Summer 2019 

Recent happenings highlight the same challenges migrants and refugees have been experiencing the past couple of years. The largest wave of worldwide migration and the plight of countless people presents a critical crisis that calls our attention to the needs of our brothers and sisters and challenge us. 

Pope Francis in his 2019 Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees attributed this bleak scenario to violent conflicts, economic and social imbalances on a local and global scale.  On top of this is the sad culture of global indifference, insensitivity to the sufferings of the poor and the wrong attitude of putting the blame on them. Our Holy Father warns us "the marginalization and exclusion of refugees is a sign of moral decline."

The negative reactions toward the many migrants and refugees who enter our country is alarming. It is a fact that aside from the Latinos and Africans, Asians are now the largest group of immigrants and refugees knocking at our doors and seeking not only a warm welcome but a better future for themselves. Unfortunately, the unhealthy climate of rejection and racial intolerance that is contrary to our Christian tradition and Gospel values prevails. Irrespective of who arrives into our country, it is imperative we do not forget they are our neighbors, one like us with equal human dignity as children of God. 

Our faith impels us to express the soothing and healing balm of compassion and mercy to those in need. After all, Pope Francis said such "acts of charity enriches us and enables us to be more human and recognize ourselves as participants in a greater collectivity understanding that our life is a gift for others and our goal is not our own interest but the good of humanity "(Address at a Mosque in Baku, October 2016).

Our ministry becomes more challenging under these circumstances. It highlights the necessity and relevance of what the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs is undertaking as we embark on the dissemination and implementation of the USCCB document - Encountering Christ in Harmony: A Pastoral Response to Our Asian and Pacific Island Brothers and Sisters. It is a valuable resource for Church leaders, parish ministers and faith communities and also other cultural groups presenting recommendations and ideas on how to reach out to Asian and Pacific Islanders. 

It implies that the culture of Christian hospitality does not stop in welcoming and embracing refugees and immigrants. It extends from recognizing their presence to full integration into our faith community, opening the doors wide for their full participation in the life of the Church and essential formation as missionary disciples of Christ.
Pope Francis, in his message, reminds us that the challenges we face these days "is not just about migrants but it is about building the city of God and man." 

Migrants and refugees "are no longer strangers and sojourners but are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God (Eph 2:39). They are sacraments of God's presence in our world. The richness of cultural and religious diversity they bring creates a colorful mosaic where every piece contributes to the uniqueness and beauty of the whole . They are the antidote against the culture of exclusion and selfishness and valuable assets not liabilities; not a threat to be feared, but blessings to be received. Migrants and refugees inspire and call us to renewal of our hearts, so we can fulfill  God's plan to build a civilization of love, justice and peace in our world. 

Have a blessed and restful summer!
Most Reverend Oscar Solis 
Bishop of Salt Lake City 
Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Islanders Affairs   

  1. 17th Annual Asian and Pacific Island Catholics Marian Pilgrimage - Find out how pilgrims from various Asian and Pacific Island communities gathered in Washington, DC for the 17th Annual Asian and Pacific Island Catholics Marian Pilgrimage by reading the article by Carolyn Ng of Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission.
2.  Korean Bishop's Pastoral Visit to the USCCB - Read a short article about Bishop John Baptist Moon Hee-jong's (Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Suwon, South Korea, and President of the Committee for Foreign Mission Work and Pastoral Care of Overseas Koreans for the Catholic Bishops Conference of Korea) pastoral visit to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

3.  New Chinese-American Permanent Deacon for Baltimore - Learn more about the ordination of the first permanent deacon of Chinese ancestry for the Archdiocese of Baltimore by reading the article by newly ordained Deacon Christopher Yeung.

Upcoming Events

July 4-6, 2019 - The Laotian Catholic National Conference will be held at St. George Catholic Church in Fort Worth, TX. The theme of this event is "I am the good shepherd" (John 10:1-21).

July 6, 2019 -  Mass in celebration of Most Rev. Ignatius Wang's 60th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco, CA. The Mass will be live streamed.

August 4, 2019 - The Archdiocese of Chicago's Asian Community Mass will be held at St. Margaret Mary Church in Chicago, IL. 

August 31-September 1, 2019 - The National Conference of Burmese-American Catholics (NCBAC) 10th Annual Gathering will be held at Trinity High School in Camp Hill, PA.

December 6-7, 2019 - The Encountering Christ in Harmony focus workshop  will be held at the California Catholic Ministry Conference in San Jose, CA.  For more information, check the website.


Rooted in Tradition: The Chamorro Catholics in the United States (Product Code 7-572) - A new edition to the small book series about a people indigenous to the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific, the Chamorros have a strong Catholic heritage, which they brought with them to the United States.

Resettling in Place: A Vietnamese American Catholic Experience  (Product Code 7-480) - This small book is a snapshot description about a community who rebuilt their faith life by sustaining family values, culture, and Catholic devotional practices.

Harmony in Faith: Korean American Catholics (Product Code 7-479) - This small book on Korean American Catholics connects each believer to their roots in Korea, weaving through thick layers of their history of faith.

Product Code 7-606) - This pastoral letter against racism the US Catholic bishops call on fellow clergy and all Catholics to help change racist attitudes and acts to conform to the moral order established by God, in which men and women of all races are honored as brothers and sisters.