AMP SoCal Monthly Newsletter
December 2018
- Attend Free Event: Accessing Capital for Defense Suppliers - JUST A FEW SPOTS LEFT
- Defense agencies have launched their SBIR programs, beginning November 2018
- Finding trained workers near you - Southern California college training program matrix
- Currently open for enrollment: Additive Manufacturing Online Course for Executives
- Manufacturers Are Facing Four Key Capital Need Scenarios
- Tooling U-SME Industry Pulse 2018 Manufacturing Workforce Report
- Webinar Now Available Online: Learn how to Talk to Your Banker (When You Need $$)
- Weekly Federal Announcements for the Week of November 26, 2018
- December A&D Forum Events
- AIAA LA-LV Section December Dinner Meeting Space Weather - December 4
- Webinar: The Figure 4™ Same Day Prototyping” Solution - December 6
- AIAA LA-LV Section January Dinner Meeting & AIAA LA-LV - January 16
Accessing Capital for Defense Suppliers
Hosted by the AMP SoCal Strengthening Competitiveness Program
December 11, 2018 | University of Southern California
Find out what financial option makes the most sense for your business by attending Accessing Capital for Defense Suppliers, hosted by the AMP SoCal Strengthening Competitiveness Program. Learn about financer expectations and the conditions for investment and the difference between lending sources.
The event will feature a panel discussion covering different capital access options, such as:
- Equity
- Senior Debt ($250,000 and above)
- CDFI Lender ($250,000 and below)
- Crowdfunding
A personal lending interview will also be offered to the first 10 registrants, which includes free pre-meeting financial support for those that qualify.
Defense agencies have launched their SBIR programs, beginning November 2018
The DoD gives small businesses the opportunity to engage in government-funded innovative work. With this financial support, these businesses can compete at the large business level, which otherwise may have proved much more difficult. Furthermore, not only will awardees be able to contribute to the success and development of the Department of Defense, awardees will benefit from engaging in the innovation process and further developing a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Currently open for enrollment:
Additive Manufacturing Online Course for Executives
This 12-hour online course, developed and offered by UCI with support from AMP SoCal, offers an executive level Additive Manufacturing (AM) certification based on the latest industry standards and best practices. It provides executives with comprehensive knowledge of when, where, and if AM technologies may be applied within their company to support reduced costs, add greater agility, and benefit their companies overall.
Finding trained workers near you
Southern California college training program matrix
Did you know that many colleges throughout the region are actively seeking manufacturers to collaborate in hiring trained students and developing useful and relevant programs? This list of Southern California community colleges, sorted by county, and their corresponding technical programs provides manufacturing businesses with a reference of the schools and training programs near them.
Manufacturers Are Facing
Four Key Capital Need Scenarios
Many manufactures of all shapes and sizes in the defense supply chain are experiencing a surge in new business. However, many are not able to fully take advantage of the boom in business because of the hard choices and sacrifices made to survive during the lean years following the federal budget sequestration in 2013. With capital reserves depleted and friends and family funding sources tapped out, manufactures are looking to lenders and investors to provide the capital they need to grow.
Tooling U-SME Industry Pulse
2018 Manufacturing Workforce Report
Maintaining the status quo for employee training and development is no longer an option. In its Industry Pulse: 2018 Manufacturing Workforce Report, Tooling U-SME found that immediate workforce development is crucial to industry’s future. Read more about the steps you can take to overcome the skills and talent crisis with a strong training and development program.
Webinar Now Available Online:
Learn How to Talk to Your Banker (When You Need $$)
A business loan interview can be an intimidating but necessary step to growing your business. Learn how to tell your business’ story in a way that will inspire confidence and put your best foot forward when meeting with financial representatives. Our webinar will include an engaging discussion about loan interview questions, business plan development, slide deck presentation, and strategic preparation for potential red flag issues that may hinder your path forward.
Selected Federal Agency Announcements and Related
for the Week of November 26, 2018
We regularly receive a selection of recent announcements gleaned from various federal sources and colleagues. Special thanks to EDA, ETA and other federal partners for sharing content that we may then share with you! Please continue to check back on our blog as this is updated regularly.
Aerospace & Defense Forum - Upcoming Meetings & Events
The Aerospace & Defense Forum is a global aerospace and defense leadership community that provides opportunities for sharing of information and analysis, mutual support and encouragement, partnering, innovation, and performance breakthroughs. Visit
for descriptions and links to RSVP to any of the meetings. Waitlists are maintained for all meetings and tours.
Orange County Chapter:
- December 6 - "What keeps the OEMs & Tiers up at night? Verify surveyed the A&D Industry and found out." Presenters: Alan McIntosh (President), Kris Carter (Vice President, Business Technology), and Shana Deering (Engineering / Subject Matter Expert Group), all from Verify Networking & Breakfast: 7:00-7:30 am, Meeting: 7:30-9:00 am. Click here to register.
AIAA LA-LV Section December Dinner Meeting
Space Weather
December 4, 2018 | Manhattan Beach, CA
Dr. Tamitha Skov is a space weather physicist. You may recognize her from TV shows she has done for The History Channel and The Weather Channel. She has been featured in Popular Science Magazine, and she does regular Space Weather broadcasts on TWiT TV. She wants to open your world to a new kind of weather that's becoming important to our daily lives.
Webinar: The Figure 4
Same Day
Prototyping Solution
December 6, 2018 | Online
Rapid Application Group has experienced massive growth since it was founded 18 months ago. Starting with SLS and FDM 3D printers, Owner and CEO, Terry Hill, needed to determine how to continue to deliver customer parts without straining his finances. The release of the Figure 4 Standalone 3D printer was the solution to his challenge. Join Terry as he describes the journey his company has travelled and how Figure 4 technology has enabled Rapid Application Group to double capacity for plastic parts while delivering accuracy, repeatability and unprecedented ease-of-use.
AIAA LA-LV Section January Dinner Meeting &
AIAA LA-LV Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Series
Interplanetary Spaceflight Implications of Fifty-Eight Years of Human Space Experience : Mitigating Limitations and Hazards
January 16, 2018 | Manhattan Beach, CA
The current state of preparedness for the human interplanetary spaceflight era remains woefully inadequate. Multidisciplinary systems approaches, innovative mission architectures and selective technology development could, in synergistic combination, significantly mitigate known as well as anticipated biomedical limitations and hazards.