Growth Mindset for the New Year
As mentioned last month, we are getting right into the testing mode in February. Interim Assessment #3, for our 3rd – 8th graders, are starting Monday, February 13th and will conclude on Thursday, February 16th.
Guide your scholars’ Growth Mindset at home by talking to them about the upcoming test, encouraging them and then asking about it at the end of the day. Here is the schedule of assessments:
Monday, February 13th – Writing
Tuesday, February 14th – 5th and 8th grade Science
Wednesday, February 15th – Math
Thursday, February 16th Reading
February 17th – 22nd Make Up sessions.
Before each testing day, be sure that you scholar(s) have a good night sleep. Being able to wake up each testing morning with more than adequate sleep is a major indicator for scholar success. Each morning, capitalize on that rest with an energy sustaining breakfast. Leave the house with ample time to get to school. Scholars will perform better when they start the day in a relaxed state, versus the feeling of being late or rushed.
During the test, encourage your scholar(s) to take their time. They might not know the correct answer to every question but if they take their time to read each question carefully, they give themselves a better shot to get the right answer. This is truthfully one of the biggest reasons why scholars get incorrect answers on tests, they are not taking the time to fully understand what the question is asking them.
After the test, our scholars should feel good about the effort that they put in. They should now start to look forward to the next testing day. Ask your scholar(s) how the test went. If you show that you are invested, then they will be too.