Reminder: 2022 Professional Lecture Course for Articling Students
Online Surveys
Thanks to all members who completed the recent online surveys. They help inform Council and committees, and allow us to improve our practices.
The surveys have been posted to the AOLS members’ website under Member Tools/You’ve Had Your Say (link below). They include the following:
The survey on unauthorized practice
The strategic planning survey
A new member and articling student survey
The survey on unauthorized practice received a poor response and that might be an indication of the importance of this topic to members.
The new member and articling student survey was circulated across Canada. The results from Quebec have yet to be received and are therefore not included in these results.
This past March, AOLS launched a new Mentorship Program.
We recognize that the Association is going through a period of turnover. Over the last two years, we have licensed over 50 new members representing 10 percent of our membership. We also have several members considering retirement. Additionally, approximately 60 percent of our firms are operated by a sole practitioner who might find value in discussing complicated matters with another surveyor.
A mentorship program can be an easy way to improve practices and help provide better services to the public. As such, Council has chosen to establish a voluntary mentorship program.
The AOLS is facilitating the mentorship program but takes no responsibility for the quality of the mentorship experience. It is up to individual mentors and mentees to work out the relationship and ensure that it works for them.
We hope that members will consider becoming a mentor to help continue the strong profession that we have.
Please click here for the Application to Article Notice.
Those wishing to article must submit the completed forms (PART I only – in the notice linked above) to the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors by no later than Friday, August 19, 2022.
Please DO NOT send credit card information via email.
The Academic and Experience Requirements Committee will consider the applications at its meeting scheduled for October 18, 2022.
Do not hesitate to contact Lena at if you have any questions or concerns.
Reminder: 2022 Professional Lecture Course for Articling Students
Attention all articling students,
The 2022 Professional Lecture Course for articling students is scheduled from Monday, September 26 through Friday, September 30, 2022.
The Lecture Course is available to all students at any time during their articling period, however at least 6 months of articling experience is preferable. Attendance at the Lecture Course is compulsory before being able to sit the Professional Examinations.
Please feel free to contact Lena Kassabian at if you require any assistance.
Click here for the archives page for the latest Horizon and e-communiqué
Stay informed about what is happening in your national surveyor community!
Do you have suggestions for AOLS In Sight?
If you have information that you think will be of interest to other members, please let us know by Your input is always welcome!