What a great week it’s been to be a Firebird here at Camelback!
Re-Enrollment...we did it! THANK YOU to everyone who completed the re-enrollment process and secured their place at AMS Camelback for next school year. We have made so many changes this year and we can't wait to start looking at how to be even better next year. This starts with your commitment to ensuring our school community is a safe, fun and academically focused learning institution!
This month we have been spending each week focused on one of our expectations from the Firebird Code; so far we've talked about Be Respectful and Be Responsible and Be Safe, this week we'll be reviewing what it means to Be a Learner. What is so great about being a learner is that it really puts everything together. It means coming to class prepared; having eaten breakfast so you can focus on the tasks and work at hand. It means when you're in the classroom you're tracking the speaker and staying focused on the task at hand. It means you're putting your efforts into what is right and helps you grow as a person and a student. At home, parents, it means you're asking about your child's day, you're assisting with homework, you're ensuring the time is available to complete outside of school projects and assignments. It means you're supporting the school by communicating with your child's teacher(s) about their progress. Being a Learning takes all of us and we can't wait to focus on it this week.
If you're not already connected with your child's teacher(s) please reach out and get connected with Class Dojo or email and please be sure we have the most up-to-date phone number as well. We need to be working together and the best way to do so is to be connected.
We have so many great things happening every day here at Camelback, the most current information is always on our website, Facebook, Instagram, Class Dojo or in these autodialer messages. #WeAreCamelback