our government is committed to building thriving communities that provide a high quality of life for Manitobans”, said Squires. “The funding announced today has a focus on increasing our community capacity and promoting sustainability for our non-profit organizations.”
Grant deadline January 15, 2020
Young Canada Works
Information regarding Young Canada Works and a call for volunteers for Peer Review committees.
Volunteer Manitoba
Volunteer Manitoba offers many excellent professional development opportunities for not-for-profits.
CCI & CHIN Podcast
Display Cases
Oak Hammock Marsh is accepting offers on a few display cases.
to see the cases and for contact information.
Upcoming AMM events:
- 11th Annual Trivia Night, March 14, 2020
- Manitoba Day, May 12, 2020
- International Museum Day, May 18, 2020
- Annual Conference, Fall 2020
Remember to visit our
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Member News & Events!
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