What a great week it’s been to be a Firebird here at Camelback!
The month of August is already upon us and we're already ten days into the school year. Our scholars have been hard at work this past week as our teachers got going with their curriculums. We saw some science experiments, solving of equations, a class reading The Giver and some students practicing their spelling words. Hopefully they'll be able to help me with the spelling of some words soon! We continue to focus on our procedures and processes and look to refine them. We appreciate everyone's flexibility with our mid-week change to where our Walkers are dismissed from, it seems to be working and helps to keep our lines moving. I do want to cover a few safety reminders for all of our families. When it comes to Morning Drop-off, please families, do not drop your children before 7:30am, there is no supervision and our gates do not open until 7:30am. At dismissal, if you are using the Driveline, we will be entering our last set of numbers at 3:45pm, if you arrive after 3:45pm, you'll need to go around and pick your child up from Extended Care and you will be charged the daily rate of $15. Please make the necessary arrangements to pick up your children prior to 3:45pm or sign them up for Extended Care in the front office. We have AZELLA testing scheduled if your child qualifies and we're starting to plan for the beginning of the year DIBELS assessment and our iReady assessments in Reading and Mathematics. We're going to get that baseline data so we can start planning to meet the needs of our students.
If you're not already connected with your child's teacher(s) please reach out and get connected with Class Dojo or email. We need to be working together and the best way to do so is to be connected.
We have so many great things happening every day here at Camelback, the most current information is always on our website, Facebook, Instagram, Class Dojo or in these autodialer messages. #WeAreCamelback