Meetings & Events

AMS Meetings & Events Bulletin | September 2023

2023 Denver Annual Meeting

Denver Red Rocks at sunrise

Discounted Early Registration Ends 22 September

The deadline for discounted early, members-only registration rates and presenter registration for the AMS-SMT 2023 Joint Annual Meeting in Denver is Friday, 22 September 2023. So if you are an AMS member (or have been meaning to join or renew), now is the time. Update your AMS membership and then register. You can save as much as $130 off our non-member registration rates.

Register Now!

Featured Events


Mentoring Grad Students Toward Many Possible Futures

Info & Networking Fairs

Joint Interest Group and Affiliates Fair

Joint Prospective Graduate Student Fair


Materials that Matter

How George Bridgetower Flourished

Lisette: A Song's Journey from Haiti & Back


Joint Welcome Reception

Joint New Attendee Reception

Joint Student Reception

AMS/SMT Awards Reception

Explore the Program

Be an Annual Meeting Volunteer

Be an annual meeting volunteer! In exchange for 6.5 hours of service, you will receive a waiver of the annual meeting registration fee. Must be an AMS or SMT member to volunteer. Deadline extended to 29 September.


Register Now button

Register now and save with our early-bird rates. Want to save more? Join or renew your AMS membership before you register and save up to $130 off our non-member rates.


Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel

Reserve your hotel room at the Denver Sheraton Downtown Hotel using our special group rate and save. But don't wait! Bookings are first come, first serve.


Meet new friends and colleagues at the AMS Speed Networking session. Participants are paired and shuffled every 8-10 minutes. Learn more...

Career Development Grants in American Music

Apply now for the Society's new Career Development Grants in American Music, which provide $800 to support annual meeting attendance for students and educators interested in American music. Requires participation in a special American Music track.

Diverse Careers Workshop for Graduate Advisors

Join us for Mentoring Grad Students Toward Many Possible Futures: A Workshop for Faculty Advisors, which offers strategies for advising graduate students on a range of possible careers, inside or outside the academy. 

Many Musics of America

Scott Joplin's Ragtime

Distinguished performer and scholar, Marilyn Nonken, will deliver a public lecture-recital, "Scott Joplin's Ragtime," on the music of Scott Joplin and his collaborators: Scott Hayden, Arthur Marshall, and Louis Chauvin. To be held in Denver on Saturday, 11 November, 4:00-5:00pm.

Other News & Events


Pedagogy Fridays

Fall 2023

The Pedagogy Study Group invites teachers of music history to attend “Pedagogy Fridays.” At these virtual gatherings, attendees share resources, discuss teaching-related topics, and provide support. Held at 4:00pm ET on Fridays throughout the fall. Learn more...

Overhead shot of group working

AMS Council Workshop: Stragic Plan & Governance

The AMS holds three online informational workshops each year to educate AMS Council members about the Society's operations. The next workshop, on the AMS Strategic Plan and Governance, will be held on 29 September 2023 at 3:00pm ET. Invitation only.

Student Presenters: Apply for Pisk Prize by 1 December

The AMS invites graduate student presenters at the 2023 Annual Meeting to apply for the Paul A. Pisk Prize by 1 December. The Pisk Prize is awarded annually to a graduate student who presents an outstanding scholarly paper at the AMS Annual Meeting.

2023-2024 Members-Only Events

AMS members-only events provide networking opportunities, visibility, and information to AMS members. This year's series begins with an event from the Musical Notation, Inscription, and Visualization Study Group: Live Notation, Live Coding: Writing Music as it is Performed.

AMS/RRHoF: Raw Power and Pure Rock & Roll

Join us at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame this fall when Evan Rapport gives a public lecture titled, “'Raw Power' and 'Pure Rock and Roll': Musicality and Race in Early American Punk.” Part of the AMS/RRHoF Lecture Series to be held on 12 October 2023.

AMS Event Calendar

Connect with colleagues in your area by attending one of the many AMS events and chapter meetings. For a complete list of AMS chapters, and a map of chapters broken down by region, visit the AMS Chapters page.


AMS Pedagogy Study Group - Pedagogy Fridays

22 September 2023


Southeast Chapter Meeting

23 September 2023

Blacksburg, VA

Council Workshop: AMS Strategic Plan & Governance

29 September 2023


Greater New York

Chapter Meeting

30 September 2023

Staten Island, NY

New England Chapter Meeting

30 September 2023

Boston, MA


AMS Pedagogy Study Group - Pedagogy Fridays

6 October 2023


Pacific Southwest Chapter Meeting

7 October 2023

Los Angeles, CA

AMS / Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Lecture: Evan Rapport

12 October 2023

Cleveland, OH

Southwest Chapter Meeting

14 October 2023


Midwest Chapter Meeting

14-15 October 2023


AMS Pedagogy Study Group - Pedagogy Fridays

20 October 2023


Capital Chapter Meeting

21 October 2023



AMS Pedagogy Study Group - Pedagogy Fridays

3 November 2023


AMS-SMT Joint Annual Meeting

9-12 November 2023

Denver, CO

Scott Joplin's Ragtime

11 November 2023

Denver, CO

AMS Pedagogy Study Group - Pedagogy Fridays

17 November 2023


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