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Dear Jessica,

We’re thrilled to announce that in-person PD events will slowly return in the following weeks! We’ve missed seeing you and can’t wait to come together again!

As we work to provide a smooth and comfortable transition, we want to ensure that the safety of our staff and educators comes first. Everyone attending in-person PD events must be either fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or show a negative COVID test prior; and complete the COVID 19 Agreement form and Office Entry Survey before every visit. Additionally, all attendees must wear a mask when not eating or drinking. Onsite events will have hand sanitizer and masks available for use. 

We warmly welcome any questions or feedback about how we can best assure your comfort and safety. If you’d like to learn more about our protocols, or if you’re planning to attend an in-person event with us, please visit our event page on the AOK website.

In other exciting news, All Our Kin has recently launched the first ever Educator Advisory Council! The primary purpose of this coalition is to strengthen our work within the communities we serve. EACs will engage in a variety of activities including but not limited to helping inform All Our Kin’s priorities and activities at the local level, collaborating with site staff to provide feedback in key areas; informing our annual budget and so much more.

If you’re interested in advancing the work we do in Connecticut, please find more details here. Applications are due on March 18th and you can email Kate at kate@allourkin.org with any questions.

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event and continue to send our love and support!

In Solidarity,

The All Our Kin Team


Don't miss the chance to sign up for

All Our Kin's upcoming Business Series!

Learn the tools to successfully grow and operate your family child care business! This 10-week series will cover contracts and policies, marketing, risk management, accounting, record keeping for tax purposes, budgeting and financial management…and more! Registration for Danbury and Bridgeport closes TONIGHT!



State Budget

Two weeks ago Governor Lamont delivered his annual ‘State of the State’ address, praising child care educators for their role during the pandemic — but offering no new child care funding. This comes at a time when providers’ expenses are up, enrollment is down, parents can’t pay full tuition, and there is no more pandemic relief in sight. 

Fortunately the Governor’s budget is only the first step in a months-long process. Legislators are reviewing his proposals and hearing from the public. Educators like Katherine Lantigua, Owner/Director of KColorful Daycare in Bridgeport, are testifying about the budget’s impact on families and educators, and communicating with the Governor and state legislators to request $700 million in new state child care funding. The money would be used to improve Care4Kids rates and educators’ compensation next year and serve as a first step in a five-year proposal to expand child care for all Connecticut families.

This is a moment of extraordinary opportunity! It will take every educator and parent across the state to persuade elected officials to invest in child care. Here's what you can do to take action:

Tell Gov Lamont to Invest in Child Care!

Child Care for Connecticut’s Future has launched a petition calling for Governor Lamont to invest in a stronger and stable child care system. Sign their petition today in English or Spanish!

Spread the Word!

Help reach 4,000 signatures by the end of the week by spreading the word! Check out this toolkit with sample posts to share across your social media accounts.

Please feel free to adapt the language, personalize these posts, and/or write your own content.

Testify at a Budget Hearing

Have you always wanted to testify before the legislature? Are you ready to take the next step? We’re looking for educators willing to testify about the need for additional funding at Friday's Budget Hearing! All Our Kin staff will support you!

Please contact Jade Thomas at Jade@allourkin.org for more information. Deadline to sign up is tomorrow at 3pm! 

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Eliminating Housing and Zoning Discrimination Against Home-Based Educators

All Our Kin is working to pass a state bill that will strengthen protections for family and group child care programs. If you have experienced challenges with a landlord or housing and zoning and would like to share your story, please reach out to Jade at Jade@allourkin.org

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Come Together to Discuss All Our Kin’s Response

Please join us on February 28th from 6:30-8 pm, as educators from New Haven, Bridgeport, Stamford, Norwalk, Danbury and Hartford come together on Zoom to discuss All Our Kin’s response to the proposed state budget.

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New COVID Guidance

As of February 15th, the vaccination and testing requirement for child care facilities is no longer in effect. Starting March 1st, the Office of Early Childhood will no longer require mask wearing for children and child care staff. The OEC will continue to issue guidance to programs based on the recommendations of the CT Department of Public Health and the CDC. 

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CT Legislative Forum

The CT Early Childhood Alliance held a legislative forum on February 7th to talk with state policymakers about Connecticut’s early care and education industry. We’re proud to recognize family child care educator, Nichelle Waddell, who spoke about her experience trying to serve families in Stamford. Check out the recording here. Nichelle’s remarks start at the 18 minute mark.


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Circle of Security

Circle of Security is a powerful workshop series exploring the healing power of relationships and providing insight into what children’s behaviors are communicating. We are thrilled to host several Circle of Security offerings in both Bridgeport and New Haven! All sessions will be held separately in English and Spanish. 

Watch this clip to learn more about Circle of Security!


Eight-week series (in-person): Tuesdays starting on April 5

Call Pamela at 203-392-4574 to learn more and register.

New Haven:

Eight-week series (virtual): Tuesdays starting on April 7

*second session is Thursday, April 14

Refresher (virtual): Thursdays, March 31, April 7 & 14

Call Nancy at 203-301-8473 to learn more and register.

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The Connecticut's Nurse Association and the Office of Early Childhood have released the latest volume of their bulletin for family child care providers and FCC Networks!


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Apply for Free Internet Access!

With the support of the CT Office of Early Childhood, All Our Kin is looking to help provide Hotspot Internet devices to family child care educators in Connecticut, through the GEER project. If you have not received a hotspot device already and would like to apply, please fill out this form: Fill out this survey to apply today! 

For more information, contact Molly at molly@allourkin.org or at 203-876-8000.


Bridgeport: Bridgeport@allourkin.org; 203-392-4574

Danbury: Danbury@allourkin.org; 203-690-9726

New Haven: NewHaven@allourkin.org; 203-301-8473

Stamford/Norwalk: StamfordNorwalk@allourkin.org; 203-690-9726  

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