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(Stories & Excerpts from Prophet Kent's 
New book; What's Your Angel's Name?)

Kent Simpson,
Apostolic Prophet
Angelic Possession 11
You will find very few Spirit-filled Christians who disagree that a person can be possessed by a demon. If Satan has possession of a person's spirit, soul, and body, he can use that person to fulfill his evil deeds.
From time to time, we see a convict on television confess that the devil took full control over his mind and body. He may say, "I did not know what I was doing." Now, the jury of the world is still out on whether or not this can happen; however, you and I know it can happen, and it has happened far too many times.
Stories & Excerpts from Kent's book (click here for more info)
Identifying the works of the devil is easy, and those works are reported daily in the news media. It is acceptable for us to say, "Yes, a person can be demon-possessed." However, many refuse to believe an angel can possess a person. Why is this? Both angels and demons are spiritual beings directed by two separate forces: the Holy Spirit or Satan. The possessor of one's spirit will determine who has eternal rights over the person's body, soul, and spirit.
Supernatural events recorded over many cent
uries have told us how possessed people have accomplished phenomenal feats. Some have been demon-possessed; others possessed by an angel. You may not like to look at it this way, but where there is negative, there is also always positive. It is easy to see that a person committing evil is demon-possessed.
If God needed me to perform a miracle, like fl
ip over a burning bus full of school children, and He wanted an angel to take possession of my body to get the work done, I would not have a problem with that-I don't think you would, either. However, you probably would not agree with me if I were to say that God could possess me with an angel anytime He desires. In fact, there have been many times that I have been prophesying and all of sudden my thoughts are no longer my thoughts, nor my words my own. My mouth was moving, but what was coming out of me was not in my power or ability to even think.
We have also seen supernatural signs follow God's people, but why do we not say they are possessed by an angel? It stands to reason that if Satan is going to work through one of his people, he will appoint a demon-or demons-to fulfill his evil through that person.
Think of it this way: when we operate in the g
ift of discernment and cast out demons, we are, in effect, casting out evil spirits. You cannot find one scripture in the Bible where Satan is cast out of anyone, because he does not allow himself to be put in that position when he has fallen angels (demons) to do it for him. You will find many accounts in the Bible where demons are cast out of people. The only place Satan has been cast out of is Heaven (Luke 10:18).
Demons are simply fallen angels. One third of the angels followed Satan, so two-thirds are still on our side. Think about it; we outnumber Satan 2 to 1.  (to be continued tomorrow)

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Dear Apostolic Prophet Simpson,
In front of me is "The School of Prophetic Knowledge" manual with Scripture references from lessons one through twelve. I have started with your teachings but nothing so far is written in the manual. Instead, I am at lesson two and as with lesson one, I am transcribing everything word for word. Needless to say, it is a laborious task and very time consuming. I wished there would be an easier way to follow your teachings in order to comprehend and digest all that you are sharing with us. However, and because so much of what you are teaching is of utmost importance to all who desire to hear from our Lord and does resonate with my spirit, I do not want to miss, not even a sentence of what you are speaking. Thank you so very much for your offer of "The School of Prophetic Knowledge."  It is a priceless treasure and I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to find it.
I also would like to thank you for my signed copy of your book "What's your Angel's Name," another treasure which I just finished reading. I will have to read it again and hope to hear more about angels as I move along the CDs.
Finally, thank you so much for the prophetic word on CD. I transcribed it as well and keep reading and re-reading it. Moreover, I am overwhelmed by His grace and cannot wait for our Lord Jesus to begin parting the heavens on my behalf so that I can serve Him according to His will.  
I have also tried to listen to a session of your teachings via  Because much of what I am learning on how to hear and follow the Holy Spirit is still new to me, I am uncertain if I can ask for prophetic words beyond the one I received from you. I am saying that because in praying/ministering to people, all I know is how to include/use Scripture verses and promises of God. And now for me to get to where the Lord wants me to be, I kind of feel that I still have to cross a bridge, not quite knowing how to accomplish that. I hear you saying: "Pray," which I do.
I thank the Lord for the gift that He has imparted unto you. May He bless you and yours abundantly and remain your anchor for evermore. And, yes, thank you so much for your faithfulness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you, all to the glory of Father God.
Helga from Maryland

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