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Dear Jessica,,

For Women’s History Month, this year’s theme honors the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers and recognizes the endless ways women continue to provide both healing and hope. And while we at All Our Kin certainly aim to lift the voices of women all year long, this is a time that calls for extra love and support for the women around us — especially our family child care providers.

We’re grateful to work alongside you each day to elevate family child care and bring it to the spotlight! All Our Kin recently partnered with Robin Hood Foundation and Ed Trust at a press conference to release the results of their latest poll. It shows that over 60% of New Yorkers support increased investment in child care. Our very own Shanette Linton, the owner of Little Leaders Group Family Day Care in the Bronx, spoke on behalf of family child care educators and was featured in a video sharing the role home-based care plays in the lives of children and families.

Throughout the month, there are many ways that you can support the future of child care. Our collective voices have the power to reimagine what's possible. Check out this week’s newsletter for opportunities to get involved locally or reach out to our Communications Team at [email protected] to learn more.

Sending you our friendship and loving support.

In Solidarity,

The All Our Kin Team

Get Involved


Tell your New York State elected officials, “$5 Billion for Child Care NOW!”

The State legislature is making decisions about the state budget as we speak and they have not yet committed to $5 billion for child care! Write a letter to your State Senators and Assembly members telling them the time is NOW to invest $5 Billion in Child Care! Reach out to New York Policy Director, Steven Morales at [email protected] or call 718-739-1875 with any questions or for more ways to participate.


Testify at the New York City Council Budget Hearing

In addition to the New York State budget, New York City has its separate budget — decided on by the Mayor and the City Council every year. The City Council will host hearings throughout the month to hear what New Yorkers want to see in the budget. This is another opportunity to tell elected officials that they need to prioritize child care! If you would like to sign up to speak in a City Council hearing or submit written comments, click below. Choose either the Education or Economic Development hearings to speak about the importance of family child care.

And remember, we are always here to help! Email our New York Policy Director Steven Morales at [email protected], or call 718-739-1875 with any questions or assistance. 


Educator Advisory Councils: Apply by March 25th!

The deadline to apply to All Our Kin's Educator Advisory Councils (EAC) has been extended to March 25th! EAC is an exciting opportunity to help strengthen our work and impact within the communities we serve.

We’re looking for 3-5 educators from each network who will participate from April 2022 through March 2023. Orientation sessions will be held at the beginning of your term and translations will be provided at every meeting. You’ll receive a $1,000 stipend for your time and invaluable contribution.


Upcoming Events


Lunchtime with Educators

Join the All Our Kin Bronx team for our bi-monthly lunchtime connection. Enjoy a presentation from our business coaches and an educator spotlight. We look forward to coming together!


Thursday, March 24

1:30-2:30 pm



Bridgeport: [email protected]; 203-392-4574

Danbury: [email protected]; 203-690-9726

New Haven: [email protected]; 203-301-8473

Stamford/Norwalk: [email protected]; 203-690-9726  

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