"The family remains the basic unit of society and the first
school in which children learn the human, spiritual, and
moral values which enable them to be a beacon of
goodness, integrity, and justice in our communities."
~ Pope Francis
Weekly School Schedule: Week of September 14th
  • Friday, 11th | Sophomore Retreat | 8:00 a.m.
  • Monday, 14th | Meet the Counselors: Freshmen Parent Night | 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday, 18th | Senior Photos (Information was sent separately last week)
  • Friday, 18th | Freshmen Class Retreat | 8:00 a.m.
  • Saturday, 19th | Senior Photos (Information was sent separately last week)
  • Thursday, 24th | Senior Kick-off | 6:00 p.m. (Senior students only)
  • Friday, 25th | Senior Photos (Information was sent separately last week)
  • Friday, 25th | Senior Grade Level Activity
  • Saturday, 26th | Senior Photos (Information was sent separately last week)
Faculty Appreciation Committee
Last year, we began an effort to engage parents in the life of the school through a variety of parent support committees. Due to the pandemic and the social nature of the committees, the activities of some of these committees are on hold.

There is one committee, however, that is an important one to operate -- that is our Faculty Appreciation Committee. There is no doubt that teaching is different these days, and a little affirmation of our faculty and staff goes a long way.

The Faculty Appreciation Committee plans faculty appreciation luncheons at the end of each semester (one in December and one in May), develops recognition for faculty during Teacher Appreciation Week (May), and helps celebrate faculty birthdays for the month (once monthly).

During this pandemic, these activities may need to be modified given that visitors are limited and there is a need to ensure that food items are individually packaged, but we know the faculty would be very appreciative.

If you are interested in being a part of this committee, click the link to the left to sign up.
Campus Ministry
Sophomore Class Retreat
The sophomore retreat will be led by a group of outstanding seniors and supervised by Antonian faculty and administration. As always, we will be following all of our safety protocols. Sophomores can wear spirit dress (jeans and an Antonian shirt) and they do not need to bring any books or school materials with them.

Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m., and lunch will not be provided on this day. A Google Form has been sent out to all sophomores to confirm how they will be attending. A link will be sent ONLY to those students who confirm they will be attending remotely. The deadline to fill out this form is tomorrow, September 10th by 12:00 p.m. If a student does not sign up for the virtual option by this time and does not show up in person on Friday, they will be considered absent.

If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Campus Ministry, Megan Diaz, at mdiaz@antonian.org. Thank you for your support and please keep the sophomores in your prayers this Friday!
School Policies
Open Period Policy
The Administration would like to clarify/reaffirm a passage in the Student-Parent Handbook, under the header "Student Schedules." The passage reads:

When a student is not scheduled in a course for all the possible eight academic periods, he or she will be scheduled for an open period. To the extent possible, open periods will be scheduled for 1st period or 9th period. In this case, a student with an open 1st period or open 9th period will have the opportunity for flexible scheduling which allows them to arrive to start 2nd period or depart after 8th period. In rare circumstances, a student's open period may be scheduled in a period other than 1st or 9th. In this case, the student is not permitted to leave campus during the open period and must report to an assigned area for attendance reporting. 

Initially, as we started back to school, it was communicated that students with a 9th period athletic period not presently in action AND 8th period open should leave campus after 7th period. However, in order to remain consistent with our policy, a student with 8th period open should remain on campus, reporting to the Student Center, until the period is over. 
Student Attendance and Doctor's Notes
All questions regarding student attendance and/or doctor's notes for a student absence should be directed to Mrs. Danniella Martinez (dmartinez@antonian.org) in the front office.
Student Services and Activities
Speech and Debate

Speech and Debate will have an introductory meeting for all interested students in room 303 Wednesday, September 16th and Thursday, September 17th after school.

If you are interested and cannot make the meeting, please stop by room 303 or send an email to Mrs. Hoard at mhoard@antonian.org

At this time, Speech and Debate meets will be held virtually.
Hope for the Future 5K Run

Walk, run, or bike with your family to benefit Antonian College Preparatory High School. Your registration benefits Antonian and comes with a t-shirt and other fun items. This event is going virtual this year! You can complete your 5K anytime between October 11th and October 25th at any location (a nearby park or your neighborhood). Post your miles, photos, or videos via social media. Use the hashtag #CatholicSchool5K to share your experience. 
Senior Kick Off

Antonian is hosting the Class of 2021 "Senior Kick Off." This event will take place 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 24th at the Antonian Baseball field.

In order to prepare adequately for this event, we are asking that all seniors fill out the short survey at the link below.

More information will be forthcoming in the week ahead.
Studio Benton Photography

In light of our attendance model during this pandemic, rather than having the photographer return to campus, Ross Benton of Benton Studios will open his studio on an appointment basis.

If your child has not yet had his school photo taken, please use the link below to make an appointment. Please know that this is important because the photo is used for the student's ID and for our yearbook.

Students should wear a white, red, or blue Antonian uniform shirt for their photo.
Luby's Dining Card Distribution
  • Dining Cards: The new Luby's dining cards were distributed to students this week. An email was sent with instructions on how to preload the card for use in our cafeteria, express store, and other Luby's locations. You can also click here to view those instructions.

2020-2021 Financial Assistance
  • Tuition Assistance: The Antonian tuition assistance committee will meet in September to review families that have a calculated need and may not have already been assisted. This assistance will be based on any Hope for the Future declined funds available to Antonian at that time. Please know that the Committee prayerfully considers every application (over 165) with the goal of helping as many families as possible with a calculated financial need. If you have experienced a financial hardship, please work directly with our Business Office staff.

2020-2021 Tuition Past Due Balances
  • Past Due Balances and Missed Payments:  Tuition is due on the 5th of every month, unless other arrangements have been made. Past due balances and missed payments have an impact on the cash resources used to meet our financial obligations. It is Antonian's policy that a past due balance can not be carried more than 60 days and missed or unsuccessful payments are subject to late or return fees that can not be waived, so please plan accordingly. Again, if you have experienced or are experiencing a financial hardship please work directly with our Business Office staff as soon as possible.
Antonian School App

To stay current with our communications, we encourage you to download our school app, hosted by our website provider - Edilo.

  • Search "School News by Edilo" in your app store -- download
  • Type in "Antonian" in the search school section
  • Click "Add School"
Antonian Business Directory

Over the summer, we built a comprehensive Antonian Business Directory of Antonian family-owned businesses. 

If you would like your business to be listed, please click here to fill out the Business Directory intake form. 

Our goal is simple -- support our community. Shop local, shop Antonian!  
Meet The Counselors
The Counseling Department will host a "Meet the Counselors Night" for the Class of 2024 on Monday, September 14th.

Due to physical distancing requirements, we are asking that only one parent for each student attend. This event will also be live-streamed.

This event will be held in our auditorium and parents are to sit in a seat that is marked with a red tag.
Almost A Touchdown!
End Zone Camera Required
Due to recent regulations imposed by TAPPS, Antonian is required to have an End Zone camera. This camera will meet the needs of the Antonian athletics program. We are almost at the needed goal, if you feel inspired to donate to this cause, please click the button below.
Quick Links
It's A Great Day To Be An Apache
Thank you, Antonian
Over the years, senior Victoria Rangel and Tori Garza have volunteered at the Guadalupe Center and mentored students in and around the community.

They saw a need for the students they mentored as they witnessed how these students were financially impacted by the current pandemic. The concern and care for these kids led Victoria and Tori to organize the school supply drive held on August 29th.

The reality of this drive and the overall success was made possible due to the help of the faculty and community at Antonian. Several students came to assist on Saturday to help collect the supplies.

On Monday, Victoria and Tori delivered the donations to J.T. Brackenridge Elementary. They were met by the Principal, Vice Principal, Director of Communications, and several teachers. The Brackenridge community was overwhelmed by the amount of supplies donated and they were so grateful for everyone’s generosity. They also expressed and acknowledged the compassion showcased by our community.

Victoria's mom stated, "I personally would like to thank all the amazing educators at Antonian for instilling in their students, especially my daughter, to be kind, compassionate, selfless, and most of all Christ-like. Helping others is truly an amazing experience."

We thank Victoria, Tori, our students, and faculty for helping make this school year possible for others.
Faculty Spotlight: Mrs. Megan Diaz
Campus Minister
Mrs. Megan Diaz
Our goal at Antonian is to build well-rounded students to include the guidance and development of their faith.

This goal is purposeful in that we wish to empower our students to live transformed lives in an ever changing world and to do so with grace and love.

Our Campus Minister, Mrs. Diaz, is an example of what faith formation can do for a student. An alumna of Antonian, Mrs. Diaz returned to Antonian to teach Theology. Her passion in shaping our youth led her to seek a role to continue to build upon Antonian's spiritual foundation.

With that, she begins her second year as our Campus Minister. Her passion has brought forth many new ideas to include the recent 7 at 7:00 p.m. Her ministry is inclusive of our community, as she encourages not only students but faculty and parents to participate in prayer and many faith based and volunteer events.

Our goal is that when a student leaves Antonian, they take these fundamental values with them and continue to contribute to the community and serve their brothers and sisters.

It is always a peaceful feeling when we see our alumni continue these goals...and, for that, we thank Mrs. Diaz for being that shining example of God's love and work.
6425 West Ave.,
San Antonio, TX 78213
(210) 344-9265