Welcome Winter...
Years may come and go but 2015 is special...
It's going to be SpEcTaCuLaR!
Greetings Fellow AMTA-PA members,
I hope you're ready to rock this year! We are going to be busy little bees, buzzing around Pennsylvania! First, I hope you've completed your license renewal. Keep all your paper work handy (CE's, CPR, etc). And stay organized going forward for the next license renewal in 2017. The PA State Board of Massage Therapy will be doing random auditing. If you happen to be one of the lucky chosen ones, this will allow for the process to go smoothly. =)
If you haven't noticed, our Facebook page has gone into hibernation for the winter. We are working on our social media options and will keep you posted. Be sure to hit up our whizz-bang website for all the up to date information at amtapa.org and keep an eye out for monthly emails. As always, AMTA-PA aims to serve the member and 2015 is no exception as we continue to establish closer interaction with all our members and look forward to engaging with YOU! So be sure to join us this year, get involved! Click the members tab on our website.
To our newest members, WELCOME...Welcome...Welcome! We all look forward to meeting you and discovering what you have to offer. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
A great big KUDOS to those of you who made a financial contribution to our Chapter this past year. We now have a 'support your chapter' button on our website so you can contribute to AMTA-PA directly. Thank you in advance for your support!
Our Annual meeting will be held in
Lancaster this year on Saturday April 25th.
Put that date on your calendar! I'll meet you there, if our paths do not cross before hand. Until then, pull out your running shoes, ballerina slippers, work boots...adorn your ball cap, sailors cap, bandana or whatever it is you fancy...it doesn't matter...just get out there and make 2015 the best year yet! Personally, professionally and spiritually.
Have A Great Year In Advance... A New Year! ...Party on!
Yours in Keeping It Moving (KIM),
Kim Kane-Santos, AMTA-PA Chapter President
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
~ Mark Twain
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AMTA-PA Board of Directors
Kim Kane-Santos, President
Fred Broadbent, 1st Vice President
Frank Denig, 2nd Vice President
Larry Sabatini, 3rd Vice President
Brenda Page, Secretary
Kellie Pannepacker, Treasurer
Joanne Mengel, EDR (Northeast & Lehigh Valley Units)
Kelly Givens, CDR (Southeast & South Central Units)
Fred Naught, WDR (Northwest & Southwest Units)
New to our chapter? Great! Welcome. If you are new to the industry as well, there are resource guides available for you, to help discover what is available out in the world for good people - like you. Contact member John O'Neil via email for more information. Visit your website
We have a plethora of openings (or perhaps we can create one to fit your interest or expertise) and an unlimited volunteer list. Come join the FUN! Membership
Welcome new members, help mentor; stay connected with
current members; follow up with non-renewals; etc.
Government Relations
Stay up to date on current State laws and city ordinances that
affect our members; etc.
Provide educational opportunities for chapter members at
chapter meetings and/or at unit educational events; etc.
Sports Massage
Organizing and publicizing sports massage events at the
local level in accordance with national initiatives; etc.
Creation and publication of a timely and informative
newsletter four times per year and solicit advertisements; etc.
Identify chapter members who deserve recognition for
contribution to AMTA and/or the profession; send appropriate goodwill; etc
New AMTA PA members as of September, 2014
Danielle Abuiso * Christopher Banks * Sherlly Cadeau-White * Kyria Coleman * Amanda H Devaney * Laura Elaro * Kelly Escobedo * Danniele Fye * Hudson Handel * Danielle Herman * Amanda Kalbaugh * Dominique Kossally * Stephanie La Quino * Lolita Lynch * Jason Maxfield * Shavon Mccain * Bethann McCawley * Arlene Phillips * Karen Reifinger * Debra Sandra * Ryan Tisi * Edwin Vega * Shanna Wade * Cheryl Worrell
Members who transferred to AMTA PA as of September, 2014
Steven Pagel * Linda Smart
New AMTA PA members as of October, 2014
Vanessa Abel * Tawfeeq Abu-Zaynab * Desiree Alaniz * Sercifina Barlow * Craig A. Bellet * Shanae Bivans * Shaniqua Brown * Albert J. Buck * Morgan Butz * Jesse Candelori * Carl Coats * Xiomara Cotton * Jasmin Curtis * Hannah G Defibaugh * Brigid Fellenbaum * Kelly Fenstermaker * Sarah Fox * Espelhomme L Gene Jr.* Jeanine Gilbert * Kiara Gonzalez * Yolanda Gonzalez * Amy Graff * Krista L Greene * Prince Hill * Jamier Holloway * Cody Houseman * Annalisa Hruska * Debora Hu * Olivia Hussain * Frances Marie Jacobs * Antionette Johnson * Dominique Jordan * Jenny W Kaemmerer * Hong-Hanh Khong * Alexandra Kyriacopoulos * Candice Leonard * Karen Luciano * Erin Macioce * Daniel S. Marquard * Katurah Marshall * Kelly McCaughan * Biemann McCrae * Jennifer McGurk * Brittany Miller * Juliet Pratt Monroe * Courtney Moyer * Kali Mulcahy * Cameron Mummert * Victoria Ortiz * Jessica T. Patrick * Annette Patterson * Darnell H. Penn * Jennifer L Petrus * Matthew Phethean * Denise Philpott * Kai Qiu * Jocelyn Rosado * Melissa Roy * Angela Rundle * Elijah Scott * Claudia Sick * Ameen Smith * Malynn Smith * Olivia Sowers * Emi Stretton
Members who transferred to AMTA PA as of October, 2014
Felicitas L. Bayna * Christine M. Berrafato * Alyssa Dytko * Kristin Fitzsimmons * Nicol Teresa Norris * Mary C. Teti * Ms. Daria J Walsh * Robert Walsh
New AMTA PA members as of November, 2014
Barb Brooks * Katie Bryant * Jolynda Burton * Brittany Chabala * Michelle Christopher * Annie Czajka * Georgia Evearitt * Susan Goldin * Tyler Good * Tara Heisey * Kelly Hendricks * Melissa Hildebrand * Shelby Huber * Jennah Jones * Roselee Kislowski * Tracey Kondrasuk-Brander * Erin Lee * Sharon Little * Emily Maier * Martin Nat * Jeannie Peck * Maria Elena Pell * Monica Pfeiffer * Alexandra Piccioni * Samantha Pryor * Nicole Smalls * Linda Stoltzfus * Steven Torres * Jo-Ann Warren * Jasmine Whitaker * Alan Williams
Get a little $...give a little...Your chapter works hard on your behalf. With that being said, you may have noticed you now have the option instead of a requirement ($25 PA chapter fee collected at renewal) to give financial support to AMTA-Pa. This can now be done at any time, in any amount, and as many times as you wish! You will find a "contribute to your chapter" page on Nationals website or click below to contribute today!
Our new and vastly improved website has all events listed in our new calendar. It appears to the right of every page on the website. Check it frequently. In fact, bookmark it today. For more details on these classes, please go the the chapter website, and click on the date on the calendar at the right.
There will be no Spring Unit Meetings or classes due to the National Convention in Pittsburgh in August. Join us in Lancaster for the Annual Meeting.
Find which unit you are in by locating the county you live in on the map above. 
The unit name that is listed in the colored area is the unit you are in, along with all
the other counties listed in it. The quadrants may be chaning, so please, stay informed and up-to-date by visiting the unit's page here for contact information.
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20 bucks.
That's what you get when you refer your friends and colleagues to become members of AMTA. $20. You could go get hot chocolate with your sweetie or a cheeseburger with your son.
Or, you could go get that overdue pedicure. When they join, you'll get a $20 Visa gift card! Wooo-Hoooo! It's that simple. You must have friends, 'cause you have us.
The most delicious (and healthiest!) Chocolate. Ever.
Simple Coconut Oil Chocolate Candies
1/2 cup Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil 1/4 cup Cocoa Powder (raw cocoa powder is preferred) 2 Tbsp Organic Raw Honey adjust according to taste 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional) Melt the coconut oil and add the honey. Whisk and add the cocoa powder. Whisk occasionally while pouring into a silicone ice cube tray, mini muffin tray or little candy molds. Cool for 30 minutes in the fridge or freezer and store in fridge.
Note: Time varies depending on how hot the coconut oil was when you started. If the oil is only just reached its melting stage, these will set in as little as 15 minutes.
November Networking and Holiday Party { NO. 111514-1 }
We had a great turn out for the November newtorking and party for the Pennsylvania Chapter. Great people games and the food, although spicy, was delicious. Hosted by Frank and Donnia, everyone decided that coming to Bradford PA wasn't all that bad.
MASHmob { NO. 121214-1 }
AMTA-PA BOD and Chair Member (Frank and Donnia) created MAShmob this year to give back to the community. (M) Massage therapy (A) Awareness (S) Service and (H) Healing - we surprise one local business a month with free 10minute massages and spread the word about massage therapy and it's benefits, even for only 10minutes. It has been very well received to say the least. We challenge all members to take it to their community. Just one day, for an hour, so find some business in your local area. Community Service and quite possibly a few new patients.
Send us your story - we know you have one. We will publish as many as we can in each newsletter.
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Winter Edition Quick Links
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| advertising for your needs as members of the AMTA-PA chapter | 
Feel free to download these ads as flyers to keep on hand Contact us for the Spring issue.
The Balanced Body is distributed electronically on a quarterly basis
and welcomes contributions from all AMTA members.
SUBMISSIONS must include contact information and may be edited for space & clarity.
The Balanced Body accepts digital advertisements (jpg or PDF form only).
Deadline is the first of the following months: March, June, September & December
Email delivery the first of the following months: April, July, October & January
Up to 20 Words $25; Over 20 Words $ .25 per word
Ad A - 'the York' $60
Ad B - 'the Allentown' $90
Ad C - 'the Philadelphia' $120 For more information please contact Newsletter Committee Chair, Donnia Denig
Do you have anything you'd like to see in your newsletter? Trends, Self-care tips,
stories or techniques or questions you'd like to pose to your state colleagues in our industry?
We would be happy to hear your ideas - feel free to