July 4,

No. 14

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Upcoming Event in Beijing
Happy 4th of July! It is a busy month for us at AMS, just back from China for our inaugural AMS Leadership Development Program with the Central Party School, Peking University, and the China Executive Leadership Academy of Pudong. More on that in a future issue...  Next week we are back in Beijing for a program in partnership with US-China Dialogue (click on their link--really cool stuff!), the University of Maryland, Brookings, and Peking University. Details can be found here.
Weekly Readings
This week's readings are parallel pieces about the nature of U.S. and Chinese power. The first, by David Shambaugh, provides a number of reasons why Chinese power is not all its cracked up to be. Even if he downplay...s the lure of the China market as well as other factors that give Beijing leverage in different settings, it is a provocative and thoughtful article. The second, by a CASS scholar, suggests Beijing is overestimating U.S. influence on outcomes in East Asia, particularly the South China Sea. Both essays illustrate indirectly how power is as much a result of perception as reality.
Weibo Watch
A new vertical map of China was released on June 23 designed to prominently display China's claims in the South China Sea. Since the 1940s, China has used the "nine dash line" (九段线) first demarcated by the Nationalists after WWII, which lassos the Spratly and Paracel Islands. The new ten dash line (十段线) and the orientation of the map make these claims more prominent. The Paracels are also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan; the Spratlys by these countries as well as the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei.

There is plenty of praise on the micro-topic page #ChinasVerticalMap (#中国竖版地图#). @彩云之南上加难 is "waiting for the next step, when we truly make all of the islands in the South China Sea China's possessions" (期待后续措施,让南海诸岛等地真正为中国所有). But @焉艺然 jokes that "we've finally arrived in the mobile world. Even our map is made for cell phones now" (终于真正意义上走入移动时代了,连地图也变得更加适合手机浏览了).

Many users have speculated on what shape the new map resembles. China is often said to be in the shape of a rooster. @老徐时评 asked his followers what they think the new map looks like. "A rooster with a beat-up leg," says @不喝酒不违章 (一只腿被打肿了的公鸡). Others suggest a hammer, or even Africa. Others simply reply with the giggling emoticon.
俗语 in Xi Jinping's speeches


Translation: Principles should adapt to the times to remain relevant....

June 28 President Xi Jinping hosted Myanmese President Thein Sein and Indian Vice-President Hamid Ansari to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence." The speech is not the easiest read, but for those interested in regional security it is an important speech. It can be found here: http://cpc.people.com.cn/n/2014/0629/c64094-25214109.html

原文: "凡益之道,与时偕行。"刚才,吴登盛总统、安萨里副总统都对新形势下坚持和弘扬和平共处五项原则、推动建设新型国际关系和美好世界谈了很好的想法和主张。在这个问题上,中国、印度、缅甸有着广泛共识。
Documentary of the Week
It is July 4 and we are not sure how much time you have to watch a full documentary, so we are serving up a short mockumentary this week. Many of you are familiar with the fantastic 舌尖上的中国...well, here is a clever parody: 舌尖上的宿舍. May bring back memories for many of you!   

Re-Highlighted Job Opportunity 
This great position is still open for those interested!
The Maryland China Initiative at the University of Maryland College Park is currently seeking an English/Mandarin-speaking program assistant. This is a great opportunity to be engaged with US-China relations in a bilingual work environment (including frequent engagement with Chinese officials). There will also be opportunities through this position to get involved with the American Mandarin Society (and this newsletter).  Qualifications: Ideal candidates are native English speakers; Bachelor's degree required, Master's degree preferred; academic/professional background in international affairs, public policy, or education preferred; Mandarin proficiency; driver's license a must.

Please email your resume, available time frame, and current legal status to leibao.umd@gmail.com if interested. Make sure to mention that you are an AMS member. 
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