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Alaska Native Village Corporation Association (ANVCA) represents 177 Alaska Native community-owned entities each representing a village in Alaska. See ANCSA fact sheet.

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ANCSA Contaminated Lands Legislative Objectives

  • Complete ANCSA Contaminated site database - provide ANVCA, Alaska DEC, and ANTHC with needed resources

  • Include ANC lands in EPA Tribal clean up superfund - or create $1 billion in Alaska specific clean-up 

  • Prioritize the clean-up of ANCSA contaminated lands.

  • Provide adequate funding for Brownfields program, NALEMP, FUDS, etc.

  • Adopt mitigation clean-up credits and tax credits for clean-up activities on ANCSA lands. See sample language.

  • Require a minimum of bi-annual agency reporting on the status of clean-up on ANCSA lands. 

The goal of the Alaska Native Village Corporation Association (ANVCA) is to advocate for action, not reporting on contaminated sites that were transferred via ANCSA.  There are over 1,000 contaminated sites on land conveyed to Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) and additional sites on land pending conveyance. These sites were contaminated under the ownership and/or responsibility of the federal government and then transferred to Native ownership. 

Contaminated sites contain a variety of toxic materials including arsenic, solvents, PCBs, asbestos, mining waste chemicals, mercury, toxic metals, unexploded ordinances, petroleum, and oil. 

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Contact: Hallie Bissett, Executive Director

(907) 414-0368