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Dear Jessica,

COVID-19 continues to impact all of us, from how we work to how we conduct our daily lives. And we’ve heard from many of you regarding the increasing demands, needs and concerns that you have as we prepare for the challenges ahead. 


We’ve been here before, and we remain confident in the power of our collective ability to come out stronger. Please know that all of us at All Our Kin are here to support you in every way that we can. 


Our first priority is the health and safety of our staff, educators and the communities we serve. For that purpose, all programming for the next two weeks will be held virtually, as we give staff enough time to complete PCR testing. If you are registered for the upcoming Accounting Series, please look out for more information regarding potential changes to the schedule.


Unfortunately, since we've last updated you, there has not been much progression around the Build Back Better bill. While Senate negotiations over the fate of Build Back Better have been at a standstill since late December, Biden Administration child care officials say they are still counting on passing the bill. The next few weeks could be critical! Build Back Better will make historic investments in family child care after to improve provider compensation, professional development opportunities and access to care, especially for infants and toddlers. We will continue to keep you updated as we learn more on the progress of this bill.


Please stay safe and healthy, and we continue to send you love and light every day. 



The All Our Kin Team

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Federal Budget

Each year New York receives a Congressional appropriation for child care. This pays for vouchers, professional development and other child care expenses. Congress also appropriates funds for Head Start/Early Head Start. Although the federal fiscal year began in October, Congress has delayed voting on it, giving itself a February 18th deadline. As we approach the deadline, it is important to urge members of Congress to increase funds for Child Care and Head Start. Although the proposed increases are smaller than Build Back Better ($1 billion for Child Care and $1.5 billion for Head Start), they are critical nonetheless. Click here to tell your Representative and Senators to vote for an increase.


As a catalyst to increase federal child care funding, NAEYC is conducting another survey about conditions in the field. NAEYC will release the results to lawmakers to show that funds are urgently needed. Please take time to complete the survey in English or Spanish by January 17th. It will take less than 10 minutes.

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Tell Gov. Hochul to Solve New York's Child Care Crisis

Governor Kathy Hochul delivered the “State of the State” speech last Wednesday, January 5th, calling for expanding family eligibility for child care subsidies. She also called for $75 million to supplement educators’ wages. We know that this is not enough to solve our state’s child care crisis! As a family child care community, we must put pressure on the Governor to fully invest in family child care in New York State. 

Click the button below to send a message to the Governor.


Get Ready for Advocacy Day! A Virtual Workshop for Family Child Care Educators

Join All Our Kin and ECE on the Move for a webinar that will help FCC educators get ready for NYS Child Care Advocacy Day (if you haven’t registered for Advocacy Day yet, see below). We will discuss effective communication with elected officials, how to present a specific “ask” that representatives will listen to, and go over some of the principles of the Empire State Child Care Campaign’s push for universal child care and how that will benefit families and educators across New York State. This session will have Spanish interpretation and is designed by All Our Kin and ECE on the Move specifically for family child care educators in New York City.

Monday, January 31st


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Reminder: Register for NYS Child Care Advocacy Day

Are you ready to tell our elected officials that family child care matters? Ready to help make sure family child care educators get the funding and resources you need to thrive? Virtual NYS Child Care Advocacy Day is February 9th, 2022! Join All Our Kin as we participate as part of the Empire State Campaign for Child Care. We need a strong showing so elected officials see we are a united community! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join! If this is your first time or if you are experienced, there will be training and All Our Kin staff there to support you.

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Business Support Hours

Do you have any questions about your business? Join us on zoom for our open sessions every Tuesday from 2pm to 3pm, with All Our Kin Business Advisors.

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Virtual Lunch Hour

Calling all New York educators! Sign up to attend our virtual lunch hour next Thursday.

Thursday, January 20th



Exploring Materials: Mark Making

Join us tonight! In the Art Studio at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, we see our youngest visitors interested in mark-making: the interaction between the learner’s own actions, surfaces, and materials. In this hands-on and discussion-based workshop, we take an in-depth look at how mark-making inspires a wide range of creative, sensory experiences. We discuss how mark-making develops skills for self-expression, engages motor skills, and can be supported by accessible, sustainable, and affordable materials. We also explore material selection, preparation, and set-up to support exciting, safe, and enriching mark-making. During the hands-on portions of the workshop, we play a variety of drawing games that illustrate the creative benefits of mark-making. Art Educators then share images from mark-making experiences within the Art Studio to provide further inspiration for creating mark-making explorations within your early childhood settings. Certificates will be issued for 1.5 hours of professional development.

Tuesday, January 11th


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FCC Educator Panel: Communicating with Parents and Families

Hear from your fellow colleagues about helpful strategies for communicating with families. Panelists will talk about their communication routines, how they navigate difficult conversations with families, the improvements they would like to make to their communication, and the ways they think their network of fellow FCC educators can be a helpful resource. Certificates will be issued for 1.25 hours of professional development. This panel was originally scheduled for December 21 and was postponed.

Thursday, January 20th


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Subscribe to All Our Kin on YouTube!

All Our Kin puts the recordings of many of its professional development workshops onto its YouTube channel. Make sure to subscribe to the All Our Kin channel, and you’ll get updates when we upload new content.


Join the All Our Kin Team

We have a number of exciting opportunities available! Visit our career page to learn more about open positions and how to apply.



Bronx: [email protected]; 917-933-3282

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