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June News Bulletin
Dearest Friends,

After a cold start, it finally feels like summer in Anchorage. While the usual throngs of tour groups are thinner than usual, it has become readily apparent over the last several weeks that "normal" life is, at last, returning to us. As a lucky citizen of one of the safest places to live in the nation—and therefore one of the first to be allowed the simple pleasures of exchange a few pleasantries with neighbors, baristas, and co-workers without fear of grievous malady—there is a definite sense of lightness in the air, of change.

Sadly, not all changes can be experienced so effortlessly. ANVCA is in Washington D.C. last week, representing Alaska Native voices as the House discusses the passing of the RESPECT Act—a piece of legislation which, yet again, fails to recognize the significant structural differences and differing legislative needs expressed by ANCs and tribal entities of the Lower 48. The RESPECT Act's ambiguous language threatens to overturn decades of legal precedent by no longer guaranteeing ANCs' right to offer council over proceedings that occur on their own lands. Given the serious and extended legal consequences ANCs were forced to endure due to the ambiguous language used in the CARES Act, we are pursuing corrections to this latest oversight with uncompromising diligence.

We are not alone in navigating our relationship with a newly transitioned federal government. Many of this month's political news items discuss friction between our state and national lawmakers, as boundaries are redrawn, legal definitions are expanded upon, and new priorities are pushed to the forefront. We are in a time when navigating the fine balance between environmental conservation and resource development resonates with unique tensions and well-founded urgency. Both arguments are ones of merit, and both are deeply familiar to us. ANCs have long understood the importance of business sustainability, the need for powerful economic action, and maintaining humility towards the natural world.

Our core identity as Alaska Natives is inexorably linked to seeking balance within this precise dilemma—which is why it is so important that our perspectives be consulted during periods of upheaval, such as the one we now find ourselves in. We must ensure that a place at the policy maker's table remains reserved for one of our own. We remain, as always, committed to the cause.

Lastly, We want to take a moment to express our deepest condolences to the family and friends - of which there are many - of the late Senator Albert Kookesh. As we reflect on the legacy he has left behind we are reminded of the importance of Alaska Native representation at both the State and Federal level. Also, we are reminded that against all odds our ancestors fought for our lands on behalf of the entire Alaska Native population. As your own Daughter Jaeleen Kookesh recently reminded us, while we are "shareholders" in corporations, the word has an entirely different meaning to Alaska Native people; the word "shareholder" to us means we all share in the ownership and the stewardship of our Alaska Native Ancestral Lands.

We join our entire community in mourning the loss of this great leader, and we thank Senator Kookesh for leaving behind a strong set of leaders who will continue on his well forged path.

Tsin'aen (Chin'an/Thank You),

Hallie Bissett
ANVCA Executive Director

Last day for Early Bird Registration at ANVCA Annual Business Conference August 26, and 27 and for entry to win two RT Tickets anywhere Alaska Airlines flies is June 22 (TOMORROW)
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
JUNE 16: Event: Alaska Native Corporations in Context. Alaska Native leaders share their unique stories of ownership and the missions of their organizations. Event begins at 9:30. Watch here.

JUNE 23: Webinar: Intro and DCAA Overview & Proposal Adequacy. Event begins 9:00 a.m. Register here.

JUNE 23: Webinar: Introduction to QuickBooks Online. Event runs 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Register here.

JUNE 24: Webinar: Winning Strategies and Proven Best Practices for Government Prospecting. Event begins 9:00 a.m. Register here.

JUNE 29: Webinar: Past Performance, A Critical Factor For Success in the Government Marketplace. Event begins 9:00 a.m. Register here.

JUNE 30: Event: Alaska RDC's Annual Membership Luncheon. Event runs form 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Register here.

AUGUST 26-27: Event: ANVCA Annual Business Conference. Check out our amazing line up of Speakers and the agenda . Register by June 22 to be entered to win two round-trip tickets on Alaska Airlines!
APU’s Alaska Native Executive Leadership Program Accepting New Applicants
Are you ready to be part of the next generation of Alaska Native business leadership? Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 Alaska Native Executive Leadership Program (ANELP) cohort at Alaska Pacific University (APU). This uniquely Alaskan graduate certificate program equips current and emerging leaders with the foundational knowledge to excel in today’s competitive business climate, including ANCSA history, leadership and organizational skills, the fundamentals of finances and contracting, and how to develop and implement large-scale corporate strategy. Participants may also apply their credits toward an MBA at APU. 

Originally designed with Alaska Native Corporation (ANC) executives in mind, over the past seven years, ANELP has worked with more than 130 Alaska Native and non-Native individuals from 25 ANCs, Tribal health organizations, nonprofits, and other fields, many sponsored by their employers. The program helps professionals who currently hold leadership positions or are seeking to advance in their careers by continuing to develop their potential. To apply, you should have a bachelor’s degree or ten years of progressive work experience, at least three years of managerial or leadership experience, strong communication skills, and an executive referral and corporate endorsement from an ANC. Learn more and apply today at
Job Openings
Office of Dan Sullivan | Legislative Assistant: Primary duties include managing a legislative portfolio, approving and supervising the completion of relevant constituent correspondence, assisting in the development of policy positions and legislative initiatives, and working with federal agencies to achieve positive policy outcomes for Alaska. Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume to [email protected] and put “Legislative Assistant Opening” in the subject line.

Kijik Corporation | Chief Executive Offer: The successful CEO will facilitate business growth through government contracting, commercial industries, resource development, teaming agreements, mergers and/or acquisitions. The incoming CEO will have the lead role in business development, daily operations, and project oversight. Contact Keja Whiteman (KW Consultants LLC) at [email protected] or (307) 851-2274 for questions and information to apply.
DC Update
By Andy Winer, Executive Vice President - Strategies 360

Below is what I’m hearing is percolating over the next 7 – 10 days in Congress:
Congressional Budget

Following the release of the President’s Budget, Congress must pass a Congressional Budget Resolution. A Congressional Budget Resolution is NOT a traditional budget, rather is a blueprint which provides for a monetary allocation to the 12 subcommittees which write appropriations spending bills. What the rest of the world calls a budget is what the Congress instead calls an appropriations bill.  

What is significant about the budget is that it can provide instructions to committees to draft a budget reconciliation bill which can change spending level. This is significant because a reconciliation bill can pass the Senate with only 50 votes (instead of 60) provided that it changes budget outlays and income and does not alter policy (So it can change spending, but cannot change a pure policy item such as the federal minimum wage).
Senate Democrats are working on a Congressional Budget Resolution which would spend $6 trillion, which is up from the Biden President’s Budget which is $4 trillion. Either is a huge increase over the FY’2021 budget. Details are not public, although some pieces of the Democrats proposal have leaked out:

  • Expand the child tax credit and make it permanent.
  • Would include Biden infrastructure priorities.
  • Would include paid family leave.
  • Would include a provision sought by Sen. Sanders (I-VT) which would lower the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 60 and would expand coverage of Medicare to include dental and vision coverage.
  • Would NOT include public option provisions that were left out of the Affordable Care Act / Obamacare in 2010.
  • Could include some immigration provisions if the Senate Parliamentarian decides that a reconciliation bill could include those items (likely it cannot and these provisions will be stripped, but am told that they are currently under consideration).
  • Would increase the deficit by $3 trillion over 10 years.
Other relevant details:

  • Timing is that Senate Democrats would like to release a draft before July 4th.
  • House Democrats are working on their own budget and it appears that it will NOT be the same as the Senate budget meaning a conference committee is likely necessary to iron out the details between the two.
  • Expect this to be the subject of much debate for the month of July.
Strategic Thinking and Why Senate Democrats are taking this course of action

Senate Democrats are concerned the discussions over infrastructure are going nowhere. The White House’s initial infrastructure proposal was for $4 trillion of which a significant amount was unrelated to traditional roads, bridges and airport projects and instead focused on climate change. A group of 11 Senate Republicans have agreed to a proposal with 10 Senate Democrats which would effectively pass a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package with most of the climate provisions stripped out. The bipartisan proposal includes only the more popular roads, bridges, airports and rural broadband items (top line numbers for the $1.2 trillion deal have been circulated here: This bipartisan solution has some questionable pay-fors including a charge on electric vehicles and the re-purposing of unspent COVID relief funds. An effort to raise the gas tax and index it for inflation has been dropped. 
Senate Democrats are concerned that infrastructure talks will not yield the bill they want and so they want to pass a Congressional Budget Resolution with reconciliation instructions that would allow for a much larger reconciliation bill (hence the $6 trillion number). If a deal is reached on infrastructure then Democrats will subtract that number and those provisions from the reconciliation amount in their Congressional Budget Resolution and attempt to pass a reconciliation bill for the remaining amount.  
Democrats have said that they are concerned they have a short window to pass a major piece of legislation with all of the Biden priorities included so they want to try and do it now. Making a bill larger is a tried and true way to attract more votes.  
What is unclear is what happens with Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema, who both traditionally oppose such big spending and have traditional fossil fuel interest in their states. Further, both Manchin and Sinema have said that they favor a bipartisan solution and have not backed an approach through reconciliation at this time. Needless to say, this is a huge concern as one defection among Democrats will sink everything. Until Senators Manchin AND Sinema sign off on anything, this whole exercize is very questionable at best.
Tax Provisions

Any reconciliation bill becomes a vehicle for a repeal of the State and Local Tax deductions (S.A.L.T.) which was a pay-for in the 2017 Tax Bill. Repeal of these provisions is very expensive at $500 billion over 10 years and the largest beneficiaries are homeowners making it a regressive tax credit. Further, almost all of the revenue from this provision would be returned to four states (CA, NJ, NY, MA). Treasury Secretary Yellen still will not say if the Biden Administration would support such a repeal, but the issue is clearly percolating.  
Other Items to Note

A number of Republicans have downplayed the events of January 6th prompting Democrats to seek an independent 9/11 style commission to investigate the events. However, such a commission is inherently partisan and has stalled in the Senate. Democrats in the House want a commission and there are several items that are under discussion:

  • Push an independent 9/11 style commission and find a way to cut a deal on this in the Senate (this idea is probably going nowhere, but am told it is still alive).
  • Form a select committee, which can be done the Speaker without the Senate or House Republicans. The problem with this is that House Republicans then appoint their own memebrs to the select committee. Not only could Republicans not appoint anybody, but they could appoint a slate of members which would make the select committee a circus. This is under consideration.  
  • Assign a committee of jurisdiction. This is the most likely scenario, as Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) has sought this authority for his committee on Homeland Security. Membership of the Homeland Security committee is a known quantity and Thompson is a favorite of leadership.  
By Lucia M. Alonzo, Principal Michael Best Strategies

Here's our weekly update on appropriations and infrastructure:
Appropriations: The House Appropriations Committee announced last week their schedule for FY 2022 markups, when they will release and then amend their draft funding bills for the coming fiscal year. House appropriators hope to finish work on each of their 12 FY 2022 funding bills by mid-July. Then, they will send these bills for yet another round of amendments and final approval in the full House. The House wants to pass all 12 bills to the Senate by the end of July. 
The Senate Appropriations Committee, though several weeks behind their House counterparts' schedule, could also soon announce their own parallel bill introduction and markup process, following a similar process to the House. Senate Appropriations Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has suggested his Committee could also hold at least some markups in July, though no schedule is announced. The MBS team expects, however, that the Senate will not be able to hold formal markups on all 12 funding bills before the end of the fiscal year on September 30. Therefore, we believe appropriators will pass a short-term continuing resolution (CR) to hold 
The House schedule is: 
Thursday, June 24: 
Subcommittee Markups: Financial Services and General Government, Legislative Branch
Friday, June 25: 
Subcommittee Markups: Agriculture/Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Military Construction and Veterans Affairs (MilCon-VA)
Monday, June 28: 
Subcommittee Markups: Interior-Environment, State and Foreign Operations
Tuesday, June 29: 
Full Committee Markups: Subcommittee Allocation (302(b)s), Financial Services and General Government, Legislative Branch
Wednesday, June 30: 
Full Committee Markups: Ag/FDA, MilCon-VA
Subcommittee Markups: Defense, Homeland Security
Thursday, July 1:
Full Committee Markups: Interior-Environment, State-Foreign Ops
Monday, July 12:
Subcommittee Markups: Commerce-Justice-Science, Energy and Water, Labor-HHS-Ed, Transportation and HUD
Tuesday, July 13: 
Full Committee Markups: Defense, Homeland Security
Thursday, July 15: 
Full Committee Markups: Commerce-Justice-Science, Labor-HHS-Ed
Friday, July 16: 
Full Committee Markups: Energy and Water Development, Transportation and HUD
Infrastructure: The House is set to consider on the floor the $574 billion INVEST In America Act (H.R. 3684), the House T&I Committee's draft highway and transit authorization bill, starting the week of June 28. The House Rules Committee has announced a deadline of Wednesday, June 23 at 10 AM for members to submit draft amendments. However, the MBS team has heard rumors, but not been able to confirm, that floor consideration of the INVEST In America Act may slip until after the July 4 recess in the House. 
On Friday, the "group of 21" bipartisan Senators working with the White House on a new infrastructure proposal released their latest draft, a one-page summary of a $579 billion proposal. The one-pager's proposed pay-fors included indexing the gas tax to inflation (somtething not dones since 1993) plus establishing a new infrastructure financing authority and redirecting unspent COVID and unemployment relief funds. 
However, the Group of 21 plan has already hit a snag: the White House once again ruled out any increase to the gas tax, arguing that it violates President Biden's promise not to raise taxes on households earning less than $400,000 annually. The group is now working with the White House to refine their proposal and may release a new, more detailed draft around Wednesday. 
Meanwhile, the Senate and House Budget Committees have started working on FY 2022 budget resolutions that could serve as vehicles for a partisan reconciliation package. They probably will not reveal these proposals until the Biden-Group of 21 negotiations go sour, however. 
May: Political News
MAY 3:The relationship between Alaska’s Indigenous peoples, especially the Iñupiat and the oil and gas extractive industry has been gravely misrepresented for too long. Lateral violence (violence enacted between peers) is at an all-time high within our Indigenous populations, especially those with extractive industries’ heavy presence. Leaders from Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), Voice of the Arctic Inupiat, and the North Slope Borough continue to misrepresent and tokenize their own constituents and Indigenous communities, going as far as stating all Alaska Native peoples that support conservation and understand science support ending our ways of life. Read more Indian Country Today

MAY 5: Some Native American tribes will receive more money from a federal virus relief package approved last year after the U.S. Treasury Department revised its methodology that tribal nations contend was badly skewed. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act set aside $8 billion for tribes. The Treasury Department distributed 60% of it, or $4.8 billion, based on population data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Three tribes sued over the methodology, alleging they were shortchanged by millions because tribal enrollment figures were higher than those reflected in federal data. Read more at Associated Press

MAY 6:In November, Alaskans voted by a narrow margin to overhaul their election process. How might it help or hamper the state’s senior U.S. Senator, Republican Lisa Murkowski, who is up for reelection in 2022? Greg Razo, Yup’ik, was a sponsor of the voter initiative that brought the changes. He supported Ballot Measure 2 for several reasons. “First of all, it opened up the books so that we can see who is donating money to political campaigns so that there's no dark money coming in. Everybody has a fair playing field when we know who's paying for their candidacy,” Razo said. Read more Indian Country Today

MAY 10: Congressman Don Young Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Safeguard Tribal Items. Republican Leader of the Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples, and Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernández (D-NM), Chair of the Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples, have introduced the STOP Act, bipartisan legislation to prohibit the exporting of sacred Native American items and increase penalties for stealing and illegally trafficking Tribal cultural patrimony. Upon introduction, Young and Leger Fernández were joined by Congressman Tom Cole (R-OK) and Congresswoman Sharice Davids (D-KS). The STOP Act has received the support of various tribes and Native organizations, including the Sealaska Heritage Institute. Read More

MAY 11: The U.S. Interior Department said Friday that it would not pursue a Trump administration proposal that critics feared would have weakened rules for exploratory oil and gas drilling in Arctic waters. A statement from the department said existing regulations released in 2016 remain in effect and “are critical to ensuring adequate safety and environmental protections for this sensitive ecosystem and Alaska Native subsistence activities.” Leah Donahey, Alaska Wilderness League legislative director, said the rules that have been in place incorporated lessons learned from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Read more at Associated Press

MAY 11: False narrative dangerously misleading (Letter, Tara Sweeny) Indian Country Today recently published an opinion piece submitted on April 28, 2021 by Siqiñiq Maupin, "Misrepresentation of Indigenous peoples of Alaska needs to stop." The misrepresentation of the North Slope and its leadership by Siqiñiq Maupin and Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic (SILA) needs to stop… In her attempts to discredit Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), Maupin fails to tell the true story. Representing the business interests of 13,000 Iñupiat owners, its incorporation was dictated by Congress in 1971. Maupin ignores the fact that it was solely the Arctic Slope leadership that resisted and opposed the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. Each time our leadership resisted, the land base grew for the rest of the Alaska Native regions. Listen to Iñupiat leader Joe Upicksoun’s own words as he addresses the Alaska Federation of Natives in 1971 here. Read more at Indian Country Today 

MAY 14: Congressman Don Young Introduces Legislation to Rectify 50-Year Injustice Keeping Land from Southeast Alaska Native Communities (Press Release) Today, Alaska Congressman Don Young introduced legislation to allow the Alaska Native communities of Haines, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, and Tenakee to form urban corporations and receive land entitlements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA). During ANCSA’s drafting process, these five Southeast communities were not included, preventing them from receiving land entitlements from the 44 million acres divided by the bill. Congressman Young’s legislation rectifies this injustice by amending ANCSA, giving these communities the right to form an Alaska Native Urban Corporation and receive federal land — the same treatment other Southeast Native communities received a half-century ago. Text of the bill can be found here. "For too long, the so-called 'landless' Alaska Natives, from the communities of Haines, Ketchikan, Petersburg, Tenakee, and Wrangell, have been denied the land and local resources that other village and urban corporations received under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971," Congressman Don Young said. Read more at U.S. Representative Don Young
MAY 14: Sealaska shareholders consider election reforms. At Sealaska’s upcoming annual meeting, five seats are in play on the corporation’s 13-member board, and candidates are seeking support from the more than 22,000 people holding shares. But one of the biggest contests will be how elections will be carried out in the future. Former Sealaska board member Ed Thomas says about a fifth of shareholders don’t have a particular candidate in mind, “but they still want to be supportive of Sealaska; there’s an opportunity to give their votes to the proxy holders to vote as they wish.” That creates a bloc of votes that are called “discretionary” because they can be used at the discretion of the board majority. And it’s basically like handing over an unmarked ballot for a corporation’s leadership to ink in the bubbles. Read more at Coast Alaska

MAY 12: Governor Mike Dunleavy proposed revisions to strengthen his Permanent Fund constitutional amendment (SJR 6) that builds a sustainable fiscal future for all Alaskans and guarantees an annual dividend to all Alaskans now and in the future. If passed by the Alaska Legislature, Alaskans will have the final word on the most significant policy decision since the establishment of the Permanent Fund when the amendment appears on the November 2022 general election ballot. Read more here.

MAY 13: With less than one week remaining in the 121-day regular session, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy issued a proclamation calling the Alaska Legislature into special session beginning May 20th to complete work on the FY22 budget and to act on his constitutional amendment protecting the Permanent Fund, Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD), and power cost equalization (PCE). Read more here.

MAY 17: Interior confirms Alaska Native veterans can receive land allotments during Biden administration review - After receiving criticism for potentially delaying the process, the Interior Department on Monday confirmed Alaska Native veterans from the Vietnam era can apply for and receive land allotments of up to 160 acres. That includes areas of Alaska affected by land orders from the Trump administration that are under review by the Biden administration. In April, the Interior Department announced it would launch a two-year review of several orders issued in the Trump administration’s final days, which sought to open 28 million acres of land in Alaska to mineral development. Read more at Anchorage Daily News

MAY 19: Judge hands down split decision in free speech case between Goldbelt shareholder Ray Austin and the corporation's leadership following numerous critical remarks Mr. Austin shared last year via Facebook. While the Court ruled that Mr. Austin was innocent of making false or misleading statements, Mr. Austin was judged as guilty for failing to fill out the required paperwork prior to publicly airing his opinions. Read more here.

MAY 27: Governor Dunleavy's office issues a statement to the Biden administration calling for an immediate and detailed plan on how the federal government intends to clean up contaminated lands or otherwise make reparations for the lands that were seized from Alaska Natives, contaminated, and then returned under the pretense of fulfilling land settlement obligations. ANVCA and ANCSA join Governor Dunleavy by providing statements for release.

MAY 28: The family of Albert Kookesh announces his passing. Mr. Kookesh served in the State House of Representatives from 1997-2004, and in the Senate from 2005-2012. Governor Dunleavy released a statement celebrating Mr. Kookesh's long career of civil service, and his many contributions to the Alaska Native community. ANVCA extends our sympathies Mr. Kookesh's family, and our gratitude for his many years of work on behalf of our community. Read more here.

MAY 28: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today announced the daily value of the Alaska Permanent Fund reached an all-time record high of $80.1 billion. Read more here.

JUNE 1: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy issued a statement on today’s announcement by the Biden Administration to unilaterally suspend oil and gas leases in the ANWR. “The Biden Administration’s suspension of leases in the ANWR 1002 Area is contrary to federal law. Section 20001 of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017) clearly says ‘The Secretary shall establish and administer a competitive oil and gas program for the leasing, development, production and transportation of oil and gas in and from the Coastal Plain.’ Neither the President nor the Secretary are given the discretion to decide otherwise. Our leases for oil and gas are valid and cannot be taken away by the federal government,” said Governor Dunleavy. Read more here.

JUNE 3: Dutch Harbor Remembrance Day, commemorating the first act of hostility committed on Alaska's soil, the lives lost to WWII, and the suffering endured by the Aleuts held in internment camps. Read more here.

JUNE 10: With just over a week remaining in the first Special Session, Governor Dunleavy today reiterated the need to address his proposed constitutional amendment, SJR 6, protecting Alaska’s Permanent Fund and the Permanent Fund Dividend in the Alaska State Constitution. The proposal aims to ensure that profits are equally divided between Alaskans and their government, with the goal of easing the budget deficit that has lasted nearly a decade. Read more here.

JUNE 11: Governor Dunleavy condemns the decision by the Biden Administration to repeal the previous administration’s plan to lift the roadless rule barring economic activity in the Tongass National Forest a bad decision that will negatively impact Alaskans. Read more here.

JUNE 12: Governor Dunleavy issued a statement in response in opposition to the Biden administration’s intent to redefine “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS). The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement came this week and moves to enforce stricter protections over Alaska’s waters. Dunleavy argues that the broadened definition for what is classified as WOTUS will create more beauracratic hurdles and overhead administrative costs for prospective projects, to the detriment of Alaska's economy. Read more here.
Wind Talker Innovations Joins ANVCA as
Moose-Tier Sponsor!
Please join us in welcoming our newest Moose Tier sponsor—Wind Talker Innovations (WTI). We’re deeply grateful to be supported at ANVCA’s highest sponsorship tier, and excited to introduce ANVCA members to an exciting new player in Alaska’s tech industry. We believe that WTI will play an important role in the work that’s needed to dramatically reshape the IT capacity of our state’s most remote, underserved communities.

Wind Talker Innovations began in 2016 with the goal of using existing network equipment and architecture in unconventional ways to provide data communications around the globe safely and securely. With offices in Alaska, Washington, and Florida and over 200 approved patent claims backing them, Wind Talker has quickly grown as a major solutions provider in the national IT landscape.

At ANVCA, we are particularly excited by the potential offered through their Osmosis® technology on behalf of our state’s most remote communities. While the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) previously offered Alaska Native Tribes a priority application pathway to obtain a 2.5 GHz band for their communities, the network’s spectrum is inaccessible for most commercial devices—such as cellphones and laptops.

Wind Talker’s Osmosis solution bridges this disconnect by providing the hardware and software necessary to transform the 2.5 GHz spectrum into accessible, viable broadband. Better still, Osmosis is designed to work “over the top” of existing systems, thereby requiring essentially no infrastructure development.

Once again, thank you and welcome to Wind Talker Innovations! To learn more about Wind Talker Innovations, please visit their website, or email your questions to Jose Fernandez from their Alaska team.
May: Our Community in Review
MAY 10: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy has directed the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Spill Prevention and Response (SPAR) to allocate up to $2.5 million for the safe removal of asbestos and debris left behind after an abandoned school building in Chevak burned to the ground last March. Read more here.

MAY 11: Alaska children ages 12 to 15 may be able to get a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as soon as Wednesday afternoon, said state health officials. The announcement follows the federal Food and Drug Administration’s decision on Monday to authorize the use of the Pfizer vaccine for children 12 and up. That’s step one. Step two: The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices will meet on Wednesday to review the data and decide whether to recommend the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 12 to 15. Read more Alaska Public Media

MAY 12: The Admiralty Island village of Angoon is awarded nearly $2 million in federal funding to build a visitor's center, as the community prepares to increase its ability to receive tourists and participate in the seasonal tour industry. Congratulations, Angoon!

MAY 12: Alaska Gov. Dunleavy’s top rural affairs advisor departs, and tribal and fishing leaders wonder why. Alaska Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s longtime rural affairs advisor, John Moller, has left his job. Moller was a trusted advisor to Dunleavy, having co-chaired his successful 2018 gubernatorial campaign, and his portfolio included work with the fishing industry and Alaska Native issues. Moller’s departure was first reported by the Alaska Landmine, a political blog. A spokesman for Dunleavy, Jeff Turner, confirmed that Moller is no longer working in the governor’s office, but wouldn’t say if he resigned or was fired. Moller didn’t respond to requests for comment. Moller’s surprise departure was rippling through Alaska political circles Tuesday. Read more Alaska Public Media

MAY 17: Governor Mike Dunleavy declared a disaster for the City of Buckland and Native Village of Buckland after an ice jam on the Buckland River caused severe flooding in the city. The declaration activates the state’s Individual and Public Assistance disaster recovery programs. Read more here.

MAY 17: The Native village of Tazlina and the Catholic Church enter talks over a proposed 462-acre land sale that would return lands seized by the church as the site of a mission school in the 1950s. The lands in question are an important heritage site for Tazlina's Native community, and an organizational effort is being made to collect the funds necessary to meet the church's asking price: $1.86 million. Read more here.

MAY 20: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today issued a statement on the passage of a bill in the U.S. Congress to allow cruise ships to sail to Alaska, bypassing Canadian ports. The congressional action exempts large Alaska-bound cruise ships from the U.S. Passenger Vessel Services Act through February 2022. Read more here.

MAY 20: Commending Alaskans’ efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today announced the statewide COVID-19 14-day average case rate has dropped from a classified “high” to an “intermediate” level, with 9.95 cases per 100,000. Read more here.

MAY 21: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today issued a statement following the announcement that major cruise lines will resume operations to Alaska in the last week of July. Read more here.

MAY 26: Native American tribes, among the hardest-hit by covid-19, are celebrating a pandemic success story. Navajo Nation, the largest of the 574 Indian tribes in the United States, is now about 70 percent fully vaccinated, according to Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez. Other tribes are reporting similar numbers. By late March, Blackfeet Nation in Montana reported that 95 percent of its population had received its first vaccine dose. The Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation’s vaccine drive went so well that leaders offered surplus doses to a neighboring school district. The Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi, with 70 percent of its eligible population fully vaccinated, is nearing herd immunity. Tribal leaders attribute this success to several factors, including tribal sovereignty, which gave tribes the flexibility to create their own methods of distributing the vaccine, and cultural values that prioritize elders and community. In Alaska, some vaccine doses were transported to rural communities by dog sled. In Navajo Nation, doses were driven by police escort “to every corner,” Loretta Christensen, acting chief medical officer of the IHS, said. Read more at The Washington Post

MAY 27: The Biden Administration announces that it will support ConocoPhilips' Willow project, an ambitious plan that includes up to five drill sites, two airstrips, hundreds of miles of pipeline and ice roads, 37 miles of gravel roads, and a processing facility. The prospect is projected to The prospect's opponents argue that developing the project will endanger local wildlife, negatively impact subsistence living practiced by nearby communities, and produce harmful greenhouse gases. Read more here.

MAY 27: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy today announced the State of Alaska, several southeast Alaska communities, and Norwegian Cruise Line signed the first Local Multi-Port Agreement. Southeast Alaska communities and ports, including the City of Hoonah, Icy Strait Point, City and Borough of Juneau, A.J. Juneau Dock, Ward Cove, the City of Ketchikan, Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Pacific & Arctic Railway & Navigation Company, and the Municipality of Skagway all joined forces with the State of Alaska to develop this first agreement. Read more here.

JUNE 1: Alaska Native leader and former state senator Albert Kookesh dies at age 72.
A former co-chair of the Alaska Federation of Natives, former board president of the Sealaska Corp. and a retired Democratic state legislator died Friday at his home in the Southeast Alaska town of Angoon. Albert Kookesh was 72. In remembrances posted online and shared on social media, he was praised for his work with Southeast Alaska’s regional Native corporation, his efforts to preserve Tlingit culture and his state work on subsistence issues. Married to Sally Woods-Kookesh, they had five children and numerous grandchildren. “Albert was a lifelong advocate for his people, a force in Alaska politics, and a legendary Alaska Native leader,” said former House Speaker Bryce Edgmon, I-Dillingham. “He achieved the trifecta of serving in the Senate, as co-chair of the Alaska Federation of Natives, and as president of the Sealaska board. My thoughts are with his wife, Sally, his entire family, and the community of Angoon.” Read more at Anchorage Daily News

JUNE 3: The Native American Contractors Association (NACA) names its newly elected co-chairs and Board of Directors members. Kutaluk Bolton, Senior Director for Government Affairs at NANA was named co-chair, alongside Westly Woodruff (Muskogee Technology & PCI Manufacturing LLC). Representatives from ANCs are also heavily featured among the list of new board members. Congratulations, and what wonderful news! Read more here.

JUNE 8: Pedro Bay Corp. votes to allow the Conservation Fund to buy conservation easements on more than 44,000 acres of land, a move that effectively blocks the land off from any future development projects, including the proposed mining road for Pebble Mine. Nearly 90% of shareholders voted in favor of the decision. A representative from the Pebble Limited Partnership indicated that the group's focus remains on talks with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as Pebble appeals the project's Record of Decision. Read more here.

JUNE 1: AEDC releases their first quarter jobs report. Nurses, retail salespersons, and stockers represented the top three most in-demand jobs for hiring. Read the full report here.

JUNE 3: The NTIA issues a new Tribal Broadband Grant program. The full amount available for grants is $980,000,000, with up to $50,000,000 available for individual awards. All applications are due by September 1. Learn more here.
ANVCA Sponsors
Thank you to our Moose Sponsors!

The moose is a critical Partner to ANVCA. We rely on large corporate partners for viability the organization. This level of Partnership is designed for committed Partners who value their relationships with Alaska Native Village Corporations or looking to build new relationships. Building moose level Partnerships will allow ANVCA to expand services and projects for the long term economic benefit of Alaska Native Village Corporations.
Thank you to our Salmon Sponsors

The salmon is the Partner we depend on annually at ANCVA. This Partnership level designed for mid to large size Partners who can commit financially to ensure that ANVCA has the resources to maintain and improve services to Members and Partners. Salmon level Partnerships allow the organization to thrive.
Thank you to our Caribou Sponsors!

The caribou is a key player in the sustainability of ANVCA. These Partners include mid-size and local businesses or organizations who treasure contacts within ANVCA. Caribou level Partners are vital to projects and programming for Members and Partners.
Thank you to our Denali Village Corp Members!
This level of membership is suggested for Alaska Native Village Corporations whose annual revenues exceed $50 million and/or those that highly support the value of the organization for the opportunities, education and advocacy it provides to Village Corporations.
To view our full list of sponsor organizations or learn more about becoming a sponsor please visit our ANVCA sponsor page.
Newsletter developed by WALSH|SHEPPARD