"Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching."
~ C.S. Lewis
Weekly School Schedule: Week of September 21st
  • Wednesday, 16th | Mid-quarter grade check point
  • Friday, 18th | Drama Banquet
  • Friday, 18th | Senior Photos (Information was sent separately)
  • Friday, 18th | Freshmen Class Retreat | 8:00 a.m.
  • Saturday, 19th | Senior Photos (Information was sent separately)
  • Thursday, 24th | Senior Kick-off | 6:00 p.m. (Senior students only)
  • Friday, 25th | Senior Photos (Information was sent separately)
  • Friday, 25th | Senior Grade Level Activity
  • Saturday, 26th | Senior Photos (Information was sent separately)
  • Thursday, 1st | National Bully Prevention Month
  • Friday, 2nd | Junior Grade Level Activity
  • Monday, 5th | Counselor Financial Aid Night
Last Call - Deadlines
Senior Kick Off RSVP Deadline: September 17th
Antonian is hosting the Class of 2021 "Senior Kick Off." This event will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 24th at the Antonian Baseball field.

In order to prepare adequately for this event, we are asking that all seniors fill out the RSVP link below by September 17th.
Deadline: September 17th - Studio Benton Photography
If your child has not yet had his school photo taken, please use the link below to make an appointment. Please know that this is important because the photo is used for the student's ID and for our yearbook. Students should wear a white, red, or blue Antonian uniform shirt for their photo.
Deadline: September 18th - Faculty Appreciation Committee
Due to the pandemic and the social nature of our parent committees, the activities of some of these committees are on hold. However, that is an important one to operate -- that is our Faculty Appreciation Committee.

The Faculty Appreciation Committee plans faculty appreciation luncheons at the end of each semester (one in December and one in May), develops recognition for faculty during Teacher Appreciation Week (May), and helps celebrate faculty birthdays for the month (once monthly). We are still in need of sophomore and senior parent volunteers.
Campus Ministry
Freshmen Retreat

The freshmen retreat will be led by a group of outstanding seniors and supervised by Antonian faculty and administration. As always, we will be following all of our safety protocols.

A link will be sent ONLY to those students who confirm they will be attending remotely.
Below is a checklist of what is expected and needed from our freshmen for Friday.

  • Spirit Dress: Freshmen can wear jeans and an Antonian shirt.
  • Chromebooks: Freshmen will need to bring their Antonian-issued Chromebooks.
  • Freshmen will be dismissed by 12:30 p.m. and lunch will not be provided on this day.
  • If a student did not sign up for the virtual option and does not show up in person on Friday, they will be considered absent.

If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Campus Ministry, Megan Diaz, at Thank you for your support and please keep the freshmen in your prayers this Friday!
Chapel of the Saints: Weekly Mass
We will begin having morning masses at 7:20 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting next week (September 22nd and 23rd.)

Students, teachers, parents, and members of the Antonian community are invited to attend.

Temperatures will be taken and all COVID safety protocols will be followed.   
School Policies
Parking Lot Safety
As we begin to have more events on campus, particularly in the evening, it is important to always be mindful of personal safety.

We are blessed to be located in the community of Castle Hills, which has its own police force with whom we have a good working relationship.

This can sometimes cause us to let our guard down. As a result, we want to take some time to offer some useful tips for you and your children (our students) who may be on campus after sundown.

  • Keep valuables, including purses and recent purchases, out of sight. Always lock them in the trunk if you have to leave them in the car.
  • When you know it will be dark when you return to your vehicle after an on-campus event, try to park closer to the buildings in a highly visible and well-lit area.
  • As you return to your vehicle, stay away from hiding spots such as bushes, building nooks, and other parked cars. 
  • Always try to walk with a companion. If you have to walk alone, have someone else watch you from a distance. Wave to them on the way to your vehicle. (Wave even if no one is watching to give the illusion that someone is watching you.) 
  • Always be alert to your surroundings. Walk with confidence. Keep your head up and look around. 
  • Do not wear headphones or be distracted by a cell phone conversation.
  • Do not dig in your purse or bag. Have the keys ready to unlock your car door as you get near the vehicle. 
  • Do not park next to large vans, trucks, or other vehicles that may block your sight.
  • Do not approach someone if they are loitering near your vehicle. Trust your instincts when you feel something is not right. Walk to a safe place and call the police.
  • Lock the doors and roll up windows once you are in the vehicle.
  • Report suspicious behavior to the police and the Antonian administration.
Remote Learning Etiquette
As we continue in this unique year and students participate in their classes remotely for some or all of their classes, a few housekeeping rules have been listed below as a friendly reminder. Please remember that, even though we are meeting online, we are still members of the Antonian community and are expected to abide by the same rules of academic integrity and mutual respect as in a regular, in-person classes. As such, we encourage you to help your child ensure these standards are met.
Student Services and Activities
Speech and Debate

Speech and Debate will have an introductory meeting for all interested students in room 303 Thursday, September 17th after school.

If you are interested and cannot make the meeting, please stop by room 303 prior to the meeting or send an email to Mrs. Hoard at

At this time, Speech and Debate meets will be held virtually.
Hope for the Future 5K Run

Walk, run, or bike with your family to benefit Antonian College Preparatory High School. Your registration benefits Antonian and comes with a t-shirt and other fun items. This event is going virtual this year! You can complete your 5K anytime between October 11th and October 25th at any location (a nearby park or your neighborhood). Post your miles, photos, or videos via social media. Use the hashtag #CatholicSchool5K to share your experience. 
Luby's Dining Card Distribution
Dining Cards: The new Luby's dining cards were distributed to students last week. Instructions to help assist with activating and loading the card can be viewed by clicking the button below. Please keep in mind that it will take a full 24 hours (Monday - Friday) before the card is activated and funds are available.
2020-2021 Financial Assistance
  • NEW!!! Tuition Assistance: The Hope for the Future office will hold a third round of awards. Grant and Aid applications will close for third round considerations on October 16th with finalized awards on November 6th. In addition, Antonian's tuition assistance committee will postpone its meeting to October to ensure families with a calculated financial need that have not already been assisted are reviewed. Please know that the Committee prayerfully considers every application with the goal of helping as many families as possible with a calculated financial need. If you have experienced a financial hardship, please work directly with our Business Office staff.

2020-2021 Tuition Past Due Balances
  • Past Due Balances and Missed Payments:  Tuition is due on the 5th of every month, unless other arrangements have been made. Past due balances and missed payments have an impact on the cash resources used to meet our financial obligations. It is Antonian's policy that a past due balance can not be carried more than 60 days and missed or unsuccessful payments are subject to late or return fees that can not be waived, so please plan accordingly. Again, if you have experienced or are experiencing a financial hardship please work directly with our Business Office staff as soon as possible.
Antonian School App

To stay current with our communications, we encourage you to download our school app, hosted by our website provider - Edlio.

  • Search "School News by Edlio" in your app store -- download
  • Type in "Antonian" in the search school section
  • Click "Add School"

The 2019-2020 yearbooks are in! Any student who was enrolled during the 2019-2020 school year will receive a book. Please have your child(ren) stop by Ms. Mason's office to pick up their copy. 
Mid Quarter Grade Check
We are midway through our first semester and with that, we encourage parents to visit the student grade portal to do a quick review of their student's progress.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the respective teacher to address any concerns.

Ms. Ramon and the faculty are here to ensure the success of our students and will work in partnership to make that success a reality.
Quick Links
It's A Great Day To Be An Apache
Antonian Engineering Class

Mrs. Toscano and her Engineering students have been utilizing a unit guide that leads students through the internalization of the engineering design process as they create a camera obscura in a room in their house. 

You need two things: any light-tight chamber and a small hole on one side of the chamber. Light enters the hole and projects an image of the outside scene on the opposite wall. Attached are some examples of their designs and images.
Antonian Student Council

Student Council moderators Ms. Jenny Russell and Coach Jasen Anno, along with executive board members Maddy Trevino, Tori Garza, and Jenna Williamson came together on September 11th to show their appreciation to our first responders.

They dropped off tacos and coffee to the Castle Hills Police and Fire Department in honor of their service.

We thank them for their act of kindness.
Faculty Spotlight: Mrs. Patricia Martinez
Mrs. Patricia Martinez
Many factors contribute to a student’s academic success. Research suggests that, among school-related factors, teachers matter most.

With experience managing a classroom, sophomore class moderator and math teacher, Mrs. Martinez has established a method that connects with her students.

Mrs. Martinez sets high standards for her students and encourages each of them to reach that goal.

Her dedication to math and, more importantly, to her students has allowed Mrs. Martinez to help students become successful by encouraging, nurturing, and teaching them that teaching math goes beyond the numbers.

6425 West Ave.,
San Antonio, TX 78213
(210) 344-9265