Over the last few months, the staff and Directors of AORA have started to implement several first-year projects in our AORA National Strategic Plan 2020-2023.

You may recall that the new Strategic Plan sets a clear and ambitious vision and mission for AORA:

Recycling and reuse of organic materials within a circular economy is widely understood and supported by Australians.

AORA works with all stakeholders to facilitate an operating environment which maximises the recycling and reuse of organic materials, and promotes the benefits of compost, soil conditioners and mulches across the Australian community and business.

Over the same period, I have talked a lot about the policy and advocacy work being undertaken for our members and industry. Naturally enough, this is vital work and central to achieving our mission of facilitating “an operating environment which maximises the recycling and reuse of organic materials”. However, it is not the only important work in year one of the Strategic Plan.

Amongst the other projects we are working on, those under Objective 3 directly impact everything we deliver for our members and supporters.

Objective 3 states that “AORA is a successful and sustainable business with outstanding delivery of member needs”.
Projects 3.2 and 3.3 are especially important:

3.2 Review membership structures, targets, costs, and marketing approaches to deliver a new and more flexible membership approach for FY2021-22.

3.3 Review the differing approaches to member service delivery nationally to ensure a minimum standard of service delivery and relationship management across the organisation.

We are about to commence a consultative process at the state level to gain a better understanding of our member’s views and needs. But in the meantime, I’d like to ask you directly what you think about this.

  • What does AORA do well for our members and supporters?
  • What should we be doing better?
  • What should we be doing that we aren’t?
  • What are we doing that we shouldn’t?
  • What would you change in your membership package, if you could?

I’d love to hear from you – your views are vital to shaping AORA’s future. Get in touch at [email protected]

Peter Olah
National Executive Officer