"You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Responsibility: Members of the Antonian community are to always fulfill a moral obligation to behave correctly and to be able to answer for one’s own actions, taking ownership of them, whether positive or negative.
If you believe your child reflects the standard of the month, then submit us his or her story by clicking the link.
This month, we have many things to be grateful for. We hope you have discovered new things to be thankful for, both big and small. As we continue to engage in more and more school-wide events, we must remind ourselves to navigate this unique school year with respect for others in regards to health and safety.
With that, we ask that all parents and students continue to wear masks to all Antonian events, whether indoor or outdoor. We always count on each other to be "our brother's keeper" and ensure we are doing our part to keep one another safe.
Below is important information pertaining to our annual Thanksgiving luncheon and our Academic Support Fridays.
We remain in prayer for you and your family and hope your season of thanks is fruitful.
Mason Finch
Director of Communications
Included in this newsletter is news and information to help parents and students this month. Topics are:
- Weekly School Schedule
- Save The Date | Looking Ahead Calendar
- Admissions
- Student Services and Activities
- Campus Ministry
- Business Office News
- Academics and Academic Counseling
- Advancement
- Quick Links
- Highlights
Weekly School Schedule: November 16th
- Friday-Saturday, 13th-14th | TAPPS State One Act Play Competition
- Friday, 13th | Class of 2023 Grade Level Activity Day
- Saturday, 14th | HSPT Practice Session
- Tuesday, 17th | Morning Mass
- Wednesday, 18th | Morning Mass
- Wednesday, 18th | Student and Faculty Thanksgiving Luncheon (Red Group)
- Thursday, 19th | Student and Faculty Thanksgiving Luncheon (White Group)
- Friday, 20th | Class of 2024 Grade Level Activity Day
- Monday, 23rd-27th | Thanksgiving Holidays - No School
Student Services and Activities
Student and Faculty Thanksgiving Luncheon
This year, our annual Thanksgiving luncheon will be hosted only for our faculty and students. While our hearts ache that we cannot host our families, we know it is for those same reasons that we have made this decision to ensure the safety of our community.
Due to the hybrid grouping for attendance, we will be hosting luncheons on two days: on Wednesday, November 18th and Thursday, November 19th
With that, you will find two links that pertain to the following:
Link One: RSVP: We are asking that the community fills out this short survey. This will help Luby's prepare accordingly. There is no additional cost for students wishing to eat the prepared Thanksgiving meal.
Link Two: If you are interested in donating a dessert, please use the volunteer sign up link. All desserts can be dropped off at the front of the school Wednesday, November 17th by 8:00 a.m.
Message From The Dean Of Students
Message from the Dean of Students
I would like to bring to your attention, protocols set in the re-entry plan and in our student handbook.
Attire and Comportment
During remote learning, students may dress comfortably but should wear an Antonian-branded spirit attire shirt. During the hybrid learning when students are on campus, they are to be in their regular school uniform. For grade level activity days, students are asked to wear Mass uniform, given that Mass will be celebrated, unless other instructions for attire are communicated. Please refer to the handbook in regards to dress code. (Currently students are in Spirit Dress on Fridays unless told differently.)
With respect to comportment when attending remotely, students should maintain a “professional” approach to school -- sit in a chair (not in bed), be cognizant of their background and other surroundings to avoid/prevent distractions, take action to control/minimize any background noise, be attentive, and actively participate in the synchronous learning.
In recent weeks we are finding that students are driving or with parents in the car and this is not what is expected of our students. We want everyone to be attentive and actively engaged in the classroom without any distractions especially driving while in class which is unsafe and dangerous. We care for your safety and well being, therefore, under no circumstances should students be driving and attending their class(es).
In addition, we are finding that students are signing in to class for a few minutes and then getting off. Remember that teachers can view those students who are remote in their classroom and they need for you to stay in class the full 35 minutes. In addition, students are to be seen, therefore their cameras are to be on at all times and their face should be shown. Cameras should not be facing the ceiling or floor. If you are having any wifi or computer issues please contact the teacher immediately. If it is a Chromebook issue please contact Mr. Nowak (knowak@antonian.org).
Attendance Expectations (Handbook, p. 12)
The Texas State law requires each student to be in attendance 90% of the school year. A student may not receive credit for a course unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the course is offered. A student who misses nine (9) or more days of classes per semester risks losing academic credit for affected courses. Students are to attend school unless there are valid reasons for absence provided by the parent/guardian. An excused absence does not mean a student will not be marked absent. A student not physically present at a school, excused or unexcused, is marked absent. Absences for school functions are not counted toward the attendance requirement.
Regular and punctual attendance is expected and required. The effectiveness of any academic program is limited when students miss class time. Late arrival in class impacts not only the student that is late, but also the faculty and fellow students who suffer class disruption. Both absences and tardies contribute to this effect.
Students are held accountable for signing in tardy through the QR code or the link placed on your Google Classroom. Students who are marked absent and do not submit their tardy form will be marked absent for the whole period which will affect your attendance or senior exemptions.
Students should not need to use their phones because of their Chromebooks, but if absolutely necessary, students should only use their phone with explicit permission
from the teacher for instructional purposes only.
The administration, faculty and staff would like for everyone to be safe and follow school policies. Thank you for your support and cooperation with these expections. Let's end this first semester with all students working hard and doing their very best with their studies.
Mrs. Segura
PRACTICE High School Placement Test:
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Antonian College Preparatory High School will be hosting an optional practice High School Placement Test (HSPT) for all
8th-grade students.
The test will be administered on Saturday, November 14, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. Deadline to register is Friday, November 13th at 4:00 p.m.
High School Placement Test:
Testing at your child's middle school:
Area Catholic grade schools in the Archdiocese of San Antonio will administer the High School Placement Test (HSPT) during the school day on December 11th on their own campuses. This test is for 8th grade students only.
Advanced registration to take the HSPT is strongly encouraged. During COVID-19, protocols have been to limit large gatherings, if at all possible. This is a reasonable solution for your student to test in very safe and familiar surroundings.
If your student is unable to attend the Catholic grade school testing date on December 11th, please register for a high school testing session on December 12th. Registration for each test date will close at 11:59 p.m. (CST) on the close dates listed below. To register after the deadline, please call the Admissions Office of your preferred testing site.
Testing at Antonian:
Students who are not presently attending a Catholic grade school within the Archdiocese of San Antonio will test on Antonian's campus on Saturday, December 12th. Please click the following link to register.
Academics and Academic Counseling
Please remember that we are about halfway through the 2nd quarter. Please check the Ascender grade portal to see the most current grades and encourage your students to reach out to their teachers if there is a need.
Because we have an alternate schedule this year, our Friday enrichment days allow time to help students who would benefit from extra tutoring and support in their courses. During that time, students are able to check in with their teachers to get tutoring or simply be on campus so that they can have quiet time to study and/or catch up on school work. These sessions are open for all students, but are mandatory for students failing three or more classes.
What is our criteria in inviting students?
- Students that are failing three or more classes will be required to attend tutoring on Fridays.
- Any other student can attend if they wish.
What if the student does not attend mandatory tutoring?
- If a student is asked to attend a mandatory Friday session and cannot attend, they will need to make arrangements with their teachers and Ms. Ramon.
- Further consequences will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
How will the supporting team become involved?
- A Student Success Mentor will become involved when students are failing more than 3 classes. They will meet with the student and coordinate student/teacher conversations during Academic Support Fridays.
How are the teachers a part of the process?
- Teachers should communicate with any student who is struggling with an outreach to help.
- Grades are current and are updated each week
- Conversation/email when grade falls below a 65
- Phone call to parents at weeks 4 and 7 if grades are not at passing
- Make themselves available for tutoring/conference before/after school and on Fridays from 1 to 4 pm
When do the invitations go out to the students in need of academic support?
December 1st College Deadlines Coming Soon!
This is a reminder that the final deadline for many high-profile universities, such as Texas A&M, University of Texas, and SMU, among others, to receive admission documents is December 1st.
Antonian is closed for Thanksgiving break (November 22nd - November 28th), the week before the deadline. The last day students can request materials from the Antonian Counseling Department and be guaranteed on-time delivery will be Wednesday, November 18th.
Some schools do not accept electronic submissions and will require we send materials through the U.S. Postal Service. This will add days to the actual receipt date and may result in missed admission deadlines.
Please encourage your student to submit their requests through their Naviance account by November 18th.
Dining Cards:
If your child has misplaced his/her card, please contact the Business Office. We will need the card number in order to research and assist with resolving this issue.
Let's play B-I-N-G-O!
Bingo Proceeds: Antonian holds a bingo license at Golden Bingo on Bandera Rd. Proceeds from our license helps to fund our internal financial assistance. Please note that they are running at a smaller capacity to meet COVID standards, but the fun and excitement are still the same. Times of games can be found at www.goldenbingofamily.com.
2020-2021 Tuition Past Due Balances
Past Due Balances and Missed Payments: Tuition is due on the 5th of every month, unless other arrangements have been made. Past due balances and missed payments have an impact on the cash resources used to meet our financial obligations. It is Antonian's policy that a past due balance cannot be carried more than 60 days and missed or unsuccessful payments are subject to late or return fees that can not be waived, so please plan accordingly. Again, if you have experienced or are experiencing a financial hardship please work directly with our Business Office staff as soon as possible.
Campus Ministry
Volunteer Opportunities
Numerous new volunteer opportunities have been listed on our website. Please note that these organizations will be adhering to COVID-19 safety standards.
If you would like to sign up or for more information, click the link below.
Antonian Online Gala and Tuition Raffle
We are still in need of a themed basket for the auction. Sending a monetary contribution is also an option and we will be happy to purchase your gift card. Items should be delivered or mailed to Antonian no later than November 1. Also, please fill out a donation form along with your donation (click here to download).
We invite you to submit your prayer request by using the button below.
Requestor: Donald Gaither
Prayers For: Alonzo Trevino
Intentional Prayers Requested
For Class of 2001:
We request that the Antonian community surrounds our class of 2001 with prayers. In addition to dealing with our global pandemic, our former students have experienced a significant loss. As they begin to move through this process of healing, please remember and intentionally pray for them -- for the safety and well being of these families and those directly impacted by situations beyond their earthly control. Antonian will forever be a "place called home" for so many of them. Thank you and may God bless all current and former students of our beautiful school.
In Memoriam: John Michael Flores
We pray for John Michael Flores '16 and his family. Eternal rest, grant unto John Michael, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
It's A Great Day To Be An Apache
Congratulations To Our Seniors
Today, we acknowledge three of our student athletes who have committed to continue their athletic endeavor at the collegiate level. Congratulations, Apaches, and best of luck! We are so proud of your success!
Carissa Boeckmann - Texas A&M University - Women's Soccer
Gavino Ramos - St. Edward's University - Men's Basketball
Patrick Kahanek - University of Texas at San Antonio - Men's Golf
Faculty Spotlight: Lisa Rosenfeld
With a heart as big as Texas and a love for both her faith and family, Director of Admissions Lisa Rosenfeld has been dedicated to the success of Catholic education for many years.
Each year, the hard work she provides helps contribute to the overall future of Antonian.
This year, while recruitment season looks a tad bit different due to the pandemic, what is the same is Mrs. Rosenfeld's knowledge and care that she provides to each family, student, and visitor that steps onto our campus.
She is the first person you meet when coming into contact with Antonian. She knows each student by name and her care is effortless.
An advocate and team member for our school-wide retreats, Mrs. Rosenfeld, lives her faith out daily. We are so very blessed she is part of our team, and we thank her for her work, her effort, and her example of why Antonian is the place to be.
6425 West Ave.,
San Antonio, TX 78213
(210) 344-9265