We celebrate on Christmas the birthday of the promised Messiah and Savior of the world. We remember the deep significance of the mystery of Incarnation, when the Son of God took human nature and dwelt among us (Jn 1:14).
This special moment in human history of the WORD made flesh means so much to us. At a time when many people have become indifferent to God, denying and pushing away His presence in the world, we rejoice in the divine economy of salvation as God makes heaven meet earth and establishes His union with humanity.
Christmas brings this enduring message of God's salvific love in His Son Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the transforming power of His grace in our world and offers us the much-needed hope, joy and peace the world is longing for in the midst of difficulties brought about by senseless violence, poverty, natural calamities and polarization.
During these trying times, God assures us of His abiding presence. Faithful to His promise, the Emmanuel remains with us, never abandons us, and shares with us the joy as well as the pain and suffering life in this world brings.
As we celebrate Christmas, let us reflect on this great mystery of our faith and open our hearts to recognize and embrace God's gracious gift of His Son reaching out to us with His merciful love.
Christ broke the barriers of sin that separates us from God and one another and built the bridge of unity with His love. This is a critical moment to welcome a new beginning and a new relationship of humanity's communion with God.
Christmas announces the dawn of salvation and God's invitation to communion with Him. Let us pray together, that through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, the blessings of Christ's birth help us be one with God and with one another, empower us to overcome divisions and inspire us to be instruments of God's love, mercy and unity, that all people can live in harmony, joy and peace.
I pray that the Infant Jesus blesses you and your loved ones with a Merry Christmas and a grace-filled New Year!
Bishop Oscar Solis
Bishop of Salt Lake City