What a great week it’s been to be a Firebird here at Camelback!
I want to start with a big SHOUT OUT to our Firebird Community for all their support and for showing up and out on Friday night at our first annual Monster Mash! It was a great event and it looked like everyone had such a great time! We had so much fun during our Fall Spirit Week last week, such creativity from our scholars, but it's time to get back to work as we finish up the first half of the second quarter. As a reminder, the expectation is that we're all in our dress code uniforms starting on Monday. Also, what a success the book fair was! Thank you again families for supporting the school and for getting books into the hands of your little ones. We all know the value of reading on a regular basis, but the kids were excited to have something they could call their own. We'll be doing another book fair during spring parent-teacher conferences in February. We have so many different things we're offering at the school all of the time, it's important to stay connected. We're finding some of the phone numbers and emails we have on file are not accurate or have changed, please log into the Parent Portal or stop by the front office and update your information. We practiced some of our safety drills this past week and we want to be sure we're always sharing with you current and accurate information.
Speaking of safety reminders; here at AMS Camelback we're focused on the Firebird Code which clearly defines our school-wide expectations as Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe and Be a Learner. We want everyone practicing these all of the time. In order to continue to focus on learning; we're reminding all families to tell your child to keep their cell phones put away. We will provide all of the digital tools they will need during the day, they don't need their phones out and they should be left at home or stored in the backpacks. Also, as a reminder, our school day ends at 3:15pm. This means learning will continue for all students until 3:15pm, with the changes we instituted this past week to arrival and dismissal, some of our scholars are still getting used to working until 3:15pm, please remind your child of this expectation. Also, no 3rd - 8th graders will be dismissed until 3:15pm, please do not come early and line up for them, we will not be dismissing them early.
If you're not already connected with your child's teacher(s) please reach out and get connected with Class Dojo or email and please be sure we have the most up-to-date phone number as well. We need to be working together and the best way to do so is to be connected.
We have so many great things happening every day here at Camelback, the most current information is always on our website, Facebook, Instagram, Class Dojo or in these autodialer messages. #WeAreCamelback