Weekly News & Updates

Second Week of May

Fun Spring Fact

Did you know the red tulip is a symbol of hope for those with Parkinson's?

In 1980, a Dutch horticulturalist who had PD developed a red and white tulip and named it "Dr. James Parkinson.” 

Now that spring has sprung, APDA hopes that you have a chance to tiptoe through the tulips near you or get a bouquet of tulips to dress up your home.

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Did you miss Dr. Gilbert Hosts: Meet Our APDA Researchers

Sometimes it is difficult to understand how Parkinson’s disease (PD) research that is being done now in a lab will benefit people with PD in “real life”. In this special episode of Dr. Gilbert Hosts, we spoke to APDA-funded researchers about their current research projects to help explain how their work is designed to help people with PD.

  • Dr. James Liao will discuss his research using augmented reality to help freezing of gait in PD
  • Dr. Ryan Roemmich will discuss his research using remote video-based movement assessments to monitor people with PD
  • Dr. David Standaert, the Chairman of APDA's Scientific Advisory Board, will help us understand the important process by which APDA selects which grants to fund.

Click HERE to view the broadcast.

*Due to some technical difficulties, you’ll see we were unable to hear from one of our special guests, Dawn Jackson, during this broadcast. We apologize for this inconvenience.


Click HERE to learn more about the Regatta & Register

Powerful Tools for Caregivers - New 2023 Summer & Fall Classes

Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes help care partners take better care of themselves, while caring for a loved one, specifically one living with PD.

In person program in Seattle on Wednesdays beginning June 14 through July 19 from 11am - 12:30pm.

Virtual programs starting in September.

For more information click HERE.

Newly Diagnosed?

Diagnosed with Parkinson's within the past 5 years? Join us for one of our 8-week PRESS programs beginning in September. The program provides connection, education and resources.

SEPT 2023

  • In-person APDA Seattle office 9/7 thru 10/26
  • Virtual 9/5 thru 10/24

For more information, click HERE.

Looking for Exercise Programs?

Browse groups in our 5-State region HERE

Find Virtual Classes HERE

Looking for a Virtual or In-Person Support Group?

Browse groups in our 5-State region HERE


Check out this NEW PROGRAM in Shoreline

From our friends at the Parkinson's Wellness Place

The TREBLE Makers of PD

Tremor Rigidity Expressiveness Bradykinesia Loneliness Emotional health

tre·ble (verb) to make or become three times as large


Using theater exercises to battle the motor and non-motor symptoms of PD, this class is fun, engaging and entertaining all while fighting back against Parkinson’s. The instructors modify the exercises to accommodate the individuals in each class so rest assured the class is appropriate for all folks diagnosed with Parkinson’s.


Monday's and Wednesday's

Time: 10:00am to 11:00am

Location: Shoreline Senior Center, Wellness Room

Cost: Sliding Scale $0-70 per month


For more information or to sign up, please contact Parkinson’s Wellness Place at (360) 568-0588 or

A Closer Look with Dr. Rebecca Gilbert

Suggest a Blog Topic for Dr. Gilbert

A Closer Look aims to address both timely and timeless topics related to Parkinson’s disease (PD). In addition, we focus on practical, take-home tips that can be gleaned from the information discussed. We also want to address topics that are of interest to you, our readers, people impacted by PD who are striving to live each day to the fullest. We encourage you to suggest blog topics.

Dr. Rebecca Gilbert, APDA, Chief Scientific Officer

Suggest a Topic

Parkinson's Disease & Body Temperature Regulation | APDA

Our bodies are programmed to keep our internal temperature at a near-constant point, using very complex mechanisms. Parkinson's disease (PD) can unfortunately interfere with this regulation, and it can significantly affect quality of life when these mechanisms don't work well. Without proper temperature regulation, a person may feel that they are too hot or too cold.

Read More
Looking for Parkinson's Resources?
Funds raised by our organization support services and research that help everyone with Parkinson's disease live life to the fullest.
Here are just a few of those services (click on the names to learn more): 
Every day, we provide the support, education, and research that will help everyone impacted by Parkinson's disease live life to the fullest.
Visit our Website

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And as always, we are here for you!

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